Wood Wall/DST

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A mediöcre förtificatiön.

Wigfrid, Examining a wood wall item.

Can be repaired using the inventory wall items.

Can be build up 4 levels.

-for StructureScrapbook Description

The Wood Wall is the third strongest of the four Walls, a craftable Item, and Structure that prevents the player's and Mobs' movement. Once built, it can be repaired or upgraded to a second tier with another piece of Wood Wall or enough Twigs, Logs, or Boards. It can be attacked and destroyed, leaving a destroyed Wood Wall. It is also highly flammable, so measures should be taken when fighting Red Hounds, or during Summer. Using a Hammer on the wall will yield one Log from tier one and two Logs from tier three. It has a maximum of 200 health and begins with 100 health when first built before being upgraded.


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