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For the Event chests containing skins, see Treasury.

Wendy Portrait.png
For which to contain my lucre.


A container with 9 slots.

-Scrapbook Description

A Chest is a storage Structure. It requires 3 Boards to build and a Science Machine to prototype. It has 9 storage slots. Items can be stored in a Chest by dragging them onto it or by opening the Chest to place them in specific slots. Chests help keep items better organized than by dropping them on the ground. Animals also cannot eat Food kept in Chests except for Splumonkeys, who can knock items out of them as well as Bearger. Also, Krampus is able to break Chests in order to steal the items inside.

Backpacks, Piggybacks, and Krampus Sacks cannot be stored in Chests, even if the containers are empty. However, they can be used as an alternative storage space if for some reason the player is unable to craft a Chest.

In both Sandbox Mode and Adventure Mode, Chests are occasionally found pre-built in the world. These are natural Set Pieces and they may contain traps set by Maxwell, causing various effects such as:

During Summer, Chests, as with many structures, can spontaneously combust. A smoking effect will appear, in which time the player must either extinguish the smouldering. Using one's hands causes damage. If this is not done in time, the object will combust and burn. The alternative way to solve this is by using a Scaled Chest.

Icon Tools.png Usage

Tall Chest.png

Tall Chest

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
This content is available only after activating the Map Icon Lunar Rift.png Lunar Rift

Wilson Portrait.png
It's been sizably improved.


A Chest can be upgraded into a Tall Chest if combined with an Elastispacer. Tall Chests also have 9 storage slots but without a stack limit. It will show "999+" when it contains more than 999 items. For items that exceed stack limits, they can only be taken out as one max stack at a time.

The Tall Chest can be differentiated from a regular Chest by its elongated model, as well as a golden frame in the UI design of the inventory.

Collapsed Chest

Wilson Portrait.png
The laws of physics have been bent and broken.


If a Tall Chest that contains a large number of items is destroyed, then instead of items falling out, a broken version of it will appear in its place, along with some of items. The player can pick on the Collapsed Chest to get one stack of the items at at time, or you can repair it with the materials of a Chest plus a Enlightened Shard, in which case the chest will be restored with all the resources inside.

When a boat with a Tall Chest is destroyed, it will only leave some part of the items but no Collapsed Chest, meaning that the player will lose the rest of items forever.

The Collapsed Chest is not burnable.

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Belongings

  • The Woven - Elegant Brute Case skin was introduced during the official Hallowed Nights event in 2018.
  • The Timeless Lovely Chest skin was originally awarded for playing Don't Starve Together during the official Year of the Beefalo event in 2021. As of January 27, 2022, the Loyal version of this skin was available in the Klei Rewards shop for 1,200 Klei Points.
  • The Timeless Ancient King's Chest skin is awarded for solving the Metheus Puzzles, along with the Ancient Cane.
  • The Proof of Purchase Calico Chester Chest skin is obtained by purchasing the Calico Chester from the Klei Store.
  • The Event Gingerbread Chest skin does not drop normally. Instead, it is usable by everyone during the official Winter's Feast event.
  • The Woven - Distinguished Corrupted Chest and Crimson Chest skin was introduced in the An Eye for An Eye update in 2021, as a crossover collaboration with Re-Logic's Terraria. Its rarity was Inspired - Distinguished initially, but received change in August 19, 2022.
  • The Loyal Celebratory Cake Chest was given out to everyone in honor of the decade of Don't Starve from April 27, 2023.
  • The Woven - Distinguished Flock's Chest skin was introduced in the Cult of the Lamb Crossover update in 2023, as a crossover collaboration with Cult of the Lamb.

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  • The Tall Chest was introduced in the Scrappy Scavengers update.
  • Despite the fact that it is believed that tall chests can contain an infinite number of items in one cell. In fact, the number of items in a cell can be a maximum of 4,294,967,296

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • If a Chest is burned, the option to open it may appear, and if the player tries to open it the game will crash.

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