Chess Figures

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Chess Figures are Trinkets that can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Stations after the Sketch of its figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving one of these trinkets to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the respective Chess Piece Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, these trinkets delay its rage by 0.66 days.

Black Bishop.png Black Bishop

Waxwell Portrait.png
Charlie was the only one who ever kept me in check.


The Black Bishop can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Bishop Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a Black Bishop to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Bishop Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The Black Bishop can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_16".

Black Bishop.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Black Bishop.png
Desert Stone.png

Black Knight.png Black Knight

Wilson Portrait.png
Honestly, he just leaves them out wherever.


The Black Knight can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Knight Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a Black Knight to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Knight Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The Black Knight can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_31".

Black Knight.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Black Knight.png
Desert Stone.png

Black Rook.png Black Rook

Webber Portrait.png
Maybe Maxwell will teach us how to play.


The Black Rook can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Rook Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a Black Rook to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Rook Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The Black Rook can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_29".

Black Rook.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


Black Rook.png
Desert Stone.png

White Bishop.png White Bishop

Waxwell Portrait.png
Charlie was the only one who ever kept me in check.


The White Bishop can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Bishop Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a White Bishop to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Bishop Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The White Bishop can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_15".

White Bishop.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


White Bishop.png
Desert Stone.png

White Knight.png White Knight

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Junk from braingame!


The White Knight can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Knight Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a White Knight to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Knight Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The White Knight can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_30".

White Knight.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


White Knight.png
Desert Stone.png

White Rook.png White Rook

Woodie Portrait.png
That one moves diagonally, I think.


The White Rook can be obtained from digging up Graves, picking Tumbleweeds and hammering Ancient Pseudoscience Station after the Sketch of Rook Figure is unlocked in the world.

Giving a White Rook to the Pig King will yield four Gold Nuggets and a Sketch for the Rook Figure.

When given to the Antlion as tribute, this trinket delays its rage by 0.66 days.

The White Rook can be spawned into the game with the code "trinket_28".

White Rook.png
Pig King Icon.png
Gold Nugget.png


White Rook.png
Desert Stone.png