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Gloomthorn is one of two ancient trees that grows from Surprising Seed. To grow Gloomthorn, you need to meet one of two conditions: winter season or Marsh Turf. If you met one of those conditions but your character still says that the seed can't grow, it means that it is seed for a Sproutrock. If your character says that everything is okay with the seed, it means that the seed will grow into a Young Gloomthorn after 3 - 7 days.

Young Gloomthorn then need to meet a second condition to grow (winter season or Marsh Turf). If all conditions were respected, after 8-12 days a Young Gloomthorn will grow into an adult Gloomthorn.

After 25 days in the adult stage it will grow 4 Nightberries that you can pick only at night. For Gloomthorn to regrow, it has to stay on Marsh Turf and it then will grow Nightberries every 25 days.

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