Handy Remote

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Handy Remote is a special item that can be crafted and used only by Winona with the "Portability" skill.

Every use of Handy Remote spends 1% of its energy. To charge Handy Remote, the player needs to drop it near Winona's Generator or Winona's G.E.M.erator. One day near a generator will charge it to 100%.

Handy Remote has 4 skills. Shadow and Enlightened Strikes replace each other (you can also mix these skills and get Planar Strike).

Arm Catapult Icon.pngArm Catapult

Winona with the "Portability" skill can use the Handy Remote to turn Winona's Catapults on and off.

Target Icon.pngTarget

Winona with the "Precise Targeting" skill can use the Handy Remote to set a target for all Winona's Catapults within range of the player's Handy Remote.

Barrage Icon.pngBarrage

Winona with the "Barrage" skill can use the Handy Remote to make all Winona's Catapults within range fire 50% faster for 20 seconds.

Shadow Strike Icon.pngShadow Strike

Winona with the "Shadow Strike" skill can use the Handy Remote to make Shadow Strikes with her Winona's Catapult. Shadow Strike will deal 0 physical damage and 120 planar damage. It will spawn a temporary patch of thorny vines that slows and deals damage to any creatures moving within it. Vines do not deal damage to friendly followers. Shadow Strike will work only on catapults charged by Pure Horror (using the "Pure Horror Generator skill").

Enlightened Strike Icon.pngEnlightened Strike

Winona with the "Enlightened Strike" skill can use the Handy Remote to make Enlightened Strikes with her Winona's Catapult. Enlightened Strike will deal 0 physical damage and 120 planar damage. It will also destroy some natural objects such as boulders or trees. Enlightened Strike will work only on catapults charged by Pure Brilliance (using the "Brilliance G.E.M.erator skill").

Planar Strike Icon.pngPlanar Strike

Winona with the "Enlightened Strike" and "Shadow Strike" skill can use the Handy Remote to make Enlightened Strikes and Shadow Strikes at the same time with her Winona's Catapult. This Strike will deal 0 physical damage and 120 planar damage. It will destroy some natural objects such as boulders or trees and spawn a temporary patch of thorny vines that slows and deals damage to any creatures moving within it. Vines do not deal damage to friendly followers. This Strike will work only on catapults charged by Pure Brilliance from Winona's G.E.M.erator and Pure Horror from Winona's Generator at the same time (using the "Brilliance G.E.M.erator skill").

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