Tar is a resource Item introduced in the Shipwrecked DLC. It can be gathered from Tar Slicks using a Tar Extractor and is required for a variety of crafting recipes.
Tar can be planted on the ground to produce a flammable Tar Trap that slows down anything walking on it, including the player. Tar Traps can be refueled with Tar, restoring it to full durability regardless of which stage it used to be on (this includes the "full" stage).
Tar was added to the Shipwrecked DLC more than a year after its official completion in the Home Sea Home update, after being tested in a beta branch for several months.
The four stages of the Tar Trap.
A Flaming Tar Trap in-game.
Tar as seen in the poster for the Home Sea Home update.
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Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/DLC/function/tags of these Things. Some of them are not even.
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/DLC/function/tags of these Things. Some of them are not even.
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/DLC/function/tags of these Things. Some of them are not even.
Attention: The following categories are only for the players look up the page based on their first impression, they have nothing to do with the actual categories/DLC/function/tags of these Things. Some of them are not even Structures.