Brick Flooring

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Cold stone beneath my feet.


Can be placed on dirt ground to change the type of ground.

-Scrapbook Description

Brick Flooring is an alternate version of Cobblestones. It differs only in texture, description and method of obtaining the prototype. Its rare Blueprint is obtained by feeding the Red Crown to the Antlion.

Brick Flooring allow players to lay down their own Roads. Similar to natural Roads, it will speed up the player by 30%. Brick Flooring can be moved using the Pitchfork.

Plants like Berry Bushes, Grass Tufts, Saplings, Spiky Bushes, Pine Cones, and Birchnuts can't be planted on these Turfs, unless they were planted before the Turfs were placed. It will also stop the Lureplants' Eyeplants from spawning.

When placed on the Surface World covering a large enough area, Crows are the only Birds that will spawn and land on these turfs.

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