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It's... it's beautiful.


The Pick/Axe is a craftable Item found in the Ancient Tab. It requires 1 Luxury Axe, 1 Opulent Pickaxe and 2 Thulecite, and an Ancient Pseudoscience Station to craft. It also has a 5% or 50% chance to be found inside an Ornate Chest or a Large Ornate Chest respectively. Like all items from the Ancient Tab, Pick/Axes cannot be prototyped and Characters always need to be near an Ancient Pseudoscience Station to craft them again.

The Pick/Axe can be used as both a Pickaxe and an Axe, but takes 20% fewer swings to accomplish the same work. A Large Evergreen will take 12 swings instead of 15. A standard Boulder, 5 hits instead of 6. You can't save a fraction of a swing, so without other bonuses, only individual items that take 5 swings or more will benefit from this work reduction. Antlion's cave-in boulders take 3 swings, and stone fruits take one, so neither is affected by this.

Each use as chopping will reduce its durability by 0.25%, and will reduce by 0.75% as mining. This means that when used exclusively to either chop or mine it has double durability as the 2x Luxury Axe (800) or 2x Opulent Pickaxe (267) respectively.

Prototype.png Tips

  • The Luxury Axe and Opulent Pickaxe used in the recipe can be in any condition without affecting the durability of the resulting Pick/Axe.
  • In Don't Starve icon.png, Thulecite is not renewable. Even though they take a second inventory slot and mine 20% slower, Opulent Pickaxes and Luxury Axes may be a better bargain because Gold Nuggets and Twigs are so much easier to acquire.
  • When a Pick/Axe is low on durability, players can use a Deconstruction Staff to get both the Luxury Axe and Opulent Pickaxe back each at 100% durability, plus one thulecite.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Pick/Axe used to be called "Multitool" and had a different look before being implemented with the Stuff of Nightmares update.

Blueprint.png Gallery