Poison Birchnut Tree/DST

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Exclusive to: Reign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is big and angry tree.


When cutting down a fully sized Birchnut Tree that drops Birchnuts from day 3 and after, there is a small chance that other Birchnut Trees in the area will "awaken" and begin attacking anything in the area, unless it is Winter. This chance increases with the number of days survived from 3% on day 3 to 33% on day 70. After enough time passes (minimum one day,) Poison Birchnut Trees will calm down and return to their normal state. The player can also plant Birchnuts nearby to attempt to pacify them.

A Poison Birchnut Tree can spawn up to 5 Birchnutters to attack the player or nearby Mobs. They will also do a root attack, behaving similarly to tentacles, that will attempt to home in on the player's position.

Unlike the somewhat similar Treeguards, Poison Birchnut Trees have to be felled with an Axe (18 chops) or any other method that will destroy the average tree. Torching a Poison Birchnut Tree spawns another, final wave of Birchnutters.

A Poison Birchnut Tree will drop 1 Living Log and 3 Birchnuts and has a 20% chance to drop an additional Living Log or Nightmare Fuel. Its stump can also be dug up to yield an additional Living Log.

Prototype.png Tips

  • It is advised to bring a group of befriended Pigs when chopping Birchnut Trees. As soon as a Poison Birchnut Tree is spawned, the allied Pigs will attempt to chop it down as well as fight the Birchnutters.
  • If left for a while (but not too long), Poison Birchnut Trees will stop attacking and spawning Birchnutters, making them safer to chop down.
  • Mobs like the Bearger and Clockwork Rook will cut down Poison Birchnut Trees as easily as regular trees, making them especially effective for farming Living Logs.
  • The Weather Pain is a good tool to dispose of Poison Birchnut Trees due to its long-range tree-chopping abilities.
  • In the Hamlet DLC, Birchnut Seeds only cost one Oinc, therefore one can use surplus Oincs to plant a Birchnut Tree farm, the more seeds are bought and planted, the more likely the player is to get the attention of a Poison Birchnut Tree upon chopping a Birchnut Tree down.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • In the first version of Reign of Giants, Birchnut Trees were simply named "Deciduous Trees". It's still named as such in the game's files.
  • Chopping a single Poison Birchnut Tree can spawn even more Poison Birchnut Trees. This is because Poison Birchnut Trees are considered fully grown.
  • Pigs, and other mobs that are able to smash structures, are the only mobs that can destroy Poison Birchnut Trees.
  • The similarities between the Poison Birchnut Trees and the Treeguards has led people to refer to them as 'Birchnut Treeguards' and 'Birchguards'.
  • Woodie's power extends to Poison Birchnut Trees; he can cut one in six swings.
  • In the World Customization Screen, Poison Birchnut Trees are also called Deciduous Monsters.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • If the player is too far away from the Birchnut Tree when it turns passive again, it will continue to appear with the poison build and drop the poison build's

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