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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Feathers are Items obtained by killing Birds. There are three feather types; Jet Feather, Crimson Feather, and Azure Feather. They can be obtained by killing birds by weapons or by "Murdering" them in the inventory after capturing them alive. Each bird has a 50% chance to drop its feather, excluding Pengulls, which have only a 20% chance of dropping theirs.

Gift Icon.png Downloadable Content

In all DLCs, Feathers can be used as fuel, providing about 15 seconds of fire in a Fire Pit.

In the Reign of Giants DLC, all 3 feather types can be found by destroying Tumbleweeds or as a "gift" from a Catcoon. Tumbleweeds have a mere 0.33% chance of dropping up to 3 Feathers. The DLC also introduces Buzzards, which have a 33% chance of dropping a Jet Feather when killed.

In the Shipwrecked DLC, all 3 feather types can be found by digging Sandy Piles with a 1% chance. The DLC also replaces the birds from the base game with different ones of the same color, red Parrots, black Toucans, Cormorants, and white Seagulls. The DLC also introduces Parrot Pirate, which drops a Crimson Feather when killed. Eyeshots can be used to capture birds alive.

Jet Feather

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Woodlegs Portrait.png
Thet feather be mighty oily.

Woodlegs, when examining a Jet Feather.

Crimson Feather

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Red as my hair.

Wigfrid, when examining a Crimson Feather.

Azure Feather

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Webber Portrait.png
Feather of white.

Webber, when examining an Azure Feather.

Hamlet icon.png Thunder Feather

Exclusive to: Hamlet icon.png

Wormwood Portrait.png
Zzzt Tweeter clothes

Wormwood, when examining a Thunder Feather.

In the Hamlet DLC, the Thunder Feather is obtained by killing Thunderbirds. It is used to craft the Thunderhat. All three normal feather types also have a 4% chance of dropping from Smashing Pots.

Icon Tools.png Usage

Jet Feather.png
Science Machine.png
Feather Pencil.png
Jet Feather.png
Bone Shards.png
Bone Shards.png
Alchemy Engine.png
Jet Feather.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Science Machine.png
Sleep Dart.png
Crimson Feather.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Science Machine.png
Fire Dart.png
Azure Feather.png
Hound's Tooth.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Science Machine.png
Blow Dart.png
Jet Feather.png
Jet Feather.png
Jet Feather.png
Crimson Feather.png
Crimson Feather.png
Tentacle Spots.png
Tentacle Spots.png
Alchemy Engine.png
Feather Hat.png
Crimson Feather.png
Crimson Feather.png
Crimson Feather.png
Pig Skin.png
Pig Skin.png
Science Machine.png
Summer Frest.png
Reign of Giants icon.png
Jet Feather.png
Venom Gland.png
Cut Reeds.png
Cut Reeds.png
Science Machine.png
Poison Dart.png
Shipwrecked icon.png
Jet Feather.png
Pig Beautician.png
Hamlet icon.png
Crimson Feather.png
Pig Beautician.png
Hamlet icon.png
Azure Feather.png
Pig Beautician.png
Hamlet icon.png
Thunder Feather.png
Pig Beautician.png
Hamlet icon.png
Azure Feather.png




Pig Skin.png


Science Machine.png
Hogus Porkusator.png
Hamlet icon.png
Thunder Feather.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Alchemy Engine.png
Hamlet icon.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Before the Strange New Powers update, Crimson Feathers were called Redbird Feathers, Jet Feathers were called Crow Feathers, and Azure Feathers were called Snowbird Feathers. This has been changed thanks to the addition of Pengulls since they also drop Jet Feathers.
  • Saffron Feathers were introduced in the Warts and All update.

Blueprint.png Gallery