Boat Patch

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

For the Shipwrecked item with a similar function, see Boat Repair Kit.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
If a Viking cares för her vessel, t'will dö the same in return.


Plugs leaks on boats.

-Scrapbook Description

The Boat Patch is a craftable Item in the Seafaring Filter, exclusive to Don't Starve Together, and introduced in Return of Them.

Boat Patch can be used to patch a leak in a Boat and repair 25 Boat Meter (DST).png. It can also be used directly to repair 25 Boat Meter (DST).png.

During the Year of the Dragonfly Event, Boat Patches can also be obtained at a Dragonfly Shrine for 1 Lucky Gold Nugget each.

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