Chess Pieces/Bosses

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

For sculptures players can repair using Suspicious Marble, see Marble Sculptures.
For decorative sculptures dropping Sketches when mined, see Marble Statues.

Chess Pieces are craftable objects exclusive to Don't Starve Together, introduced in A New Reign. There are eight different variants that can be crafted at a Potter's Wheel and are mostly meant for decoration. Nearly all of them are unlocked by giving their respective Sketch to the Potter's Wheel, except for the Bubble Pipe Carving and the Carved Hornucopia, which are always available. Players are able to sculpt Chess Pieces out of two Rocks and one MarbleCut Stone or Moon Shard. The chosen material determining the color of the crafted Chess Piece.

Chess Pieces can be carried by players in the chest slot, similar to Suspicious Marble, slowing down their movement speed and preventing them from several inventory actions, such as equipping a handheld item.

Deerclops Figure

Willow Portrait.png
We kicked its butt.


The sculpture depicts the Deerclops. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Deerclops.

Back Model of Deerclops:

Bearger Figure

Webber Portrait.png
The fur looks so real!


The sculpture depicts the Bearger. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Bearger.

Back Model of Bearger Figure:

Moose/Goose Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


When inspecting a Moose/Goose Figure, there is 50% chance to show the text Moose Figure, and 50% chance to show Goose Figure. Wortox's quote also has 50% chance to say "goose" instead of "moose".

Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Moose/Goose.

Back Model of Moose/Goose:

Dragonfly Figure

Wilson Portrait.png
Ah, that brings back memories. Bad ones.


The sculpture depicts the Dragonfly. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Dragonfly.

Back Model of Dragonfly:

Ancient Guardian Figure

Wortox Portrait.png
It's as though the Minotaur met Medusa.


The sculpture depicts the Ancient Guardian. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Ancient Guardian.

Back Model of Eye of Ancient Guardian:

Toadstool Figure

Wurt Portrait.png
No more glurp-glurping.


The sculpture depicts the Toadstool. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Toadstool.

Bee Queen Figure

Wortox Portrait.png
Stationary majesty. Static insect.


The sculpture depicts the Bee Queen. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Bee Queen.

Klaus Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


The sculpture depicts the Klaus. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Klaus.

Antlion Figure

Warly Portrait.png
I do like him better like this.


The sculpture depicts the Antlion. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Antlion.

Ancient Fuelweaver Figure

Woodie Portrait.png
Nothin' wrong with it now.


The sculpture depicts the Ancient Fuelweaver. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Ancient Fuelweaver.

Malbatross Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
No more will she soar over the gloomy shoals.


The sculpture depicts the Malbatross. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Malbatross.

Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:

Crab King Figure

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
A rendering of a treasure-obsessed crustacean.


The sculpture depicts the Crab King. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Crab King.

Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:

Celestial Champion Figure

Warly Portrait.png
A three course fight I won't soon forget.


The sculpture depicts the Celestial Champion. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Celestial Champion.

Eye of Terror Figure

Wendy Portrait.png
Its stony gaze will glare for eternity.


The sculpture depicts the Eye of Terror. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Eye of Terror.

Back Model of Eye of Terror Figure:

Twins of Terror Figure

Wanda Portrait.png
I'd be quite happy to never lay eyes on them again.


The sculpture depicts the Twins of Terror. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Twins of Terror.

Nightmare Werepig Figure

Wanda Portrait.png
Ah yes, how could I forget that time I was nearly smashed to bits?


The sculpture depicts the Nightmare Werepig. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Nightmare Werepig.

Back Model of Nightmare Werepig Figure:

Scrappy Werepig Figure

The sculpture depicts the Scrappy Werepig. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Scrappy Werepig.

Back Model of Nightmare Werepig Figure:

Crystal Deerclops Figure

Willow Portrait.png
We kicked its butt, and then we kicked it again.


The sculpture depicts the Crystal Deerclops. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Crystal Deerclops.

Other Side Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:

Back Model of Crystal Deerclops Figure:

Possessed Varg Figure

Willow Portrait.png
I SAID we should've burned it, but nope, nobody listens to me...


The sculpture depicts the Possessed Varg. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Possessed Varg.

Back Model of Possessed Varg Figure:

Armored Bearger Figure

WX-78 Portrait.png


The sculpture depicts the Armored Bearger. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Armored Bearger.

Back Model of Armored Bearger Figure:

Frostjaw Figure

Walter Portrait.png
Your bark was worse than their bite, Woby!


The sculpture depicts the Frostjaw. Its Sketch will drop after trading with Frostjaw.

Back Model of Frostjaw's Figure:

Great Depths Worm Figure

The sculpture depicts the Great Depths Worm. Its Sketch will drop upon death of the Great Depths Worm.

Back Model of Great Depths Worm Figure:

Prototype.png Tips

  • These structures act as impenetrable walls except to certain bosses. This can be used in the Moon Caller's Staff event to block off Spiders ,Werepigs and Hounds.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Most Chess Pieces were added in the A Little Fixer Upper update, while the Giant Figures were introduced in an unnamed Bonus Update after the completion of A New Reign. The Bee Queen, Toadstool, Antlion, Ancient Fuelweaver, and Klaus figures were added in the May QoL update.
  • Based off of character quotes, it is implied that the Kingly Figure refers to Maxwell, the Queenly figure to Charlie, and the Pawn to all the other playable characters.
  • Maxwell's examination quote of the Pawn Figure lampshades the lack of a Clockwork Pawn enemy by stating that he doesn't know what a Pawn is.
  • The Queenly Figure used to have speech file lines referring to it having a "struggling" state, but these were later removed or commented out.
  • The Moon Shard figure type as well as the Moon Moth, Anchor, and "Moon" Figures were introduced in the Turn of Tides update.
  • Knight, Bishop, and Rook Figures made from Moon Shards will not spawn Shadow Pieces if hammered during a new moon. This is intentional.[1]
  • In the Host of Horrors beta test, an early version of Armored Bearger Chess Pieces was discovered in the Nightmare Werepig Chess Pieces files.

Blueprint.png Gallery