Battle Calls

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Wigfrid

Battle Calls are seven Wigfrid-exclusive items craftable in the Survivor Items Filter in Don't Starve Together. They can be used to give nearby players boosts to their abilities when her Inspiration meter goes up, and others can be used for an instant effect at the cost of Inspiration. They're not destroyed on use. Attempting to sing a Battle Song without an effect slot free or enough Inspiration to cast the instant effect will result in a special animation being played. The effects are cumulative if several Wigfrid players sing the same song.

Battle Song

Weaponized Warble

Wigfrid Portrait.png
The nötes döth imbue my weapöns with their sharpness!


Reduce wear on your weapons by 25% while listening.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Weaponized Warble reduces weapon durability drain by 25% while active. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Sewing Kit.

Weaponized Warble only works for weapons that lose durability by use. It won't affect tools, Darts, the Morning Star, or the Ham Bat

Heartrending Ballad

Wigfrid Portrait.png
I will serenade my enemies ön their jöurney tö Valhalla!


Wigfrid and nearby allies will heal when fighting. Wigfrid will heal a little more too.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Heartrending Ballad grants extra healing to nearby players when fighting mobs. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Life Giving Amulet.

It grants +1 Health Meter.png per hit for players other than Wigfrid, but only +0.5 Health Meter.png for Wigfrid players.

Clear Minded Cadenza

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A stirring battle söng tö clear the head.


Wigfrid and nearby allies will restore sanity when fighting.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Clear Minded Cadenza gives +1 Sanity Meter.png per hit landed on enemies. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Moon Moth Wings.

Bel Canto of Courage

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A röusing anthem tö inspire bravery in battle!


Scary creatures seem about half as frightening when you're listening to this beautiful song.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Bel Canto of Courage halves sanity drain auras. This will also halve sanity gain from auras converted by the Bee Queen Crown. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Thulecite Medallion.

Fireproof Falsetto

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A fiery perförmance shalt shield me fröm the föul burn öf my enemy's gaze.


Wigfrid and nearby allies will not take fire damage.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Fireproof Falsetto grants immunity against fire damage. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Spittlefish.

Dark Lament

Wigfrid Portrait.png
I shall sing of sweet darkness.


Wigfrid and nearby allies take 10% less damage from Shadow Aligned enemies and deal 5% bonus damage to Lunar Aligned enemies.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Dark Lament grants Wigfrid and nearby players +5% protection against Shadow Aligned mobs and +5% damage to Lunar Aligned enemies. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil and 3 Pure Horror after the Shadow Chanteuse skill is unlocked.

Enlightened Lullaby

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Do not fear, my song shall show us the light.


Wigfrid and nearby allies take 10% less damage from Lunar Aligned enemies and deal 5% bonus damage to Shadow Aligned enemies.
This is a Battle Song. Wigfrid must continue to sing for its benefit.

-Scrapbook Description

The Enlightened Lullaby grants Wigfrid and nearby players +5% protection against Lunar Aligned mobs and +5% damage to Shadow Aligned enemies. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil and 3 Pure Brilliance after the Lunar Melodist skill is unlocked.

Battle Stinger

Rude Interlude

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A well aimed insult can turn the tide in battle.


Draw the attention of nearby enemies.
This is a Battle Stinger as it completes in an instant.

-Scrapbook Description

The Rude Interlude draws attention of nearby enemies towards Wigfrid, turning them hostile. It's an instant effect song, so it costs 16 Inspiration to sing. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Toma Root.

Startling Soliloquy

Wigfrid Portrait.png
My very wörds art enöugh tö make my föes tremble!


Panic nearby enemies.
This is a Battle Stinger as it completes in an instant.

-Scrapbook Description

The Startling Soliloquy makes nearby enemies panic for 6 seconds. It's an instant effect song, so it costs 16 Inspiration to sing. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil, and 1 Purple Gem.

Warrior's Reprise

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A melody lively enough to rouse the dead!


Revive up to 2 nearby allied players.
This is a Battle Stinger as it completes in an instant.

-Scrapbook Description

The Warrior's Reprise revives 2 nearby Ghost Players at once. It can be crafted using 1 Papyrus, 1 Feather Pencil and 3 Down Feathers after the Encore skill is unlocked.

Similar to Life Giving Amulet, the players who got revived by the Warrior's Reprise will not get max health penalty.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Clear Minded Cadenza and especially Bel Canto of Courage can be very effective at combating enemies with strong Sanity-draining auras, such as Deerclops, Shadow Pieces, or the Ancient Fuelweaver.
  • Rude Interlude can be useful when fighting Bee Queen, Dragonfly, and other bosses that summon backup, allowing Wigfrid to aggro their minions and protect other players.
  • Fireproof Falsetto can protect the team against fires, an enraged Dragonfly, Lavae and Klaus's Red Gem Deer spell.
  • Startling Soliloquy can be helpful to scare off Grumble Bees during the Bee Queen fight or to prevent Klaus's Gem Deer from casting magic for a time.
  • Heartrending Ballad works well with the Bat Bat to leech health every time Wigfrid hits a foe.

Placeholder.png Trivia

Blueprint.png Gallery