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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman

Wilson Portrait.png
At least it smells nicer than the beefalo pillow.


Wilson Portrait.png
It's soggier than I would like.


Wilson Portrait.png
If only it didn't also smell like a beefalo.


Wilson Portrait.png
Who would sleep on this?


Pillows are weapons that don't deal damage. They're only needed to fight Cozy Bunny at the Pillow Fight Pit. Each Pillow has a different level of repulsion.

Pillow Armor

Wilson Portrait.png
At least it smells nicer than the beefalo pillow.


Wilson Portrait.png
It's soggier than I would like.


Wilson Portrait.png
If only it didn't also smell like a beefalo.


Wilson Portrait.png
Who would sleep on this?


Pillow Armor is a padded armor. Depending on the pillow, the level of knockback changes, which gives the player the privilege in battle. This is also the only type of armor that Cozy Bunny can wear. If you throw them on the floor, they will look like large pillows. When Cozy Bunny spawns, they also place large pillows under them, however, they can only be picked up after the death of Cozy Bunny, which belonged to the pillow. With the help of the Deconstruction Staff, they can be dismantled, even if this pillow belongs to a rabbit and cannot be picked up. In this way, you can disassemble the pads, and then drive the rabbits away so that after they return again and put down their pads.