Golden Belt

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This looks important.


Given to the Pig King to initiate a Wrestling Match.

-Scrapbook Description

The Golden Belt is an item added to Don't Starve Together that can be used to start wrestling. Has a 1% chance of appearing on a pig who will drop it if fed. The belt will also drop when he dies.

Can be given to the Pig King, but only during the day or two minutes before sunset (i.e. must be more than four bars). Other conditions must also be met: the space around the King must be free (from gold, sweets, etc.), the character must be safe (without the threat of freezing or overheating, you cannot give up the belt during an attack by hounds, etc.).

Year of the Pig King

Only during the Event: Year of the Pig King icon.png Year of the Pig King
It has a 50% chance to spawn on a Pig or Guardian Pig during the event.

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