Regal Shovel/DST

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I'm digging this fancy shovel.


The Regal Shovel is a variant of the normal Shovel that has four times as much durability and requires Gold instead of Flint. It requires 2 Gold Nuggets and 4 Twigs to craft and an Alchemy Engine to prototype. Regal Shovel has 100 uses, 4 times as many as regular shovel. It deals the same 17 damage on each strike as the normal Shovel.

Icon Tools.png Usage

To dig up an item with the Shovel, right-click it from the inventory to equip it and right-click on the object. The player will dig up the object and an item will appear on the ground.

Shovels can be used to dig up Plants such as Berry Bushes, Grass, and Saplings in order to replant them in a more desirable location (usually closer to a base camp).

Shovels can also uproot Tree stumps for 1 Log, regardless of their size, and chopped Mushtrees, also for 1 Log. They can dig up Rabbit Holes, but doing so will permanently remove the hole and prevent any more rabbits from spawning at that particular spot. Additionally, the Shovel can be used to dig up Graves to acquire Gravedigger Items at the cost of -10 Sanity per Grave dug.

The digging animation for the Shovel can be cut short by moving after the player digs up anything. This speeds up the process of mass-clearing objects when holding spacebar.

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

  • The Woven - Elegant Ornate Nordic Shovel skin was introduced during the official Year of the Carrat event in 2020.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • In reality, gold is not a practical metal to be used in tools or weapons as it's a soft metal; it would easily deform and break. This is often remarked when examined by some Characters.

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