Pig King/DST

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
Ui button variant 1 on.png

Exclusive to: Don't Starve icon.pngReign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Waxwell Portrait.png
That's a man with his priorities in order!


The Pig King can be found in one of the Pig Villages that generally spawn in or on the borders of a Deciduous Forest biome, usually at the end of a path. He can be found laying on Wooden Flooring surrounded by Obelisks, and may be guarded by Guardian Pigs if playing in Adventure Mode. He is immune to any damage and cannot be attacked.

During the day, the player can make offerings to the Pig King in exchange for Gold Nuggets. At Night, the Pig King goes to sleep and cannot be traded with. He will not hold any grudge towards the player, even if they kill his fellow Pigs or his Guardian Pigs. Despite Pigs' hostility to Webber and Wortox, the Pig King will still trade with them. However, he will refuse to trade with Wurt.

In Adventure Mode, worlds may have different chances of encountering the Pig King based on the specific world's individual rules. 

Exchange rates 

Item Gold Value

Egg.pngCooked Egg.pngMorsel.pngCooked Morsel.pngMeat.pngCooked Meat.pngDrumstick.pngFried Drumstick.pngLeafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat.pngFish.pngCooked Fish.pngBatilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing.pngKoalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak.pngSmall Jerky.pngJerky.pngMonster Jerky.pngPig Skin.pngSlurper Pelt.pngBeach Toy.pngCubic Zirkonia Ball.pngSpider Ring.pngMonkey Paw.pngEmpty Elixir.pngFaux Fangs.pngBroken Stake.png

Gold Nugget.png×1
Bunny Puff.pngSecond-hand Dentures.pngBent Spork.pngAir Unfreshener.png Gold Nugget.png×2
Leaky Teacup.pngShoe Horn.pngBinoculars.pngLone Glove.pngSnail Scale.pngGoop Canister.pngToy Cobra.pngCrocodile Toy.pngBroken Terrarium.pngOdd Radio.pngBroken Hairdryer.pngWarrior Beefalo Doll.pngDolled-Up Beefalo Doll.pngFestive Beefalo Doll.pngFlowery Beefalo Doll.pngIronclad Beefalo Doll.pngFrostbitten Beefalo Doll.pngFormal Beefalo Doll.pngVictorian Beefalo Doll.pngLucky Beast Beefalo Doll.png Gold Nugget.png×3
Ball and Cup.pngGord's Knot.pngMelty Marbles.pngTiny Rocketship.pngOld Boot.pngFrayed Yarn.pngWire Hanger.png Gold Nugget.png×4
Black Bishop.pngWhite Bishop.png Gold Nugget.png×4 Sketch.png (for Statue Bishop Marble.png)
Black Knight.pngWhite Knight.png Gold Nugget.png×4 Sketch.png (for Statue Knight Marble.png)
Black Rook.pngWhite Rook.png Gold Nugget.png×4 Sketch.png (for Statue Rook Marble.png)
Eel.pngCooked Eel.pngFrazzled Wires.pngGnome.pngLying Robot.pngBeaten Beater.png Gold Nugget.png×5
Fake Kazoo.pngToy Trojan Horse.pngUnbalanced Top.png Gold Nugget.png×6
Mismatched Buttons.pngBack Scratcher.png Gold Nugget.png×7
Dessicated Tentacle.pngHardened Rubber Bung.pngLucky Cat Jar.pngRed Crown.png Gold Nugget.png×8
Potato Cup.png Gold Nugget.png×9

Wrestling Match

If given a Golden Belt, he will initiate the Pig King Wrestling Match. There are some conditions for the minigame to start.

  • The Pig King must be awake.
  • There must be more than two minutes until nighttime.
  • The area around the Pig King must be free of structures, objects and minigame items.
  • It must not be Hound warning phase.
  • The player must not be smoldering or burning.
  • Nothing around the Pig King must have a combat target.
  • There must not be a minigame underway.

If all of the conditions above are met, the minigame will start. All the Obelisks will temporarily be removed and four Elite Pigs will be spawned. The minigame consists of ten rounds, lasting six seconds each. During each round, the Pig King will throw out Signs and Lucky Gold Nuggets. The Elite Pigs will pick up the gold and try to smack the contenders with the signs. If a player or Pig is hit with a sign, they will drop a Lucky Gold Nugget from their Inventory, unless they are holding a Sign, in which case they will drop that instead. The goal of the minigame is to pick up and retain as many Lucky Gold Nuggets as possible. The Pig King will award the player with additional Lucky Gold Nuggets based on the percentage of the Lucky Gold Nuggets the player(s) picked up.

Amount of Gold picked up Reward
Above 60% Gold Nugget.png×10 Clout Snout.png×6
Above 30% Gold Nugget.png×8 Clout Snout.png×4
Above 10% Gold Nugget.png×6 Clout Snout.png×2
Above 0% Gold Nugget.png×4

It is not possible to trade with the Pig King or build anything around the Pig King during the game. Periodic Hound attacks are paused during the minigame.

Some creatures will start to spectate if they are close enough.

Spectators that are able to talk will comment on the players' and Elite Pigs' performance during the minigame. Attacking the Elite Pigs, putting them to sleep using a Pan Flute, or setting anything in the area on Fire is considered cheating and will be called out by the spectators as such.

Hallowed Nights

Only during the Event: Hallowed Nights icon.png Hallowed Nights
During the Hallowed Nights event in Don't Starve Together, the Pig King gives Halloween Candy in addition to Gold Nuggets. If the player is wearing a Halloween Costume Skin, the amount of Candy will be increased.

Year of the Pig King

Only during the Event: Pig Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Pig King
During the Year of the Pig King event, Lucky Gold Nuggets replace Gold Nuggets during the Wrestler Match.

Amount of Gold picked up Reward
Above 60% Lucky Gold Nugget.png ×8
Above 30% Lucky Gold Nugget.png ×4
Above 10% Lucky Gold Nugget.png ×2
Above 0% Lucky Gold Nugget.png ×1

Prototype.png Tips

  • Meat that is not accepted by the King can be converted into Eggs by a Bird in a Birdcage, and then offered to the King. This makes Gold Nuggets an infinite resource, as Meat is a renewable resource in the game.
  • A low cost method of obtaining Gold from the Pig King would be to place Lureplants on turf, such as Rocky Turf or Wooden Flooring, or a Boat, where they can't spawn Eyeplants, and repeatedly harvest the bait.
  • A quick method to amass Gold from the Pig King would be to make a few Fishing Rods and fish for Eels in the Caves, as each Eel trades for 5 Gold whether it is alive, dead or cooked.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Pig King will throw the Gold Nuggets towards the player's camera. Turning the camera will cause the Gold Nuggets to land in a different place.
  • Humorously, the Pig King will refuse a haunting from a Ghost Character in Don't Starve Together.
  • There is a Pig King Vignette in Don't Starve Together. Its flavor text provides a little background for the Pig King and his followers: "Legend has it the Pig King and his followers left their home long ago to rule freely in The Constant." Their previous home could possibly be the world of Hamlet.
  • Depictions of the Pig King appear in the Hamlet DLC. For example, one of the Intricate Topiaries is shaped like him.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • Sometimes, a Pig King does not spawn in Sandbox Mode because there isn't enough space for his Set Piece to be created during the world generation.

Blueprint.png Gallery