Pillow Fight Pit

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman

Wilson Portrait.png
It must be built, for science!


The Pillow Fight Pit is an arena where Cozy Bunnyman can be summoned to fight with pads. In order to fight in the arena, players need to approach one or more of the Cozy Bunnyman in the evening or at night and give them the Glove of Challenge. Then go to the Pillow Fight Pit and click on the bell, then the battle will begin. You only need to use Pillow Armor and Pillow in combat. Your task is to throw Cozy Bunnyman out of the arena by pushing his pillow. If you push all the Bunnymans out of the arena, then they will return to their original positions and one of them will give you a Red Pouch. If one of the rabbits pushed you out of the arena, then you will lose and get nothing, and the Bunnymans will return to their places. If you ring the bell during the day, then all Cozy Bunnymans will wake up. They can also be driven away by taking the spinning carrots. They can't be challenged to a duel if they're spinning carrots. If you fight in the arena for more than one minute, then you will be given Lucky Gold Nuggets only for those hares that you managed to defeat.

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