Spoiled Fish/DST

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Is good no more.


Spoiled Fish is an Item in Don't Starve Together, introduced in Return of Them. A Spoiled Fish is obtained when a Raw Fish, an Eel or a Wobster spoils.

Spoiled Fish has some identical properties to Rot, such as Food and Fuel values. Its Nutrient value and type, however, is different from that of Rot: instead of 8 Compost, Spoiled Fish provides 16 Growth Formula nutrients.

In addition, a Spoiled Fish can be hammered to obtain 1 Rot and 1 Bone Shards.

Spoiled Fish Morsel

A Spoiled Fish Morsel is obtained when a Fish Morsel spoils.

Spoiled Fish Morsels have some identical properties to Rot, such as Food and Fuel values. Its Nutrient type, however, is different from that of Rot: instead of 8 Compost, a Spoiled Fish Morsel provides 8 Growth Formula nutrients.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Wurt loses sanity when holding a Spoiled Fish or Spoiled Fish Morsel in her inventory.
  • As they contain the Growth Formula Nutrient, Wormwood can initiate blooming by fertilizing himself with a Spoiled Fish or Spoiled Fish Morsel.
    • If used in his third stage of bloom, a Spoiled Fish adds 2 minutes while a Spoiled Fish Morsel adds 1 minute. This is not worth it; it's better to wait until the third stage ends then use the Spoiled fish to regain it.
    • Unlike Rot, Spoiled Fish and Spoiled Fish Morsels do not heal Wormwood.

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  • The Spoiled Fish and Spoiled Fish Morsel were added in the Hook, Line and Inker update.
  • Before Reap What You Sow, Spoiled Fish dropped either 1 Rot with a 50% chance or 1 Bone Shards with a 50% chance, and Spoiled Fish Morsel dropped either 1 Rot with a 75% chance or 1 Bone shards with a 25% chance.