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Books are items craftable by Wickerbottom. They can be read several times at the cost of Sanity to trigger several type of events. The durability can be regenerated by storing the books in Bookcases. Only Wickerbottom and Maxwell can use the books, although Maxwell has to pay a higher sanity penalty. Wurt can read the books to either gain or lose sanity but won't trigger their effects.

Player can continue reading the books even at 0 sanity without paying any additional sanity cost. Players may use any of the standard ways to regain Sanity, consign themselves to fighting shadow creatures, or wear a Bone Helm to make the Shadow Creatures neutral. Books can also be safely read on Lunar Island or the Lunar Grotto due to Enlightenment. Sanity considerations are especially important with repeated book readings, such as when summoning Grumble Bees, growing Lureplant farms, or building Tentacle pits.

Birds of the World

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
The expurgated version, but it has my favorite: Megascops kennicottii.


Summon up to 20 birds to land nearby.

-Scrapbook Description

Birds of the World can summon 20 to 30 Birds to land between 1.5 and 3 Tiles radius. When there is more than 10 birds nearby, it will only summon 10 to 20 birds. If there are already 20 birds, then the book will not call for more birds. The type of Birds it summons depends on the Season and Turf the birds land on. At night, the birds will fly away immediately, and they won't land within Moonstorm.

To kill the birds, the player can combine it with Sleepytime Stories, ideally right before the night so the birds remain asleep for the duration of the night and not just duration of the book. The birds may also be frozen with Ice Flingomatics. There are also other sleepless way of killing, such as Winona's Catapults.

This book is good for farming Krampus and Feathers when a proper farm is built. Birds can be scared away by Shadow Creatures so it is recommended to build on the Lunar Island.

Maxwell loses 125 Sanity per read. Wurt can also read it to increase her Sanity by 50 points but will not activate the Book's effect.

Sleepytime Stories

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Warm milk in book form.


Puts creatures nearby to sleep.

-Scrapbook Description

Sleepytime Stories causes Mobs within 7.5 Tiles to fall asleep about 2 seconds after reading. The duration of sleep depends on the target and the effect is broken when it is attacked.

Sleepytime Stories can be used instead of the Pan Flute, for example for shaving Beefalos during the day and during mating season, calming Dragonfly, stopping Bee Queen's attacks and beetles, stopping Depths Worm and Hound attacks, slowing down or completely stopping most boss and giants attacks or stealing guarded items from Set Pieces.

It's able to put other players to sleep if PvP is enabled on the server.

On Tentacles

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wheeler Portrait.png
I'm guessing it's not a children's book.


Summon some unfriendly Tentacles nearby.

-Scrapbook Description

On Tentacles creates up to 3 Tentacles between 0.75 to 2 Tiles. Less tentacles are created when there are more obstructions in the spawning zone. Burnt structure, stump of a wall, tree or a boulder or another tentacle are examples of obstructions.

Tentacles from On Tentacles generally produces more Tentacle Spots than it consumes. They are also a source of Tentacle Spikes, a great melee weapon.

The book can be used to build defenses or traps, as the Tentacles are hostile to most Mobs in the game. Tentacle pit can be built by having a ring of wall stumps and safely reading 15-21 times of On Tentacles in that ring.

The End is Nigh!

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Walani Portrait.png


Bring down over a dozen uncontrolled lightning strikes.

-Scrapbook Description

The End is Nigh! generates 16 consecutive Lightning strikes between 0.75 and 3.75 tiles.

The main use is charging up allied WX-78 in Don't Starve Together.

Any bolt of lightning from The End is Nigh! can strike Wickerbottom when used. Wickerbottom should consider wearing lightning insulated clothing, such as the Eyebrella.

Horticulture, Abridged

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Woodie Portrait.png
That's a lot of readin'... you sure it's the shorter version?


Rapidly grow up to 10 nearby garden plants or fruiting bushes.

-Scrapbook Description

Horticulture, Abridged is a unique book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. When cast, it causes nearby food plants to instantly grow. It only affects garden plants, berry bushes, banana bushes and stone fruit bushes, while only affecting 10 plants within a 7.5 turf cell radius. Spends 20% durability per use and takes 33 points of sanity from Wickerbottom and Wurt, and 82.5 points from Maxwell.

Garden plants affected by the book's begin to grow rapidly, going through each stage in about one second. At the same time, they consume water and use and release nutrients into the soil during the transition to each stage just like during normal growth. Due to the high growth rate, it is difficult to add water or the right fertilizers, as well as talk to plants after using the book. Therefore, it's recommended to use the book on combinations of plants that feed each other, equip a One-man Band, and after using the book, switch to a Watering Can, and add water for the best result. However, even under perfect conditions, it is impossible to grow giant plants.

Horticulture, Expanded

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wanda Portrait.png
Goodness, it's even thicker than the last one.


Rapidly grow up to 15 nearby garden plants or fruiting bushes.

-Scrapbook Description

Horticulture, Expanded is an improved version of the "Horticulture, Abridged". It has a more complex crafting recipe, but allows players to grow up to 15 plants instead of 10 and tends to the plants.

When cast, spends 33% durability and takes 33 sanity from Wickerbottom. Maxwell loses 82.5 Sanity per use. Wurt loses 50 sanity when cast.

Applied Silviculture

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Waxwell Portrait.png
It's not wise to toy with forces beyond your comprehension.


Grow grass, saplings, and trees nearby, but grass will need to be fertilized again sooner.

-Scrapbook Description

Applied Silviculture is a book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together in the "Reap What You Sow" update. It is crafted from two Papyrus and a Living Log.

This book allows players to instantly grow Grass Tufts, Saplings and Trees within a 7,5 turf cell radius. Upon use consumes extra harvest cycle (for example transplanted grass tuft allows for 20 harvest before needed fertilization but if book was used for each harvest it will only allow for 10 harvests) Also calms down Tree Guards when used. When used, it takes away 33 points of sanity from Wickerbottom and Wurt, and takes away 82.5 points from Maxwell.

The Angler's Survival Guide

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wormwood Portrait.png
Has Glub Glubs


Summon a school of Ocean Fish nearby.

-Scrapbook Description

The Angler's Survival Guide is a unique book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. Crafted with 2 Papyrus and 2 Wooden Floats.

When cast, this book summons a school of Ocean Fish that can appear in the ocean type at which it was read. Spends 33% durability per use and takes away 33 points of sanity. Wurt gains 50 sanity for reading. Maxwell will lose 82.5 Sanity.

Pyrokinetics Explained

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Webber Portrait.png
Willow keeps trying to burn it... we thought she'd like it!


Extinguishes all burning and smoldering fires nearby and creates or charges a Fiery Pen infused with that energy.

-Scrapbook Description

Pyrokinetics Explained is a unique Book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. To create, you need the book The End Is Nigh, as well as a Feather Pencil and two units of Papyrus.

When cast, it extinguishes all burning or smoldering objects within a 3 turf cell radius, including Campfires, Fire Pits, and their endothermic variants. The Book creates a Fiery Pen with 10 % durability for each extinguished burning object and 5 % for each smoldering object, up to 100 %. If a Fiery Pen with less than 100 % durability is in the inventory, it will be recharged when extinguishing additional fires with Pyrokinetics Explained. Otherwise, a new Fiery Pen will be given.

Fiery Pen

Webber Portrait.png
How dangerous could a pen really be?


Shoots projectiles that ignite targets on fire.

-Scrapbook Description

The Fiery Pen is an item added in Don't Starve Together. It can be created by reading Wickerbottom's Book Pyrokinesis Explained. It can be used like a regular Fire Staff.

Overcoming Arachnophobia

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wolfgang Portrait.png


Create several turfs worth of Spider Webbing on the ground that slows creatures traveling on it. It will go away after 2 minutes.

-Scrapbook Description

The Overcoming Arachnophobia is a unique Book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. Crafted with 2 Papyrus and 8 Silk.

When cast, creates a 3 by 3 turf area Spider web under the player. The web slows all creatures except other players and flying creatures by 25%, Spiders are also slowed. The web disappears after 2 minutes (4 clock segments). Using the book costs 20% of durability and reduces Sanity by 33 for Wickerbottom, by 82.5 for Maxwell and restores 33 Sanity for Wurt.

Tempering Temperatures

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
My thoughts on it are only lukewarm.


Dries survivors nearby as well as setting their temperature to a nice 35 degrees.

-Scrapbook Description

Tempering Temperatures is a unique Book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. It can be crafted with 2 Papyrus and 1 Thermal Stone.

When cast it removes wetness from characters within 4 squares of turf and dries items in their inventory. In addition, the Book sets the temperature of the characters to 35 degrees. Reduces 20% durability per use and takes away 33 points of Sanity. Maxwell loses 82.5 Sanity. Wurt restores 33 Sanity when cast.

Lux Aeterna

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
Whoever wrote this must've been pretty bright.


Summons half a day of light to shine down. Will cause an earthquake in the caves.

-Scrapbook Description

Lux Aeterna is a unique Wickerbottom Book added to Don't Starve Together. It can be crafted from 2 units of Papyrus and 2 Light Bulbs.

When used, the book creates a beam of light above the character, similar to surface lights in caves. The beam lights up a small area for half a day. Reading in the caves triggers an Earthquake. Reading a book takes 33% of her durability and 33 points of sanity for Wickerbottom, and 82.5 for Maxwell. Wurt gains 33 Sanity for using the book.

Farm Plants will continue to grow at night if inside the light granted by this book. (In radius of around 3 tiles)

Lux Aeterna Redux

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wendy Portrait.png
The brighter the light, the deeper the shadows...


Summons 2 days of light to shine down. Will cause an earthquake in the caves.

-Scrapbook Description

Lux Aeterna Redux is an improved version of the "Lux Aeterna". Crafted with Lux Aeterna, a Feather Pencil, and 2 Papyrus. When cast, summons an empowered beam of light that illuminates the area for two in-game days. Reading in the caves triggers an Earthquake.

Spends 20% durability on cast and takes 33 Sanity for Wickerbottom and 82.5 Sanity for Maxwell. Wurt gains 50 Sanity when cast.

Farm Plants will continue to grow at night if inside the light granted by this book. (In radius of around 3 tiles)

Practical Rain Rituals

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Webber Portrait.png
"One of the simplest ways to invite rain is to kill a-" oh...


If it's raining, the rain will stop. If it's not raining, rain will start and also water nearby farm soil.

-Scrapbook Description

Practical Rain Rituals is a unique book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. Crafting requires 2 Papyrus and 2 Down Feathers.

When read, this book has the ability to toggle rain. Also, during the call of rain, it increases the humidity of nearby Farm Soil. After reading the book, Wickerbottom spends 20% of its durability and loses 33 points of Sanity, and Maxwell will lose 82.5 points. Wurt, on the contrary, increases her Sanity by 33 units after using the book.

Lunar Grimoire

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wortox Portrait.png
Hyuyuyu how cute! The mortals think they can hold sway over the moon!


Sets the current moon stage to full.

-Scrapbook Description

Lunar Grimoire is a unique Wickerbottom book added to Don't Starve Together. Crafting requires 2 Papyrus, 1 Iridescent Gem and 2 Moon Moth Wings.

When read, the current day turns into a full moon, causing the lunar cycle to continue from that point. Spends 33% durability per use and drains 50, 125, and 33 Sanity from Wickerbottom, Maxwell, and Wurt respectively when cast.

Apicultural Notes

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Walter Portrait.png
There aren't real bees inside, right? Heh, no, that would be silly.


Summons 2 Grumble Bee followers. Maximum 16 at a time.

-Scrapbook Description

Apicultural Notes is a unique Book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. To craft you need 2 Papyrus, 8 Stingers and 4 Honey.

This summons two friendly Grumble Bees when cast. They are passive like other followers and will follow the summoner, protecting them from other aggressive creatures. A maximum of sixteen drones can be summoned. Spends 33% durability per use and takes away 33 points of sanity. Wurt also loses 33 sanity per reading. Maxwell loses 82.5 Sanity. Should a player attempt to fight Bee Queen with summoned Grumble Bees, she'll screech and assume control over them. Therefore, it's ill advised to have any summoned before fighting her.

The Everything Encyclopedia

Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
Wickerbottom likes to do everything by the book.


Gives nearby survivors a crafting charge. Each charge lets them craft the next item one tech level higher than normal.

-Scrapbook Description

The Everything Encyclopedia is a unique Book by Wickerbottom added to Don't Starve Together. Crafted with 2 units of Papyrus and 1 Electrical Doodad in the Survivor Items Filter.

When used, it lowers requirement for prototyping items from science, magic and think tank tiers (for more information, check Crafting/Don't Starve Together). Items from both science tiers, tier 1 of magic and think tank can be crafted anywhere, while tier 2 magic items require any science or magic station.

Single read gives one 'charge' to any player within a 4 Tiles radius, including the caster. Charges stack up, which allows player to read book multiple times in a row, and later use stored charges to prototype items with decreased requirements. If player prototypes item while not standing next to normally required research station, charge count is lowered by one, otherwise it is not consumed.

If lowered prototyping requirements do not demand crafting station, player won't gain bonus 15 sanity points from learning it.

After reading the book loses 33% durability. Wickerbottom loses 33 Sanity and Maxwell 82.5 Sanity. At the same time, Wurt restores 33 sanity.

Higgsbury Red T-Shirt Icon.png Skins

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Belongings

  • The Woven - Elegant Accursed Silviculture skin was added on March 30, 2023 in honor of the upcoming 1st April.

  • The Woven - Elegant Theater Schedule skin was added on March 30, 2023 in honor of the upcoming 1st April.

  • The Woven - Elegant The End is Nigh: Gilded Edition skin was introduced during the official The Forge event in 2017.

  • The Woven - Elegant Tempering Temperatures skin was added on March 30, 2023 in honor of the upcoming 1st April.

  • The Woven - Elegant Monstrous Tome skin was added on March 30, 2023 in honor of the upcoming 1st April.

  • The Woven - Elegant Survival for Geniuses skin was added on March 30, 2023 in honor of the upcoming 1st April.

Prototype.png Tips

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The text "Ia! Ia!" in the description for The End is Nigh! refers to the phrase "Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!", a chant from the Cthulhu Mythos of H. P. Lovecraft.
  • The sanity reduction from reading possibly could suggest that these books contain knowledge which humans were never meant to know, similar to the Necronomicon and Pnakotic Manuscripts from the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. Although Wurt can gain sanity by reading some of the books, this is likely because she reads them for personal enjoyment rather than to utilize possibly forbidden magic.
  • According to Wilson in Don't Starve Together, Sleepytime Stories is "just 500 pages of telegraph codes". This implies that the book bores those affected to sleep.
  • Sleepytime Stories and The End is Nigh! were originally named Bedtime Stories and Conflagration respectively.[1]
  • Previously, Don't Starve Together also featured the book "Applied Horticulture", but with the Reap What You Sow update, which redesigned the farming system, it was replaced by the book "Horticulture, Abridged".
  • When Wickerbottom inspects "Birds of the World", she mentions the Western Screech Owl. This is a reference to the mod the developers made titled The Screecher.
  • Several characters introduced with the Hamlet DLC have unimplemented quotes for Wickerbottom's books:
    • Wagstaff: Birds of the World ("I cannot access the knowledge within it. How frustrating!"), Applied Horticulture ("Much more than a collection of facts."), Sleepytime Stories ("Is this ink imbued with dark fuel?! Fascinating!"), On Tentacles ("What prevents me from using this?"), The End is Nigh! ("Oh, I do wish I could access its power.").
    • Wheeler: Birds of the World ("Will it help me get back in the air?"), Applied Horticulture ("I'm not digging this one."), Sleepytime Stories ("A sleeper hit."), On Tentacles ("I'm guessing it's not a children's book."), The End is Nigh! ("Feel good story of the year.").
    • Wormwood and Wilba do have quotes too.
  • Webber's comment on "Practical Rain Rituals" may be a reference to the superstition that killing a spider will make it rain. Less likely it references the Aztecs ritually sacrificing children to The Rain God, hoping for rain. Few other characters reference the use of a ritual.
  • Fiery Pan have unused description: "Keep those rambunctious flames penned in."

Blueprint.png Gallery


  1. (Archive) Character Rebalance Discussion Thread. Posted on June 12, 2013.