Floating Lantern

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Map Icon Gobbler Shrine.png Year of the Gobbler, Map Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg, Pig Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Pig King, Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat, Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Beefalo, Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon, Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman and Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly

Webber Portrait.png
We like to watch it paddle around.


Floating Lanterns are items exclusive to New Year events in Don't Starve Together. They can be acquired in exchange for 3 Lucky Gold Nugget at a Shrine.

When placed on the ground, they emit light in a small radius for a duration of 6 Days. They also float around slowly when placed in the Ocean. They spontaneously combust upon expiring.

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