Offerings Filter

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Offerings is a filter in the crafting menu for Don't Starve Together. A variety of different items can be obtained from the Offerings Filter when standing next to an activated Lunar New Year Shrine. These items cannot be prototyped; in order to craft an item under this filter, the player must always be near a Shrine.

Craftable Items and Structures

Only during the Event: Map Icon Gobbler Shrine.png Year of the Gobbler, Map Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg, Pig Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Pig King, Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat, Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Beefalo, Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon, Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman and Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly
The following items are introduced in all New Year events and can be crafted at all Lunar New Year Shrines:

Gobbler Shrine.png Year of the Gobbler

Only during the Event: Map Icon Gobbler Shrine.png Year of the Gobbler
The following items can be crafted only at the Gobbler Shrine:

Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg

Only during the Event: Map Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg
The following items can be crafted only at the Varg Shrine:

Pig Shrine.png Year of the Pig King

Only during the Event: Pig Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Pig King
The following items can be crafted only at the Pig Shrine:

Carrat Shrine.png Year of the Carrat

Only during the Event: Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat
The following items can be crafted only at the Carrat Shrine:

Beefalo Shrine.png Year of the Beefalo

Only during the Event: Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Beefalo
The following items can be crafted only at the Beefalo Shrine:

Catcoon Shrine.png Year of the Catcoon

Only during the Event: Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon
The following items can be crafted only at the Catcoon Shrine:

Bunnyman Shrine.png Year of the Bunnyman

Only during the Event: Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman
The following items can be crafted only at the Bunnyman Shrine:

Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly

Only during the Event: Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly
The following items can be crafted only at the Dragonfly Shrine:

Blueprint.png Gallery