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The Portasol is an item that can be crafted and used only by Winona with the "Founder's Keepers II" skill. Winona can get the craft if you use Calibrated Perceiver on one of Unstable Transmission. It will lose energy after every teleport (7%) and during the rain. Portasols restore charge when dropped near Winona's Generator or Winona's G.E.M.erator.

Winona players with "Founder's Keepers II" skill can use Portasol to teleport to the nearest powered Teletransport Station. If there is more than one Teletransport Station, using the Portasol while standing on one of Teletransport Stations will teleport to the other nearest Teletransport Station.

When a player is teleporting, it can teleport dropped items and mobs that are very close to them. The player can also teleport while sitting on a Beefalo.