Exclusive to:
Ocean Trawler
“ It makes fishing more effishient. ”
“ It does all the work for me! ”
“ Will help with the fishing, yes? ”
“ The fish must die, so that I may prolong my own terrible existence. ”
“ This will make collecting fish much more expedient. ”
“ I kinda liked fishing the old fashioned way. ”
“ Some fresh seafood would be a welcome sight. ”
“ A harvester öf sea-meat. ”
“ It's like a web for catching fish! ”
“ I prefer cooking fish to catching them. ”
“ It does all the fishin' so I'm free to work on other things. ”
“ The mortals wish to capture fish. ”
“ Is fishy catcher? Why? ”
“ Nets sure do make fishing easier. ”
“ Thank goodness, now I don't have to waste my time fishing! ”
“ I bet it's catching lots of fish right now. ”
“ Wolfgang hope it catches many fish. ”
“ I shouldn't get my hopes up... ”
“ Let's see if it nets something. ”
“ May yöu have a successful hunt. ”
“ We hope it catches lots of fish. ”
“ I can already smell my fish dinner simmering in butter sauce. ”
“ Ain't technology great? ”
“ How many will get caught up in the net? ”
“ Maybe fishies will wanna play! ”
“ Soon I'll be roasting fish over a campfire. ”
“ It will catch fish while I see to more pressing matters. ”
“ It caught something! ”
–Wilson , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ A decent haul. ”
–Willow , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Net is full of fish, like Wolfgang's belly will be! ”
–Wolfgang , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ I'm sorry. You are the unlucky ones. ”
–Wendy , examining the raised net with any food inside
–WX-78 , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ A successful catch. ”
–Wickerbottom , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ That's a pretty good catch, eh? ”
–Woodie , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ That went surprisingly well. ”
–Maxwell , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Njörd has bestöwed his böunty upön us! ”
–Wigfrid , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Look at all those fish! ”
–Webber , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Ah, fresh seafood! ”
–Warly , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Yay!! ”
–Wormwood , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Looks like we've got fish for dinner! ”
–Winona , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Filled with riches of fishes. ”
–Wortox , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Hi fishies! Don't worry, gonna take good care of you! ”
–Wurt , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Look at all those fish! ”
–Walter , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Well that worked nicely! ”
–Wanda , examining the raised net with any food inside
“ Looks like something was caught, but it escaped... ”
“ Stupid fish!! You're not supposed to get away! ”
“ Net is empty... like Wolfgang's belly... ”
“ Oh dear, it looks like my catch escaped before I could return. ”
“ Well, looks like I'll have to go fishin' myself. ”
“ Fie! The sea-meat has evaded us! ”
“ Awww, they got away... ”
“ It looks like there will be no fish for dinner tonight. ”
“ Shoot, guess I should've come back sooner. ”
“ They got away, no fish today. ”
“ Fishies went home. ”
“ Darnit, they got away! ”
“ Oh botheration, I didn't make it back in time. ”
The Ocean Trawler automatically catches Ocean Fish after lowering the net into the water. The four inventory slots can be filled with food items as bait to increase the chance of catching ocean fish. The bait must fit the respective fish's diet. If the device is deployed near fish schools, the fish will try to eat the bait and be caught by the net, as a result of which up to four fish can be taken out of the trawler. However, after the trawler fills completely, it must be raised back in time before the net snaps, releasing all of the fish and wasting all of the time, bait, and effort spent waiting for it to collect fish.
Fish inside the trawler spoil 90% slower. If the trawler is lowered into the water and completely full, it doubles the chances for Rockjaws , Skittersquids and Gnarwails to spawn nearby.
Ocean Trawler Kit
Ocean Trawler
"There's plenty of fish in the sea."
3 min.
Does not stack
“ I should put it somewhere with lots of fish. ”
“ Maybe I can bribe one of the kids to build it for me. ”
“ Will build quick, Wolfgang want fish for dinner! ”
“ Even I should be able to build it simply enough. ”
“ It's just a simple matter of assembling the pieces. ”
“ Another irksome chore, left to me. ”
“ We can build it all by ourselves. ”
“ I will net us a feast! ”
“ Things for Glub Glub catcher ”
“ This'll be ready in a lick. ”
“ I've been taught toil only leads to trouble! ”
“ It something for fishies? ”
“ I'd better build it if I want to catch any fish. ”
“ I suppose I must invest some time now to save time later. ”
The Ocean Trawler Kit is an Item exclusive to Don't Starve Together introduced in The Curse of Moon Quay update. It can be crafted from 2 Boards , 2 Ropes and 6 Silks . It can be deployed into the Ocean .
Concept art of the Ocean Trawler shown in Rhymes With Play stream.
Concept art of the Ocean Trawler shown in Rhymes With Play stream.
Concept art of the Ocean Trawler shown in Rhymes With Play stream.
Concept art of the Ocean Trawler shown in Rhymes With Play stream.
Concept art of the Ocean Trawler shown in Rhymes With Play stream.
Trawlers empty, with 1-3 items and full
Trawlers outside of the water empty, with 1-3 items and full