Surf 'n' Turf is a Meatitem bundled with the Shipwrecked DLC (now available in Don't Starve Together). It is cooked in the Crock Pot by adding any Meats and Fishes with a total Fish/Seafood value of 1.5 or higher and a total Meat value of all the ingredients of 2.5 or higher. Because of the high requirements, this recipe requires either using a Wobster, which has fish value of 2, or using at least one ingredient that has both fish and meat values, such as Tropical Fish, Fish, Dogfish, Shark Fin, Raw Fish, Eel, or Swordfish, all of which have a fish value of 1 and meat value of 0.5. Multiple Monster Meats can be used in the recipe (as long as the recipe requirements are met) without the fear of making Monster Lasagna, since Surf 'n' Turf recipe has a higher priority than Monster Lasagna.
Surf 'n' Turf restores 60 , 37.5 , and 33 . It takes 20 seconds to cook and can be given to the Yaarctopus in exchange for a Boat Lantern.
In normal Don't Starve and Reign of Giants Worlds that are compatible with the Shipwrecked DLC, Surf 'n' Turf can be cooked using 2 Monster Meats and 2 Fish or Eels. This meal can be somewhat easily cooked and consumed in the Caves or Ruins to keep Health, Hunger, and Sanity in check.
Surf 'n' Turf was introduced to Don't Starve Together in the Hook, Line, and Inker update.
Surf and turf is a meal that combines seafood with meat, typically beef steak and lobster.
Surf 'n' Turf is also present in Oxygen Not Included, another game developed by Klei Entertainment.