Swamp Brawler Helmet

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The Swamp Brawler Helmet is a special armor item for Merm Guards. Merm Guards that are close to an Armermry and do not have an item equipped on their head will craft for themselves a Swamp Brawler Helmet and equip it. Every craft of a helmet by Merm Guards will use 1 Log and 1 Cut Grass.

The player can get this tool as a drop from Merm Guards that were using it. Players can't equip this item.

Swamp Warrior Helmet

The Swamp Warrior Helmet is a special armor for Merm Guards and a stronger version of the Swamp Brawler Helmet. Merm Guards that are close to a Superior Armermry and do not have an item equipped on their head will craft for themselves a Swamp Warrior Helmet and equip it. Every craft of a helmet by Merm Guards will use 1 Log and 1 Cut Grass.

The player can get this tool as a drop from Merm Guards that were using it. Players can't equip this item.