Sewing Machine

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Beefalo

WX-78 Portrait.png


The Sewing Machine Kit is a craftable Item from the Offerings Filter, made with a Stinger, one Gold Nugget, and two Silk. It can be deployed into a Sewing Machine, which is used to create Costume Patterns from Pattern Scraps. To use it, three Pattern Scraps need to be placed inside.

Pattern Scrap Combinations
Resulting Costume
Formal Formal Formal Formal Costume Pattern
Festive Festive Festive Festive Costume Pattern
Fearsome Fearsome Fearsome Ironclad Costume Pattern
Formal Formal Festive Dolled-Up Costume Pattern
Formal Formal Fearsome No Result
Festive Festive Formal Flowery Costume Pattern
Festive Festive Fearsome Lucky Beast Costume Pattern
Fearsome Fearsome Formal Warrior Costume Pattern
Fearsome Fearsome Festive Frostbitten Costume Pattern
Formal Festive Fearsome Victorian Costume Pattern

Pattern Scraps

Walter Portrait.png
This looks like instructions for a beefalo costume! Only part of one, though...


Pattern Scraps can be acquired in exchange for 5 Lucky Gold Nuggets in the Offerings Filter. Also, random scraps are given out by the Judge after a Beefalo Pageant. There are three types: Fearsome, Formal And Festive. They are to be put into a Sewing Machine in various combinations to produce Costume Patterns. If the scrap combination is invalid, the machine will return all the scraps placed inside. The following table shows the possible valid combinations.

Costume Patterns

Costume Patterns operate similarly to Blueprints. The player can right click on the Pattern to learn a new set of Beefalo Skins, as well as produce one Beefalo Doll wearing the matching skin set. New Patterns learned will make a pop-up appear in the upper-left corner of the screen, in a similar manner to the pop-up that notifies players of an in-game skin drop. The player can still right-click patterns even after learning them to continue acquiring Beefalo Dolls.

The Beefalo Skins can be accessed at the Grooming Station. The skin selection screen is the same as the Wardrobe. For instance, Skin presets can be saved.

Beefalo Skins differ from other skins in that they are not found in the Curio Cabinet. They are only accessible in-game, and are not remembered across games; they have to be re-learned in each game like other tiered crafts. All Beefalo Skins are of the exclusive Complimentary rarity. They cannot be bought with real monies, woven, traded, or sold on the Marketplace.

Warrior Costume Pattern

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
It's rather aggressive looking.


The Warrior Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Fearsome Pattern Scraps and one Formal Pattern Scrap.

Dolled-Up Costume Pattern

Willow Portrait.png
Awww, my beefalo's gonna be so hideous and adorable!


The Dolled-Up Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Formal Pattern Scraps and one Festive Pattern Scrap.

Festive Costume Pattern

Warly Portrait.png
Just the right thing for a celebration.


The Festive Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Festive Pattern Scraps.

Ironclad Costume Pattern

Wortox Portrait.png
This outfit might require a lot of ironing, hyuyu!


The Ironclad Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Fearsome Pattern Scraps.

Flowery Costume Pattern

Wormwood Portrait.png
Covered in friends


The Flowery Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Festive Pattern Scraps and one Formal Pattern Scrap.

Formal Costume Pattern

Wendy Portrait.png
It looks very dignified.


The Formal Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Formal Pattern Scraps.

Victorian Costume Pattern

Winona Portrait.png
This looks like it involves a lotta fancy needlework...


The Victorian Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with one Formal Pattern Scrap, one Festive Pattern Scrap, and one Fearsome Pattern Scrap.

Lucky Beast Costume Pattern

Woodie Portrait.png
Our beast is lucky it ended up being our friend and not our dinner, eh?


The Lucky Beast Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Festive Pattern Scraps and one Fearsome Pattern Scrap.

Frostbitten Costume Pattern

Walter Portrait.png
I guess a beefalo's own fuzzy coat isn't enough to keep warm.


The Frostbitten Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Fearsome Pattern Scraps and one Festive Pattern Scrap.

Beefalo Dolls

Wilson Portrait.png
I wonder what the Judge would say about this?


When a Pattern is learned, a Beefalo Doll will spawn. The type of Beefalo Doll depends on the type of Pattern learned. Beefalo Dolls can be appraised by the Judge, which will provide clues as to what style of Beefalo will win that day.

Blueprint.png Gallery