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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

WX-78 Portrait.png


It teaches you how to build a specific thing.

-Scrapbook Description

A Blueprint is an Item that lets the player learn a craftable recipe without having to prototype it first. When used, it restores 15 Sanity Meter.png. Blueprints themselves do not actually create an item; they only allow the player to craft the item away from the station normally used to prototype it.

Blueprints can be found in some Set Pieces. The player can find more than one Blueprint that unlocks the same recipe, and all Blueprints will restore Sanity when used, even if the player has already researched the item.

Blueprints can also be obtained by destroying Tumbleweeds. It is possible to find Blueprints for items in the Ancient Tab, but an Ancient Pseudoscience Station will still be needed to actually craft the item. Ancient Tab Blueprints do not restore any Sanity.

Rare Blueprint

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Winona Portrait.png
Progress on paper!

Winona, when examining a Rare Blueprint.

In Don't Starve Together, Blueprints for recipes that are already unlocked will no longer be able to be learned again.

In A New Reign, Rare Blueprints were introduced for crafting recipes which cannot be learned any other way. Many of these Blueprints drop from Boss Monsters, providing incentive for players to fight them. Generally, the recipe from the Blueprint will use the unique drop from the boss.

Other sources of rare Blueprints are the Stagehand (provides Blueprint for End Table), Crumpled Packages (provide Blueprints for Desert Goggles), the Ancient Chest, Distilled Knowledge, and the Loot Stash (can provide some rare Blueprint).

Below is table listing all rare Blueprint items. Unless stated otherwise, if it is a mob, it must be killed to obtain the Blueprint.

Object/Mob Blueprint recipes
Ancient Chest.png Relic Chair.png Relic Table.png Relic Vase.png Relic Plate.png Relic Bowl.png Relic Chipbowl.png
Antlion.png The Lazy Deserter.png Turf-Raiser Helm.png (also traded for Beach Toy.png)
Brick Flooring.png Gold Flooring.png Humble Lamb Idol.png (traded for Red Crown.png)
Bee Queen.png Bundling Wrap.png
Dragonfly.png Scaled Furnace.png
Crab King.png Strident Trident.png
Lake.png (Crumpled Package.png Fishing Rod.png) Desert Goggles.png
Stagehand.png (Hammer.png) End Table.png
Toadstool.png / Misery Toadstool.png Mushlight.png Glowcap.png Blue Funcap.png Red Funcap.png Green Funcap.png
Napsack.png (only Misery Toadstool.png)
Crabby Hermit.png (Empty Bottle (DST).png) Shell Beach Turf.png Pinchin' Winch.png Fish Food.png
Queen of Moon Quay Build.png (Cave Bananas.png) Cannon Kit.png Cannonball.png Dock Kit.png Dock Piling.png Moon Quay Beach Turf.png
Pirate stash.png (Shovel.png) Moon Quay Pirate Banner.png Polly Roger's Hat.png
Archive Orchestrina.png(Distilled Knowledge.png) Terra Firma Tamper.png Ancient Stonework.png(Fountain of Knowledge.png)

Astral Detector.png(Fountain of Knowledge B.png)
Collected Dust.png(Fountain of Knowledge C.png)

Grainy Transmission.png Astroggles.png Lunar Siphonator .png
Loot Stash.png (Klaus.png) 50% for 1 of Scaled Furnace.png, Red Funcap.png, Green Funcap.png, Blue Funcap.png, Glowcap.png,
Mushlight.png, The Lazy Deserter.png, Bundling Wrap.png, Strident Trident.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png(Imitation Ruins Turf Blueprints.png) Imitation Ancient Brickwork.pngImitation Ancient Flooring.pngImitation Ancient Tilework.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png(Ruins Turf Blueprints.png) Ancient Brickwork.pngAncient Flooring.pngAncient Tilework.png
Ancient Guardian.png Pillar Scaffold.png
Nightmare Werepig.png Dreadstone Helm.pngDreadstone Armor.pngDreadstone Wall.pngDreadstone Pillar Scaffold.png
Resting Horror.png Relic Chair.png
Abandoned Junk.pngAbandoned Junk2.pngAbandoned Junk3.png(Hammer.png)
Scrappy Werepig.png if link =Lunar Rift#Activating Activated
Auto-Mat-O-Chanic.pngW.A.R.B.I.S. Head Gear.pngW.A.R.B.I.S. Armor.pngElastispacer.png

Multiple Blueprints

Blueprints - it's a bunch of Blueprints. They are not present in the game as an item. When crafting them, the player immediately receives several Blueprints. There are two types of them in the game so far: Ruins Turf Blueprints and Imitation Ruins Turf Blueprints

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Picture will help Wolfgang catch fish!


Adverts are Items exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them.

Adverts are learnable like Blueprints; they unlock one of Floats or Lures for crafting. They have a fuel value of 15 seconds, and can be erased at Cartographer's Desk.

Sea Fishing Rod.png Available Adverts

The following Floats or Lures can be unlocked from their corresponding Adverts:

Advert Dropped by
Jet Quill Float.png Ocean Debris Land.png 1.09%
Stupefying Lure.png exchange heavy Fallounder.png with Crabby Hermit.png
Rainy Day Lure.png exchange heavy Bloomfin Tuna.png with Crabby Hermit.png
Heavy Weighted Lure.png exchange heavy Scorching Sunfish.png with Crabby Hermit.png
Snow Day Lure.png exchange heavy Ice Bream.png with Crabby Hermit.png

Placeholder.png Trivia

Blueprint.png Gallery