Feathered Reed Tunic

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Nox Helm.png The Forge

The Feathered Reed Tunic is an item added to The Forge in Don't Starve Together. Available immediately from Willow, Wendy, Wes, Wigfried and Webber.

It is armor for the body cell. Blocks damage by 60%. Grants +10% movement speed.

Prototype.png Tips

  • This tunic has one of the lowest damage resistance, so wearers should not come into close contact with Pugna's warriors, but count on a bonus to speed: it is well suited to long-range players who prefer to stay away from enemies by shelling them. Therefore, all characters who start the game with a feathered tunic are also equipped with darts.
  • Using a tunic in combination with a feather wreath, you can even run away from a Boarilla!