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All turfs in order of priority. Turfs with higher priority will partly cover other turfs.
The ground. You step on it.


Turfs are floor and ground-tile items. They can be dug up with a Pitchfork and used for decoration or fuel. Turfs can fuel all structures except the Night Light. Turfs cannot be used to fertilize plants.

Wilson with a Pitchfork and tile digging indicator visible.png

Turfs generally don't affect Mobs except:

  • Some birds only land on certain turfs and certain seasons.
  • BFB cannot land on Deep rainforest and Gas rainforest turfs because they have a canopy. It cannot land on all kinds of turfs in the Pig City, either.
  • Spider nests create a special turf called Sticky Webbing, which slows the player and some Mobs down.

Roads and Trails are not turfs and cannot be moved. If the player digs up a Runic Turf, it will be destroyed. Cobblestones gives the player 30% faster movement. Scaled Flooring reduces heat.

Gift Icon.png Downloadable Content

In the Shipwrecked DLC, Puddles cannot spawn on craftable turfs but they can still flood them. Coffee Plant and Elephant Cactus can only be planted on ashy, magma, or volcanic turfs, but they can grow on any turf after they have been planted.

In the Hamlet DLC, Nettle can be planted on any turf, but they can only grow on Dense or Deep Rainforest turfs. The player cannot use a Pitchfork to dig up Deep Rainforest and Gas Rainforest turfs. Pitchfork will lose all of its durability if the player try to dig up Gas Rainforest turfs. Stone Road Turf gives the player 30% faster movement. Stone Road Turf, Flat Stone Turf and Lawn Turf prevents BFB from landing.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Don't Starve Together

Dock Kit is a special turf exclusive in the Don't Starve Together, it can only be placed on Coastal Ocean tile, and can not be dug up with a Pitchfork, instead its removal requires explosion damage like Gunpowder. When Dock Kit is placed on a Ocean tile, that tile will become walkable land.

Turf List

Turf Name DLC Found at Craft Tier
Forest Turf.png Forest Turf Forest Twigs.png×1 Pine Cone.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Grass Turf.png Grass Turf Grasslands Cut Grass.png×1 Petals.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Marsh Turf.png Marsh Turf Marsh Cut Reeds.png×1 Rot.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png Wurt Portrait.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Rocky Turf.png Rocky Turf Rockyland
Pinacle Hamlet icon.png
Rocks.png×1 Flint.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Savanna Turf.png Savanna Turf Savanna Cut Grass.png×1 Manure.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Mud Turf.png Mud Turf Sunken Forest Rocks.png×1 Ice.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Slimy Turf.png Slimy Turf Sunken Forest Cut Grass.png×1 Foliage.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Fungal Turf Blue.png Fungal Turf Mushtree Forest Lichen.png×1 Blue Spore.png/Red Spore.png/Green Spore.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Cave Rock Turf.png Cave Rock Turf Rocky Plains &
Stalagmite Terrain
Rocks.png×3 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Guano Turf.png Guano Turf Rocky Plains &
Stalagmite Terrain
Guano.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Wooden Flooring.png Wooden Flooring Pig King Boards.png×1 Alchemy Engine.png
Cobblestones.png Cobblestones Mosaic Rocky Turf.png×1 Boards.png×1
Magma Turf.png ×1 Boards.png ×1 Shipwrecked icon.png
Cut Stone.png×1 Flint.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png
Alchemy Engine.png
Carpeted Flooring.png Carpeted Flooring Set Pieces Boards.png×1 Beefalo Wool.png×1 Alchemy Engine.png
Checkerboard Flooring.png Checkerboard Flooring Set Pieces Marble.png×1 Alchemy Engine.png
Deciduous Turf.png Deciduous Turf Reign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png Deciduous Forest Twigs.png×1 Birchnut.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Sandy Turf.png Sandy Turf Reign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png Desert Rocks.png×1 Bone Shards.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Jungle Turf.png Jungle Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Jungle
Magma Turf.png Magma Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Magma Field
Tidal Marsh Turf.png Tidal Marsh Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Tidal Marsh
Meadow Turf.png Meadow Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Meadow
Ashy Turf.png Ashy Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Volcano
Volcano Turf.png Volcano Turf Shipwrecked icon.png Volcano
Snakeskin Rug.png Snakeskin Rug Shipwrecked icon.png Snakeskin.png×2 Cloth.png×1 Shipwrecked icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Painted Sand Turf.png Painted Sand Turf Hamlet icon.png Painted
Cultivated Turf.png Cultivated Turf Hamlet icon.png Cultivated Rainforest Turf.png×2 Ashes.png×1 Hamlet icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Lawn Turf.png Lawn Turf Hamlet icon.png Pig City Cut Grass.png×2 Nitre.png×1 Hamlet icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Flat Stone Turf.png Flat Stone Turf Hamlet icon.png Pig City Cut Stone.png×1 Hamlet icon.png Key to the City.png Hamlet icon.png
Stone Road Turf.png Stone Road Turf Hamlet icon.png Pig City Cut Stone.png×2 Boards.png×1 Hamlet icon.png Key to the City.png Hamlet icon.png
Mossy Turf.png Mossy Turf Hamlet icon.png Suburbs
Rainforest Turf.png Rainforest Turf Hamlet icon.png Rainforest
Wild Plains Turf.png Wild Plains Turf Hamlet icon.png Wild Plains
Beard Hair Rug.png Beard Hair Rug Hamlet icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png Beard Hair.png×1 Cut Grass.png×1 Hamlet icon.png
Beard Hair.png×2 Cut Grass.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png
Alchemy Engine.png
Dense Turf.png Dense Turf Hamlet icon.png Bramble Bulb.png×1 Cut Grass.png×2 Ashes.png×1 Hamlet icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Scaled Flooring.png Scaled Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Scales.png×1 Cut Stone.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Rocky Beach Turf.png Rocky Beach Turf Don't Starve Together icon.png Lunar Island Rocks.png×1 Driftwood Piece.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Terra Firma Tamper.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Shell Beach Turf.png Shell Beach Turf Don't Starve Together icon.png Hermit Island Broken Shell (DST).png×1 Rocks.pngx1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Moon Crater Turf.png Moon Crater Turf Don't Starve Together icon.png Lunar Forest Moon Rock.png×1 Moon Shard.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png Celestial Altar.png Celestial Tribute.png Celestial Sanctum.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Mutated Fungal Turf.png Mutated Fungal Turf Don't Starve Together icon.png Lunar Grotto Moon Rock.png×1 Moon Shroom.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png Celestial Altar.png Celestial Tribute.png Celestial Sanctum.png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Ancient Stonework.png Ancient Stonework Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Archive Moon Rock.png×1 Thulecite Fragments.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Ancient Flooring.png Ancient Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Ruins Rocks.pngx2Nightmare Fuel.pngx1Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngRuins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Ancient Tilework.png Ancient Tilework Don't Starve Together icon.png Ruins Rocks.pngx2Nightmare Fuel.pngx1Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngRuins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Ancient Brickwork.png Ancient Brickwork Don't Starve Together icon.png Ruins Rocks.pngx2Nightmare Fuel.pngx1Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngRuins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Imitation Ancient Flooring.png Imitation Ancient Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Rocks.pngx2Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngImitation Ruins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Imitation Ancient Tilework.png Imitation Ancient Tilework Don't Starve Together icon.png Rocks.pngx2Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngImitation Ruins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Imitation Ancient Brickwork.png Imitation Ancient Brickwork Don't Starve Together icon.png Rocks.pngx2Don't Starve Together icon.png Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.pngImitation Ruins Turf Blueprints.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png
Grey Mosaic Flooring.png Grey Mosaic Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Stage Marble.pngx1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Red Mosaic Flooring.png Red Mosaic Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Marble.pngx1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Blue Mosaic Flooring.png Blue Mosaic Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Marble.pngx1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Lush Carpet.png Lush Carpet Don't Starve Together icon.png Stage Boards.png×1 Beefalo Wool.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Alchemy Engine.png
Moon Quay Beach Turf.png Moon Quay Beach Turf Don't Starve Together icon.png Moon Quay Rocks.png×1 Marble.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Dock Kit.png Dock Kit Don't Starve Together icon.png Moon Quay Boards.png×4 Cut Stone.png×1 Stinger.png×2 Palmcone Scale.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Gold Flooring.png Gold Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Rocks.png×1 Gold Nugget.png×1 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png
Brick Flooring.png Brick Flooring Don't Starve Together icon.png Cut Stone.png×1 Flint.png×2 Don't Starve Together icon.png Blueprint (rare).png Don't Starve Together icon.png


One Marsh Turf surrounded by eight Sandy Turfs. The Sandy Turf is dominant, so the Marsh Turf is smaller.
One Sandy Turf surrounded by eight Marsh Turfs. Again, the Sandy Turf is dominant and larger, despite there being only one.

Turfs with higher priority or "dominance" will partly cover other turfs. For example, a Carpeted Flooring turf will always partly cover a Checkerboard Flooring turf when they are next to each other. Turf priority is purely aesthetic.

The following list starts with the highest priority turf, going to the lowest priority turf.

Don't Starve

Turfs in Don't Starve.
Another example of turfs layout, assorted and labeled (minor problems such as with the green fungus turf, but shouldn't bother much)

Don't Starve Together Don't Starve Together icon.png

Turf information about Eyeplant and Plants:

Turf Name Can Spawn Eyeplant Can plant Plants
Forest Turf.png Forest Turf O O
Grass Turf.png Grass Turf O O
Marsh Turf.png Marsh Turf O O
Rocky Turf.png Rocky Turf X X
Savanna Turf.png Savanna Turf O O
Mud Turf.png Mud Turf O O
Slimy Turf.png Slimy Turf O O
Fungal Turf Blue.png Fungal Turf O O
Cave Rock Turf.png Cave Rock Turf X X
Guano Turf.png Guano Turf O O
Wooden Flooring.png Wooden Flooring X X
Cobblestones.png Cobblestones X X
Carpeted Flooring.png Carpeted Flooring X X
Checkerboard Flooring.png Checkerboard Flooring X X
Deciduous Turf.png Deciduous Turf O O
Sandy Turf.png Sandy Turf X O
Scaled Flooring.png Scaled Flooring X X
Rocky Beach Turf.png Rocky Beach Turf X O
Shell Beach Turf.png Shell Beach Turf X O
Moon Crater Turf.png Moon Crater Turf X O
Mutated Fungal Turf.png Mutated Fungal Turf X O
Ancient Stonework.png Ancient Stonework X O
Ancient Flooring.png Ancient Flooring X O
Ancient Tilework.png Ancient Tilework X O
Ancient Brickwork.png Ancient Brickwork X O
Imitation Ancient Flooring.png Imitation Ancient Flooring X O
Imitation Ancient Tilework.png Imitation Ancient Tilework X O
Imitation Ancient Brickwork.png Imitation Ancient Brickwork X O
Grey Mosaic Flooring.png Grey Mosaic Flooring X X
Red Mosaic Flooring.png Red Mosaic Flooring X X
Blue Mosaic Flooring.png Blue Mosaic Flooring X X
Lush Carpet.png Lush Carpet X X
Beard Hair Rug.png Beard Hair Rug X X
Moon Quay Beach Turf.png Moon Quay Beach Turf X O
Dock Kit.png Dock Kit X X
Gold Flooring.png Gold Flooring X X
Brick Flooring.png Brick Flooring X X
N/A Barren (no Turf) O O

Placeholder.png Trivia

Blueprint.png Gallery