Year of the Bunnyman

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

The Year of the Bunnyman is an event in Don't Starve Together that began on January 20, 2023.[1] It is inspired by the Chinese Year of the Rabbit. In the Chinese zodiac, each year is related to an animal in a 12-year cycle.

It is similar to the Year of the Gobbler, Year of the Varg, Year of the Pig King, Year of the Carrat, Year of the Beefalo, and Year of the Catcoon events, which came in the years before, and shares some mechanics with them, such as the Offerings crafting tab, and most crafted items from those events. However, there are several additions and differences to be implemented into this event. Players can revisit this event by setting Events to Year of the Bunnyman in the World Customization menu.

Exclusive Features

Craftable Structures



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  • Promo art, as well as animation in the main menu of the event, are a reference to the famous painting La creazione di Adamo.
  • If one manages to kill a Cozy Bunnyman, they'll drop standard bunnyman loot, alongside their pillow weapon and armor. However, due to their cowardly nature and massive damage resistance, this is virtually impossible without the use of cheats.

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  1. The Year of the Bunnyman Has Arrived! Posted January 20, 2023.