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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon

Wigfrid Portrait.png
A mighty beast wörthy öf his cröwn. He will lead us tö victöry!


Ticoons can be summoned from an active Catcoon Shrine for 1 Lucky Gold Nugget and can be used to help find Kitcoons. Only one Ticoon can be summoned at a time. After a Ticoon is summoned, it will start walking towards the nearest undiscovered Kitcoon and periodically stop and wait for the player to follow before continuing on. If the player goes in another direction the Ticoon will follow, but when the player stops moving it will hiss and turn back towards the direction of the Kitcoon, waiting for the player to follow.

Once the Ticoon is close to the hidden Kitcoon it will stop. An "Investigate" option will appear when hovering over the object the Kitcoon is hidden behind. Once investigated, the Kitcoon will come out and drop a Large Red Pouch. The Ticoon will then disappear and another Ticoon can be summoned to find another Kitcoon.

To dismiss a Ticoon, the player can kill the Ticoon or right click the Ticoon to abandon it.
