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Exclusive to: Shipwrecked icon.png



Walani is one of the four playable Characters exclusive to the Shipwrecked DLC. She is the eighth Character to be unlocked via Experience, with 2240 XP. She is a surfer with a relaxed personality.

Walani begins the game with her custom Surfboard. The Surfboard does not require hands to row, and can be a great tool for exploration early on. In addition to drying faster, she also gets hungry slightly faster than normal and effects over time on her Sanity are slightly weaker. Her maximum Health is only 120 but her Hunger is 200, making up for the faster drain to it. Overall, Walani fills the role of an easy-to-use starting Character for Shipwrecked.

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  • Walani was added to Don't Starve: Shipwrecked in the Hang Ten update on December 17, 2015. She was the first Character to be added to the DLC during its Early Access phase.
  • Walani's voice is played by an (out-of-tune) ukulele.
  • When struck by Lightning, Walani has bones in her hair (similar to most other Don't Starve Characters) as well as in her gold earrings.
  • Her old nickname was "The Relaxed", and her old motto was "Can someone bring me some food?"
  • When traveling via surfboard, unique music plays instead of the default sailing track.[1] Making her one of only a few characters to have unique music tracks tied their perks.
  • After being asked about Walani's inclusion in DST on February 8th, 2020 Joe W stated it's in the realm of possibility, but that they've decided to not work on it as of yet due to concerns about releasing more existing content.[2]


  • Walani is most likely Hawaiian or of Hawaiian descendants as she has smaller eyes, a rounder nose, and darker skin than all other characters apart from Warly. Her name also gives this away, as ending in -lani is a very common compound name in Hawaiian culture. Similar names exist, such as Wailani which means heavenly water, fitting her love of the ocean. Surfing is a common Polynesian archetype. Her voice, the Ukulele, is also an Hawaiian instrument. That would make her the first and only Polynesian character. As well as the first character that isn't either Eurocentric or Inhuman added to the franchise.
  • Walani's attire (gold hoop earrings, ruffle shirt, and buccaneer boots), along with examination quotes for certain items such as the Cutlass Supreme, Captain Hat, and Swordfish suggest that she may formerly have been a pirate before giving it up to become a surfer.
  • Walani seems to have a fear of being alone in the dark, heavily panicking in all her quotes related to darkness. [3]
  • Walani may have had a negative experience with jellyfish, as her examination quote states that she "hates [those] things".
  • Dragoon saliva reminds Walani of her brother. ("My brother used to do the same thing.")
  • Walani suggests she prefers herbal medicines, judging by her quote for the Brain Cloud Pill. ("I only take herbals...")


  1. Soundtrack:38.Surfing Everyday, 39.Nightsurfing (Deserves A Quiet Night)
  2. Screenshots of JoeW's Discord comments from the Don't Starve/Together Discord community on February 8th 2020
  3. Walani quotes: Doing things in the dark- "HELP! I'm freakin' out here!", Entering darkness- "H-holy geez, it's dark! HELP! Help me!"