Shoddy Tool Shed

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While stocked with twigs and rocks, regular Merm will grab a Shoddy Tool from it, reducing its stores.

Shoddy tools will increase the amount of work a merm does for a short time.

With a shoddy tool, follower Merm will help chop trees, mine rocks, dig in a garden and Till soil.

-Scrapbook Description

The Shoddy Tool Shed is a special structure that can only be crafted by Wurt with the "Industrious Merm I" skill and can be placed only on Marsh Turf. Common Merms that are close to this structure and do not have a tool in hand will craft for themselves a Shoddy Tool and equip it. Every craft of a Shoddy Tool by Merms will use 1 Twigs and 1 Rocks. After crafting a Shoddy Tool Shed, it immediately will hold 5 Twigs and 5 Rocks. Only Wurt can fill a Shoddy Tool Shed with Twigs and Rocks. If a Shoddy Tool Shed does not have enough resources, its door will be open.

If the player has a follower Merm with a Shoddy Tool, it will help you chop trees, mine boulders, dig up stumps and dig up the beds.

Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed

While stocked with twigs and rocks, regular Merm will grab a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool from it, reducing its stores.

Slightly Less Shoddy tools increase the amount of work a merm does a little more than their lesser sibling, the Shoddy Tool.

With a shoddy tool, follower Merm will help chop trees, mine rocks, dig in a garden and Till soil.

-Scrapbook Description

The Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed is a special structure that can only be crafted by Wurt with the "Industrious Merm II" skill and can be placed only on Marsh Turf. Common Merms that are close to this structure and do not have a tool in hand will craft for themselves a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool and equip it. Every craft of a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool by Merms will use 1 Twigs and 1 Rocks. After crafting a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed, it immediately will hold 5 Twigs and 5 Rocks. Only Wurt can fill a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed with Twigs and Rocks. If a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed does not have enough resources, its door will be open.

If the player have a follower Merm with a Slightly Less Shoddy Tool, it will help you to chop trees, mine boulders, dig up stumps and dig up the beds.

Prototype.png Tips

  • You can first build a Shoddy Tool Shed or Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed with the necessary skills and then respawn your Wurt at the Celestial Portal with other selected skills. This will allow you to fill a Shoddy Tool Shed with resources without the "Industrious Merm I" or "Industrious Merm II" skills.

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