Recipe Card

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Science help me, I can't decipher this handwriting.


For complete list of Crock Pot recipes, see Dishes.
For Warly's unique cooking recipes, see Portable Crock Pot.

The Recipe Card is an item that allows you to learn recipes in Don't Starve Together. Can be found by naturally spawning in the world near the Skeleton, as well as by digging up Graves or opening Tumbleweeds and Sunken Chest. The recipe card merely lists its recipe when examined, it does not automatically add it to your Cookbook.

All Recipes

Icon Nams Card Recipe
Butter Muffin.png Butter Muffin Butterfly Wings.pngCarrot.pngCarrot.pngBerries.png
Froggle Bunwich.png Froggle Bunwich Frog Legs.pngRed Cap.pngRed Cap.pngCarrot.png
Taffy.png Taffy Honey.pngHoney.pngHoney.pngBerries.png
Pumpkin Cookies.png Pumpkin Cookies Pumpkin.pngHoney.pngHoney.pngBerries.png
Stuffed Eggplant.png Stuffed Eggplant Eggplant.pngPotato.pngOnion.pngGarlic.png
Fishsticks.png Fishsticks Fish Morsel.pngFish Morsel.pngFish Morsel.pngTwigs.png
Honey Nuggets.png Honey Nuggets Honey.pngHoney.pngMorsel.pngMorsel.png
Honey Ham.png Honey Ham Honey.pngHoney.pngMeat.pngMeat.png
Dragonpie.png Dragonpie Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit.pngPotato.pngPepper.png
Kabobs.png Kabobs Meat.pngOnion.pngEggplant.pngTwigs.png
Bunny Stew.png Bunny Stew Meat.pngIce.pngIce.pngToma Root.png
Turkey Dinner.png Turkey Dinner Drumstick.pngDrumstick.pngMeat.pngBerries.png
Fish Tacos.png Fish Tacos Fish Morsel.pngFish Morsel.pngCorn.pngOnion.png
Powdercake.png Powdercake Honey.pngHoney.pngCorn.pngTwigs.png
Trail Mix.png Trail Mix Roasted Birchnut.pngRoasted Birchnut.pngBerries.pngBerries.png
Spicy Chili.png Spicy Chili Meat.pngMeat.pngToma Root.pngPepper.png
Guacamole.png Guacamole Moleworm.pngRipe Stone Fruit.pngRipe Stone Fruit.pngCorn.png
Asparagus Soup.png Asparagus Soup Asparagus.pngAsparagus.pngPotato.pngOnion.png
Banana Pop.png Banana Pop Cave Banana.pngIce.pngIce.pngTwigs.png
Stuffed Pepper Poppers.png Stuffed Pepper Poppers Pepper.pngMorsel.pngMorsel.pngPotato.png
California Roll.png California Roll Kelp Fronds.pngKelp Fronds.pngFish Morsel.pngFish Morsel.png
Barnacle Nigiri.png Barnacle Nigiri Barnacles.pngKelp Fronds.pngKelp Fronds.pngEgg.png
Stuffed Fish Heads.png Stuffed Fish Heads Barnacles.pngFish Morsel.pngFish Morsel.pngPotato.png
Beefy Greens.png Beefy Greens Leafy Meat.pngToma Root.pngToma Root.pngCarrot.png
Soothing Tea.png Soothing Tea Forget-Me-Lots.pngIce.pngIce.pngHoney.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • Most of the recipes on the cards are not optimal, they just show a case and encourage the player to find a better solution for themselves.

Blueprint.png Gallery

Placeholder.png Trivia