Surprising Seed

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An exotic seed that is very demanding on its growing conditions. There's a time and place for everything...

-Scrapbook Description

Surprising Seed can be found in Sunken Chests. Seeds have two conditions, and in order for them to grow, one of them must be met. Each seed has a turf and a season when it grows. The first option for the seed from which Gloomthorn will grow has the conditions: winter season or Marsh Turf. The second option for the seed from which Sproutrock will grow has the conditions: summer season or Rocky Turf. If the character says that the seed cannot grow in response to one of the two conditions, then it is a different type of seed. You can understand when a seed meets the required condition by reading the character’s quotes about the planted seed. When a seed meets the required condition, it will grow after 3 - 7 days. If the seed's conditions were winter season or Marsh Turf, you will get Young Gloomthorn. If the seed's conditions were summer season or Rocky Turf, you will get Young Sproutrock

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