Fish Food

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Woodie Portrait.png
Smells bad, but the fish love it.


Attracts a school of fish when thrown into the ocean.

-Scrapbook Description

The Fish Food is an Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them. It can be obtained from the level 8 Crabby Hermit in exchange for 1 Empty Bottle.

Player can also use 5 Empty Bottles to trade Fish Food Blueprint with the level 8 Crabby Hermit. It requires 2 Rots, 3 Barnacles and 1 Silk to craft 1 Fish Food.

Fish food can be thrown into the Ocean to attract nearby Ocean Fishes and create new temporary schools of fish if there are not too many fish nearby. This effect lasts 20 seconds.

When thrown, similiar to the Napsack, it creates a cloud.

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