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Only during the Event: Year of the Beefalo
Sewing Machine
Create Costume Patterns
Sewing Machine Kit
"Prototype the perfect beefalo outfit."
Does not stack
“ Sewing can't be that hard... can it? ”
“ I never liked sewing. ”
“ Will sew loveliest of costumes for hairy cow. ”
“ Mother liked to sew matching outfits for Abigail and I. ”
“ I'm pretty handy with a sewing needle. ”
“ I'm more of an appreciator of fine clothes than a maker of them. ”
“ The cömpetitiön will be fierce, thus my beast's öutfits must be fiercer! ”
“ We're really good with silk and threads! ”
“ Now to find the recipe for a tasteful outfit. ”
“ I'm more handy with tape than a needle... ”
“ It's all connected by a common thread, hyuyu! ”
“ Make fancy dress-up things! ”
“ My mom has one of those! It looks a bit different, though. ”
“ At least it's faster than sewing by hand. ”
The Sewing Machine Kit is a craftable Item from the Offerings Filter , made with a Stinger , one Gold Nugget , and two Silk . It can be deployed into a Sewing Machine, which is used to create Costume Patterns from Pattern Scraps. To use it, three Pattern Scraps need to be placed inside.
Pattern Scrap Combinations
Resulting Costume
Formal Costume Pattern
Festive Costume Pattern
Ironclad Costume Pattern
Dolled-Up Costume Pattern
No Result
Flowery Costume Pattern
Lucky Beast Costume Pattern
Warrior Costume Pattern
Frostbitten Costume Pattern
Victorian Costume Pattern
Pattern Scraps
Pattern Scraps
"Get some fearsome inspiration."
"Get Some formal inspiration."
"Get some festive inspiration."
Used to make Costume Patterns
“ If I put some of these together, I bet I could make a beefalo costume. ”
“ Looks like I'll have to put a few of these together to make anything worthwhile. ”
“ Is bit of pattern. Wolfgang should find more. ”
“ Merely a lonely part of a completed whole. ”
“ Merely a single piece of a larger costuming pattern. ”
“ Looks like I'll have to gather a few of these to make a whole pattern. ”
“ I'll have to combine them before they'll reveal their secrets. ”
“ Tis but a fragment of a cömplete pattern. ”
“ It tells us how to make a beefalo costume. Well, part of one... ”
“ One part of a recipe for a beefalo costume. ”
“ Looks like a set of instructions, I should try putting a few together. ”
“ A puzzling piece of a pattern. ”
“ Hey, where the rest? ”
“ This looks like instructions for a beefalo costume! Only part of one, though... ”
“ With a few more pieces, I could fashion a new pattern. ”
Pattern Scraps can be acquired in exchange for 5 Lucky Gold Nuggets in the Offerings Filter. Also, random scraps are given out by the Judge after a Beefalo Pageant . There are three types: Fearsome, Formal And Festive. They are to be put into a Sewing Machine in various combinations to produce Costume Patterns. If the scrap combination is invalid, the machine will return all the scraps placed inside. The following table shows the possible valid combinations.
Costume Patterns
Costume Patterns
Provides Beefalo skins
Does not stack
"war_blueprint" "doll_blueprint" "festive_blueprint" "robot_blueprint" "nature_blueprint" "formal_blueprint" "victorian_blueprint" "beast_blueprint" "ice_blueprint"
Costume Patterns operate similarly to Blueprints . The player can right click on the Pattern to learn a new set of Beefalo Skins, as well as produce one Beefalo Doll wearing the matching skin set. New Patterns learned will make a pop-up appear in the upper-left corner of the screen, in a similar manner to the pop-up that notifies players of an in-game skin drop. The player can still right-click patterns even after learning them to continue acquiring Beefalo Dolls.
The Beefalo Skins can be accessed at the Grooming Station . The skin selection screen is the same as the Wardrobe. For instance, Skin presets can be saved.
Beefalo Skins differ from other skins in that they are not found in the Curio Cabinet . They are only accessible in-game, and are not remembered across games; they have to be re-learned in each game like other tiered crafts. All Beefalo Skins are of the exclusive Complimentary rarity. They cannot be bought with real monies, woven, traded, or sold on the Marketplace.
Warrior Costume Pattern
“ Ooooh, looks dangerous! ”
“ Yes, will make hairy cow fearsome! ”
“ Even seemingly gentle creatures have a dark side. ”
“ Pretty intimidating, eh Lucy? ”
“ Garb befitting a warriör's steed! ”
“ Our beefalo might look scary in this, but we know they're really a big softy! ”
“ Dressing for some rather tough beef! ”
“ I don't know if I want to encourage my beefalo's ornery side. ”
“ Fit for a fearsome fellow. ”
“ Hee-hee good and scary! ”
“ I wonder if the beefalo actually like wearing these. ”
“ I wouldn't mind having a beefalo bodyguard. ”
The Warrior Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Fearsome Pattern Scraps and one Formal Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Warrior CaparisonStrike fear into the hearts of your enemies! See ingame
Complimentary Warrior HornsThe only downside to these mighty war horns is you can't play them. See ingame
Complimentary Warrior HeadgearReserved for only the most bull-headed warriors. See ingame
Complimentary Warrior ShoesA steed must have sturdy footwear before going into battle. See ingame
Complimentary Warrior TailThis tail has been tied back to keep it out of the way in battle. See ingame
Dolled-Up Costume Pattern
“ My beefalo will look as cute as a button! ”
“ Awww, my beefalo's gonna be so hideous and adorable! ”
“ Will make hairy cow so cute! ”
“ I can doll it up all I want, it'll still be a beefalo. ”
“ I can only imagine how grotesque this will look... ”
“ Whö wöuld wear this intö battle? ”
“ That's a lot of ruffles to sew on... ”
“ Oh what a dollight! Hyuyu! ”
“ Look kind of creepy... ”
“ I don't remember the dolls from my childhood being quite so big and hairy. ”
The Dolled-Up Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Formal Pattern Scraps and one Festive Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Dolled-Up CaparisonIsn't it just darling? See ingame
Complimentary Dolled-Up HornsThese horns are curli-cute! See ingame
Complimentary Dolled-Up HeadgearStyle your beefalo with adorable ringlets and ribbons. See ingame
Complimentary Dolled-Up ShoesThe daintiest beefalo shoes you ever did see! See ingame
Complimentary Dolled-Up TailThis tail is tied with a darling pink ribbon. See ingame
Festive Costume Pattern
“ This is just the occasion for some festivity! ”
“ It needs more firecrackers before I'd call it "festive". ”
“ Is made from brightest of colors! ”
“ It's so colorful, it hurts my eyes. ”
“ It features quite an eclectic combination of colors. ”
“ Looks pretty cheerful! ”
“ The bright cölörs cöuld be useful för distracting enemies. ”
“ This is going to be so much fun! ”
“ Just the right thing for a celebration. ”
“ Sure is a cheery looking design! ”
“ My friend can frolic in this festive frock! ”
“ Big fuzzy gonna look so good in this! ”
“ I wish I could make one for Woby, but her measurements keep changing... ”
“ This outfit's louder than a chiming grandfather clock. ”
The Festive Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Festive Pattern Scraps.
Complimentary Festive CaparisonAll pom-pom and circumstance! See ingame
Complimentary Festive HornsThese horns are adorned with colorful ribbons. See ingame
Complimentary Festive HeadgearGive your beefalo a pair of pom-pom pigtails. See ingame
Complimentary Festive ShoesFootloose and fancy feet! See ingame
Complimentary Festive TailA poofy pom-pom tail. See ingame
Ironclad Costume Pattern
“ This requires a suspicious amount of welding for a sewing project. ”
“ Uh, is this really a sewing pattern? ”
“ Will make hairy cow tough like iron! ”
“ Oh to be encased within a hard and unfeeling exterior... ”
“ I'm not certain just how much sewing is actually involved. ”
“ Is this, er... humane? ”
“ Is this the robot's doing? ”
“ Armör öf irön för my steed! ”
“ We hope it's not too heavy for the beefalo. ”
“ This does not look like any sewing pattern I've ever seen. ”
“ Now this one I can do! ”
“ This outfit might require a lot of ironing, hyuyu! ”
“ Make big fuzzy look like Ironfolk? ”
“ Is this really for sewing? ”
“ I might need a screwdriver instead of a sewing needle. ”
The Ironclad Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Fearsome Pattern Scraps.
Complimentary Ironclad CaparisonIt gives new meaning to the phrase "iron stomach". See ingame
Complimentary Ironclad HornsIndustrial strength horns for the industrious beefalo. See ingame
Complimentary Ironclad HeadgearBeefalo are hard-headed creatures even at the best of times. See ingame
Complimentary Ironclad ShoesPut some spring in your beefalo's step! See ingame
Complimentary Ironclad TailAn exceptionally wiry beefalo tail. See ingame
Flowery Costume Pattern
“ You really can't go wrong with flowers. ”
“ Once the flowers dry out they'll make nice kindling. ”
“ Flowers would be good against cow smell. ”
“ Do you like this one, Abigail? ”
“ All-natural and organic. ”
“ Florals. How saccharine. ”
“ Flöwers wön't prötect yöu in battle! ”
“ Flowers are always nice. ”
“ Made from natural ingredients. ”
“ Good thing I'm not allergic to pollen. ”
“ I suppose I'll reap what I sew, hyuyu! ”
“ Glurgh... this one ugly... ”
“ I hope it doesn't attract too many bees. ”
“ A pretty garden-variety outfit, wouldn't you say? ”
The Flowery Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Festive Pattern Scraps and one Formal Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Flowery CaparisonYour beefalo might be tempted to take a bite out of it. See ingame
Complimentary Flowery HornsWith these floral horns, your beefalo will be there with bells on! See ingame
Complimentary Flowery HeadgearAdorn your beefalo with a sweet-smelling crown of flowers. See ingame
Complimentary Flowery ShoesGives your beefalo a simple, all-natural look. See ingame
Complimentary Flowery TailA braided tail, decorated with wildflowers. See ingame
Formal Costume Pattern
“ This is a costume for some Grade A beefalo. ”
“ Ugh, it looks so stuffy and proper. ”
“ Who makes fancy suit for cow? ”
“ It looks very dignified. ”
“ It seems rather senseless to attempt to make a beefalo appear dignified. ”
“ Canadian tuxedos look a bit different. ”
“ These garments are absolutely wasted on such base creatures. ”
“ My fearsöme steed has nö use för such a thing! ”
“ Our beefalo might look even more dapper than Maxwell! ”
“ The beast will look as if it's going out to a fancy dinner party. ”
“ That's a pretty fancy thing to put on a big shaggy beast. ”
“ But will it really suit my beefalo? Hyuyu! ”
“ Ooooh, all fancy. ”
“ This doesn't seem very practical for the outdoors. ”
“ My beefalo will look like the perfect gentleman. ”
The Formal Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with three Formal Pattern Scraps.
Complimentary Formal CaparisonWhy shouldn't a beefalo get to be dapper too? See ingame
Complimentary Formal HornsHorns that evoke the feeling of a twirled mustache. See ingame
Complimentary Formal HeadgearIt's rare to see a beefalo with such perfectly coiffed fur. See ingame
Complimentary Formal ShoesSport some sophisticated spats. See ingame
Complimentary Formal TailEven tails are fancier with a cravat. See ingame
Victorian Costume Pattern
“ I think my grandmother wore something similar. ”
“ Ha! This is gonna look hilarious! ”
“ Looks very complicated to Wolfgang. ”
“ Playing dress-up with a beefalo is... quite fun... ”
“ Ödd löoking armör för a beast... ”
“ It's so fancy! We hope it's not too hard to make... ”
“ It's hard not to think about seafood with all these scalloped edges. ”
“ This looks like it involves a lotta fancy needlework... ”
“ Scale-less sure dress weird, florp. ”
“ This seems unnecessarily fancy. ”
“ Quite a fashionable design. ”
The Victorian Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with one Formal Pattern Scrap, one Festive Pattern Scrap, and one Fearsome Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Victorian CaparisonYou really can't go wrong with ruffles. See ingame
Complimentary Victorian HornsMeticulously polished to be as gleaming white as your best bone china. See ingame
Complimentary Victorian HeadgearNo Victorian ensemble is complete without a fine hat. See ingame
Complimentary Victorian ShoesIt might behoove you to adorn your beefalo in these ruffled cuffs. See ingame
Complimentary Victorian TailIt is imperative for one to brush a beefalo's tail often to maintain its softness and natural luster. See ingame
Lucky Beast Costume Pattern
“ I'm feeling lucky about this one! ”
“ My beefalo's already a lucky beast. He gets to be my friend! ”
“ Hope beast gives Wolfgang luck in contest! ”
“ May it give my beefalo more luck than I've had. ”
“ I'm not one to rely on luck, but a bit won't hurt in a competition. ”
“ Our beast is lucky it ended up being our friend and not our dinner, eh? ”
“ I'd say luck is in rather short supply around here. ”
“ Nö luck is needed för öne whö's skilled in battle. ”
“ Another costume for our lucky beefalo! ”
“ The beefalo who will wear this is lucky indeed! ”
“ Hope it gives me some luck in the contest. ”
“ Lucky, hm? Perhaps it's made with fairy gold. ”
“ Awww, big fuzzy wanna have scales too? ”
“ I wonder what kind of animal this costume is based off of? ”
“ If it's so lucky, maybe I'll keep it for myself. ”
The Lucky Beast Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Festive Pattern Scraps and one Fearsome Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Lucky Beast CaparisonAdd a little luck to your beefalo's look. See ingame
Complimentary Lucky Beast HornsMagnificent horns of shining gold. See ingame
Complimentary Lucky Beast HeadgearThis beefalo is lucky that the beast is just a costume. See ingame
Complimentary Lucky Beast ShoesThese lucky shoes will take you places! See ingame
Complimentary Lucky Beast TailThis fanciful covering gives your beefalo's tail a more lizard-like appearance. See ingame
Frostbitten Costume Pattern
“ I usually like my beefalo fresh, not frozen. ”
“ Don't beefalo already have hairy winter coats? ”
“ Wolfgang's hair cow will face the cold mightily! ”
“ It reflects the coldness I feel inside. ”
“ It's always prudent to have a set of winter garments. ”
“ When you live up North, you get used to the cold. ”
“ My beast will nöt fear the cöld. ”
“ Brrr, maybe we should wear gloves for this. ”
“ Frozen beef? I suppose I'll have to make do. ”
“ Winter gear, huh? Seems practical. ”
“ I just got chills! Hyuyuyu! ”
“ Don't want big fuzzy to get cold. ”
“ I guess a beefalo's own fuzzy coat isn't enough to keep warm. ”
“ The poor beefalo's going to catch a chill wearing that! ”
The Frostbitten Costume Pattern is made at the Sewing Machine with two Fearsome Pattern Scraps and one Festive Pattern Scrap.
Complimentary Frostbitten CaparisonA woolly blanket for a chilly beefalo. See ingame
Complimentary Frostbitten HornsA cold winter gale has frozen these horns solid. See ingame
Complimentary Frostbitten HeadgearThat fuzzy face could make the coldest heart melt. See ingame
Complimentary Frostbitten ShoesLooks like this beefalo's getting cold feet. See ingame
Complimentary Frostbitten TailA fluffy winter tail.
Beefalo Dolls
Beefalo Dolls
Can be appraised to determine winning Beefalo
"yotb_beefalo_doll_war yotb_beefalo_doll_doll yotb_beefalo_doll_festive yotb_beefalo_doll_nature yotb_beefalo_doll_robot yotb_beefalo_doll_ice yotb_beefalo_doll_formal yotb_beefalo_doll_victorian yotb_beefalo_doll_beast"
“ I wonder what the Judge would say about this? ”
“ Hey judge! Get a load of this! ”
“ Wolfgang should show to judge. ”
“ Mr. Judge might like to see it. ”
“ The judge might be able to give me some insight regarding its sense of style. ”
“ That judge might have something to say aboot it. ”
“ This might be of interest to the judge. ”
“ Mayhaps the judge wöuld like tö löok upön it. ”
“ We should show it to the judge! ”
“ Perhaps I should show it to the judge, to get a measure of his taste. ”
“ Wait until the judge get's a load of you! ”
“ Our judge just may have something to say. ”
“ Should show to weird scale-less hiding in tent! ”
“ What do you think, Woby? Should I show it to the judge? ”
“ Where's that peculiar judge? He might have an appreciation for this. ”
When a Pattern is learned, a Beefalo Doll will spawn. The type of Beefalo Doll depends on the type of Pattern learned. Beefalo Dolls can be appraised by the Judge, which will provide clues as to what style of Beefalo will win that day.