Dragonfly Boat

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Dragonfly Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Dragonfly
Glommer's Flower.png See also: Float Platform

The Dragonfly Boat is a structure exclusive to Don't Starve Together. Besides its size is smaller than a Boat, its function is exactly the same. It also has 200 Boat Meter (DST).png like Boats. It takes damage by colliding with Sea Stacks, Salt Formations, coasts, or the border of the world. Taking damage can create a Leak on the boat that does constant damage (-0.5 Boat Meter (DST).png/s per small leak and -1 Boat Meter (DST).png/s per large leak) until a Boat Patch, Kelp Patch, Trusty Tape or Tree Jam is used on the leak. When Boat Meter (DST).png reaches 0, it will not drop anything.

Given that it is smaller, only 4 of the Bumpers can be placed around the edge of the Dragonfly Boat, and they will prevent the collision from all angles like 8 bumpers on a Boat.


When damaged, the Boat can be repaired by the following materials. Trusty Tape and Tree Jam can only be used on Leaks.

Material Repair Value
Boat Patch.png Boat Patch 25 (repair leak)
Boards.png Boards 50
Living Log.png Living Log 37.5
Twigs.png Twigs 13
Log.png Log, Driftwood Piece.png Driftwood Piece 12.5
Trusty Tape.png Trusty Tape 0 (repair leak)
Tree Jam.png Tree Jam 20 (repair leak)

Dragonfly Boat Kit

Wilson Portrait.png
I'd better stop dragon my feet and build it.

Wilson, when examining a Dragonfly Boat Kit

The Dragonfly Boat Kit is a craftable Item, exclusive to Don't Starve Together. It creates a Dragonfly Boat when placed on the Ocean.

Blueprint.png Gallery