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It's... it's beautiful.


The Pick/Axe is a craftable Item found in the Ancient Tab. It requires 1 Luxury Axe, 1 Opulent Pickaxe and 2 Thulecite, and an Ancient Pseudoscience Station to craft. It also has a 5% chance to be found inside an Ornate Chest and 10% chance to be found inside a Sunken Chest. Like all items from the Ancient Tab, Pick/Axes cannot be prototyped and always need to be craft near an Ancient Pseudoscience Station.

The Pick/Axe can be used as both a Pickaxe and an Axe, and with 33% more efficiency. A Large Evergreen will take 12 swings instead of 15. A standard Boulder takes 5 hits instead of 6. You can't save a fraction of a swing, so without other bonuses, only objects that take 5 swings or more will benefit from its efficiency. For Stone Fruits, despite it only takes one swing to crack one Stone Fruit, the player can use one swing of Pick/Axe to mine 2 Stone Fruits at once when stacked.

It has double durability of the Luxury Axe or Opulent Pickaxe: each chopping reduces durability by 0.125% (half of the 0.23% for the Luxury Axe), and each mining costs 0.33% (half of the 0.75% for the Opulent Pickaxe). This is per-swing durability without accounting for the reduction to the number of swings required to perform the same work with lesser tools.

Similar to the Brightshade Smasher, the Pick/Axe is able to mine objects that are too hard for normal tools. This includes vibrating the Cracked Pillars that keep the Nightmare Werepig in place, and mining Dreadstone Outcrops. It can also be used to mine Ryftstals without stunning the player.

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Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Belongings#Tools_Skins

  • The Woven - Elegant Pickaxe Axe skin was introduced in the An Eye for An Eye update in 2021, as a crossover collaboration with Re-Logic's Terraria. Its rarity was Inspired - Elegant initially, but received change in August 19, 2022.

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  • The Luxury Axe and Opulent Pickaxe used in the recipe can be in any condition without affecting the durability of the resulting Pick/Axe.
  • When a Pick/Axe is low on durability, players can use a Deconstruction Staff to get both the Luxury Axe and Opulent Pickaxe back each at 100% durability, plus one thulecite.

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  • The Pick/Axe used to be called "Multitool" and had a different look before being implemented with the Stuff of Nightmares update.

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