Red Gem/DST

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

Woodie Portrait.png
I see within it the fiery death of a thousand trees.


The Red Gem is an Item used to craft several Magical items. It can be used to craft the Fire Staff, Night Light, Life Giving Amulet, and Purple Gem.

Red Gems can be obtained from Graves, from Tumbleweeds as a drop from Red Hounds, from Earthquakes and Stalagmites in Caves, from Ancient Statues, Broken Clockworks, and Ornate Chests in Ruins.

Red Gems have a 0.02% chance to be dropped by Tumbleweeds.

Red Gems have a 0.05% chance to drop from certain Stalagmites

The Dragonfly drops 2 Red Gems upon death. Red Gem Deer also drops one of them if killed or if Klaus is killed.

Red Gems can be crafted by Wilson if the "Transmute Gems Ⅰ" is unlocked.

Icon Tools.png Usage

Red Gems can be inserted into Winona's G.E.M.erator to power it.

Red Gem.png
Blue Gem.png
Purple Gem.png
Red Gem.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Shadow Manipulator.png
Fire Staff.png
Red Gem.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Gold Nugget.png


Night Light.png
Red Gem.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Nightmare Fuel.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Life Giving Amulet.png
Red Gem.png
Shadow Manipulator.png
The End is Nigh.png
Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Red Gem.png
Red Gem.png


Blueprint (rare).png
Scaled Furnace.png
Red Gem.png
Cratered Moonrock.png
Hand Icon.png
Red Moonlens.png
Red Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png
Wolfgang Portrait.pngDumbbell Developer.png
Red Gem.png
Bio Data.png


Bio Scanalyzer.png
Thermal Circuit.png
WX-78 Portrait.png
Red Gem.png
Time Pieces.png
Interface arrow right.png
Ageless Watch.png
Wanda Portrait.png
Red Gem.png
Red Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png
Blue Gem.png
Wilson Portrait.pngTransmute Gems 1.png
Red Gem.png
Orange Gem.png
Green Gem.png
Purple Gem.png
Yellow Gem.png
Blue Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png
Iridescent Gem.png
Wilson Portrait.pngTransmute Gems 3.png

Blueprint.png Gallery