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While stocked with Cut Grass and Logs, Guard Merm will grab a Swamp Brawler Helmet from it, reducing its stores.
Swamp Brawler Helmets are a cheap way for a merm to get 50% protection from damage for a short while.

-Scrapbook Description

The Armermry is a special structure that can only be crafted by Wurt with the "Hardheaded I" skill and can be placed only on Marsh Turf. Merm Guards that are close to this structure and do not have an item equipped on their head will craft for themselves a Swamp Brawler Helmet and equip it. Every craft of the Swamp Brawler Helmet by Merm Guards will use 1 Log and 1 Cut Grass. After crafting a structure, it immediately will hold 5 Logs and 5 Cut Grass. Only Wurt can fill an Armermry with Logs and Cut Grass. If an Armermry does not have enough resources, its door will be open. Merm Guards with a Swamp Brawler Helmet will have 50% protection from damage.

Superior Armermry

While stocked with Cut Grass and Logs, Guard Merm will grab a Swamp Warrior Helmet from it, reducing its stores.
Swamp Warrior Helmets are a better design over their Brawler cousin, providing 70% resistance from damage for a longer period of time.

-Scrapbook Description

The Superior Armermry is a special structure that can only be crafted by Wurt with the "Hardheaded II" skill and can be placed only on Marsh Turf. Merm Guards that are close to this structure and do not have an item equipped on their head will craft for themselves a Swamp Warrior Helmet and equip it. Every craft of the Swamp Warrior Helmet by Merm Guards will use 1 Log and 1 Cut Grass. After crafting a structure, it immediately will hold 5 Logs and 5 Cut Grasses. Only Wurt can fill an Armermry with Logs and Cut Grass. If an Armermry does not have enough resources, its door will be open. Merm Guards with Swamp Warrior Helmet will have 70% protection from damage.

Prototype.png Tips

  • You can first build an Armermry or Superior Armermry with the necessary skills and then respawn your Wurt at the Celestial Portal with different selected skills. This will allow you to fill an Armermry with resources without the "Hardheaded I" or "Hardheaded II" skills.

Blueprint.png Gallery