Webby Whistle

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

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Sure wish that kid would hang around a better crowd.


Webber can use the whistle to wake up nearby spiders and spider dens.

Nearby spiders will stop attacking their targets and will also temporarily ignore food on the ground.

-Scrapbook Description

The Webby Whistle is an item which can only be crafted by Webber, exclusive to Don't Starve Together. Webber spawns into the Constant with one Webby Whistle. Webber can craft more Webby Whistles with 2 Twigs and 3 Silk. The Webby Whistle allows Webber to wake up Spiders from nearby Spider Dens in addition to any nearby wandering Spiders. It does not work on Spider Queens. Using the whistle also calls off any friendly spiders from what they're currently attacking, allowing the player to quickly withdraw their allies from a potentially dangerous or unwanted combat situation. Friendly Spiders hearing the whistle will not attempt to eat meat items temporarily, allowing the player to save some or all of the meat from bigger animals if timed well.

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