Exclusive to: Mushroom Lights are Don't Starve Together exclusive objects, introduced in A New Reign. There are two types of Mushroom Lights, Mushlight and Glowcap. Their respective Blueprints can be found by killing a Toadstool or from opening a Loot Stash after killing a Klaus.
Both Mushlight and Glowcap have 4 slots. In these, players can place Light Bulbs, Glow Berries, Lesser Glow Berries, Mushroom Spores, Festive Lights, Crustashines or Enlightened Shards for the lights to function. The lights also act like an Ice Box and slow down the spoilage of the items put inside by 75%, extending the spoilage time by four times. Light Bulbs that spoil inside a mushroom light will drop as rot on the ground nearby. If an Enlightened Shard is placed in the Mushroom Lights, all perishable items in the inventory will not spoil, making it a great infinite light source. Festive Lights can also be used for infinite source of light, as they will still glow even when they reach 0%.
The Mushlight is a light source that can accept all items listed above except for Mushroom Spores. The light emitted by a Mushlight will always be white, regardless of the colors of Festive Lights and Enlightened Shards placed inside.
The more items placed inside, the bigger the light radius will be. However, one Enlightened Shard is enough to make a Mushlight to emit max level lights.
The Glowcap is an advanced version of the Mushlight, having a more expensive recipe. Unlike the Mushlight, the Glowcap is able to accept Mushroom Spores. The players can customize its color by placing Mushroom Spores, Festive Lights and colored Enlightened Shards inside the Glowcap. Light Bulbs, Glow Berries, Crustashines and empty Enlightened Shards will produce white light.
By mixing multiple colors in a Glowcap, one can obtain different color tones besides of red, green, and blue:
Purple - 1 Red Spores, 3 Blue Spore
Pink - 3 Light Bulbs, 1 Red Spore
Yellow - 2 Red Spores, 2 Green Spores
Orange - 3 Red Spores, 1 Green Spore
White - 1 of each spore type, leaving 1 slot empty.
Cyan - 2 Blue Spores, 2 Green Spores
The more items placed inside, the bigger the light radius will be. However, one Enlightened Shard is enough to make a Glowcap to emit max level lights.
The Woven - Elegant Lilycap Light skin was introduced during the official Year of the Carrat event in 2020.
The Woven - Elegant Mushlamp Post skin was introduced during the official Year of the Beefalo event in 2021.
The Loyal Eclectic Glowcap skin was awarded for watching 3 hours of Don't Starve Together on Twitch from November 23, 2022 to December 8, 2022.
Woven - Elegant Cawnival Lamp These mushrooms have a warm glow that reminds you of summer. See ingame
Woven - Elegant Lilycap Light If a suaver lamp was ever made out of a mushroom, the world has yet to see it. See ingame
Woven - Elegant Mushlamp Post "Nothing creates an ambiance quite like a glowing fungus." See ingame
Loyal Eclectic Glowcap Put this living work of art someplace where it will really shine! See ingame
The Woven - Elegant Festive Fungal Lamp skin was introduced during the official Winter's Feast event in 2019.
The Woven - Elegant Nouveau Mushlamp skin was introduced during the official Year of the Carrat event in 2020.
The Loyal Mosaic Mushlamp skin was awarded for watching 3 hours of Don't Starve Together on Twitch from January 19, 2023 to February 6, 2023.
Woven - Elegant Festive Fungal Lamp Merry and bright. See ingame
Woven - Elegant Nouveau Mushlamp This mushlamp isn't any brighter a regular lamp [sic], but it'll make guests think you're extremely cultured. See ingame
Loyal Mosaic Mushlamp This mushlamp was made to dazzle. See ingame
The Mushlight and the Glowcap were introduced in the Warts and All update.
Some color combinations of the Glowcap will emit slightly smaller radius than white light, despite being 4 items placed.
Mushlight as seen in the poster for the Warts and All update.