この記事は未完成のため加筆依頼 が出されています。(理由:かくれんぼ遊びの情報がまだ未記述) 編集による加筆、訂正 またはコメントによる意見 をお願いします。
Year of the Catcoon
Year of the Catcoon(キャットクーンの年) はDon't Starve Together にて導入されたイベント です。2022年1月27日から開催されています。[1] キャットクーン はネコ科のモブ 、すなわちキャットクーン年とは2022年の干支が寅年であることからきています。
基本的なシステムは過去に開催されたゴブラーの年 、ヴァーグの年 、ブタの王様の年 、キャラットの年 、ビーファローの年 と同様で、イベントアイテムは提供品フィルターから作成することで得られます。ただし今回は作成できるアイテムが一部変更・追加され、アイテムの素材である幸運の金塊を手に入れる条件が変更されています。イベント期間外もこのイベントを行いたいときはワールド設定 で「Seasonal Events」の項目を「Year of the Catcoon」に設定してサーバーを建てましょう。
Catcoon Shrine
Catcoon Shrine
"Make offerings to the elusive catcoon."
“ What to make... ”
–Wilson , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Alright, what festive goodies can we get from ya? ”
–Willow , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Looks like tiny kitty, but shiny. ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ How do you know I'm mad? ”
–Wendy , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
–WX-78 , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ A special representation of wildcats. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Some quality craftsmanship there. ”
–Woodie , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ I suppose even a thief has its admirers. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Let the festive crafting cömmence! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ What a nice tribute! ”
–Webber , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ What should we cook up together? ”
–Warly , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Kitty likes box ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ This little fella's a beacon of inspiration. ”
–Winona , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Such a pretty little kitty! ”
–Wortox , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ It home for shiny kitty. ”
–Wurt , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ Come on Woby, let's make something! ”
–Walter , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
“ I suppose there's time to make a little trinket, or two. ”
–Wanda , when examining a Catcoon Shrine.
Catcoon Shrine(キャットクーンの祭壇) Prototypers & Stations Filter 、Structures Filter 、Special Event Filter から作成できる建造物 であり、作成には金塊 4つと板 2つ必要です。プロトタイプを作成する必要は無く、いつでも作成可能です。
ここに羽根 (羽毛 とマルバトロスの羽根 も可)を供えることで祭壇は「稼働」状態となり、近くに立つとOfferings Filter を開くことができます。ここで通常の金塊やイベントアイテムである幸運の金塊 を使って様々なアイテムを作成することができます。羽根は腐らないため、一度供えた後は祭壇が破壊されない限り提供品フィルターを開く効果が永続します。
"kitcoon_savanna" "kitcoon_marsh" "kitcoon_decidious" "kitcoon_grass" "kitcoon_rocky" "kitcoon_desert" "kitcoon_moon" "kitcoon_yot"
“ I must collect more... for research! ”
–Wilson , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ You're very small and squeaky. ”
–Willow , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Is year of tiny kitty, yes? ”
–Wolfgang , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Small and innocent. Like I once was... ”
–Wendy , when examining Festive Kitcoon
–WX-78 , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Oh dear, the bell truly augments your... cuteness. Ho ho! ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Well yer just too cute, aren'tcha? ”
–Woodie , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ What a pathetic little creature, and in such a gaudy outfit. ”
–Maxwell , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ A wee beastie with an excellent costume. ”
–Wigfrid , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ The minister's kit is an icy kit! ”
–Webber , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ You're so sweet, I could just eat you up! ”
–Warly , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Happy friend ”
–Wormwood , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ A clever little thing. ”
–Winona , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Oh what a date, let's celebrate! ”
–Wortox , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ It so little! ”
–Wurt , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Hmm, do you think they'd eat granola? ”
–Walter , when examining Festive Kitcoon
“ Botheration, they're so distractingly cute! ”
–Wanda , when examining Festive Kitcoon
Kitcoon(キットクーン) は、ワールド上に隠れている消極的な動物です。見つけるとプレイヤーに懐いて付いて行きます。懐いた状態で左クリックするとキットクーンを撫でることができ、右クリックするとキットクーンは付いて来るのをやめます。Kitcoon Nursery に預けておけばその周辺に留まるようになります。近くに他のキットクーンやおもちゃがあればじゃれついて遊びます。
キットクーンは、ワールド上のさまざまなバイオーム に隠れており、草原 ・サバンナ ・バーチナッツの森 ・砂漠 ・森林 ・沼 ・モザイク ・月の島 で発見することできます。木 や藪 等のオブジェクトの後ろに隠れており、よく見ると尻尾や耳が飛び出しています。そのオブジェクトを調べるとキットクーンが出てきてプレイヤーに付いて来るようになります。
Kitcoonの全9種類のうち8種類は上記のバイオームに隠れており、それら8種類すべてのKitcoonを見つけてKitcoon Nurseryまで連れて帰ると、最後のKitcoonがプレーヤーの横に現れます。
タイクーン を召喚するとキットクーンが隠れている場所まで案内してくれます。
Lucky Gold Nugget
Red Pouch
“ What a lucky find! ”
–Wilson , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ I don't think I'm supposed to spend this. ”
–Willow , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Is money? ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Luck has long since abandoned me... ”
–Wendy , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
–WX-78 , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Such a curious shape. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ I could use a bit of luck. ”
–Woodie , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Gold's gold as far as I'm concerned. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ The unicörn smiles upön me this day! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ So shiny! ”
–Webber , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ It's nice to have a bit of luck. ”
–Warly , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Yellow Rock Round Thing ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ I could use a bit of prosperity. ”
–Winona , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Oh what luck I feel, I feel. ”
–Wortox , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Shiny rock! ”
–Wurt , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ Woby, we struck gold! ”
–Walter , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
“ I won't say no to a little extra luck. ”
–Wanda , when examining a Lucky Gold Nugget.
メイン記事:Lucky Gold Nugget
Lucky Gold Nugget (幸運の金塊) はRed Pouches(赤い袋) を開けると得られます。これを使用して提供品フィルターのアイテムを作成できます。次の方法で入手する事ができます。
世界の何処かに隠れている8匹のキットクーン を発見する毎に大きな赤い袋を獲得できる。
Kitcoon Nursery を使用してキットクーンとかくれんぼをした際の報酬として獲得できる。
Offerings Tab
Offerings(提供品) タブではそれぞれ異なる効果を持つアイテムを作成できます。古代タブ における古代の疑似科学ステーション と似ており、プロトタイプを作成することはできないためこのタブのアイテムを作る際は必ずキャットクーンの祭壇の近くに立つ必要があります。
"Trust them to follow the scents."
“ He looks like he knows what he's doing! ”
“ What a fancy, tired looking catcoon. Maybe he's a businessman. ”
“ He is the light I must follow. ”
“ Must be one of them forest tigers. ”
“ This high status catcoon has a talent for finding the kits. I respect him only marginally more. ”
“ A mighty beast wörthy öf his cröwn. He will lead us tö victöry! ”
“ He looks very well fed. ”
“ Huh. Never thought I'd see the day when the fat cats work for ME. ”
“ I've set my worries to the side, they'll be my guide! ”
“ It big squishy kitty! Hello! ”
“ Is that a real man-eating tiger? I thought they'd be bigger. ”
“ Aha! I knew I remembered seeing orange ones! ”
Ticoon(タイクーン) は稼働状態のキャットクーンの祭壇から幸運の金塊1つで呼び出すことができます。タイクーンは最も近い未発見のキットクーンに向かって歩き始め、定期的に止まっては、プレイヤーが付いて来るのを待って再び歩き出します。プレイヤーが別の方向に進むと追従しますが、プレイヤーが止まると、再びキットクーンの方向に歩き出し、プレイヤーが付いてくるのを待ちます。
Kitcoon Nursery
Kitcoon Nursery Kit
"A home for kitcoons of all stripes."
Kitcoon Nursery
“ You'd have to be pretty small to fit in there. ”
“ They're so small that they all fit. ”
“ Is tiny home of tiny kitties. ”
“ Where the wild beasts go. ”
“ A well-constructed habitation for the kittens. ”
“ Looks too much like a bird house for my tastes. ”
“ A house for kitcoons? Can the pitiful little things not climb trees yet? ”
“ A penthöuse för wee beasties. ”
“ A nice safe place for kitcoons to rest after playing. ”
“ Bonjour! Is anyone home? ”
“ Lofty housing for tiny kits. ”
“ Where all the furry mortals go. ”
“ It too tiny to fit inside... ”
“ Aww, it's like a dog house for cats! ”
“ What a charming little house. ”
Kitcoon Nursery は、プレイヤーが発見したキットクーンを留めて置ける建築物です。この建築物の近くでキットクーンにマウスカーソルを合わせると「Send Home(家に送る)」と表示されます。クリックして「Send Home」をすると、キットクーンはKitcoon Nurseryの近くを歩き回るようになります。留められたキットクーンは、再度クリックする事でペットにして連れ歩く事ができます。
Kit Collar
Kit Collar
"Put a name to a cute little face."
“ I should think of some names! Let's see, Wilson Jr., Wilson Jr. 2... ”
–Wilson , when examining a Kit Collar
“ I should test its fire resistance. Y'know, to make sure it's safe. ”
–Willow , when examining a Kit Collar
“ Wolfgang will give tiny kitty good, strong name! ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Kit Collar
“ It's too painful to grow attached to things. ”
–Wendy , when examining a Kit Collar
–WX-78 , when examining a Kit Collar
“ Ah, it does bring back memories of my dear old cat... ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Kit Collar
“ Thought up any good names, Luce? ”
–Woodie , when examining a Kit Collar
“ I've named so many creatures at this point, the novelty has worn off. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Kit Collar
“ To me, tiny beastie! I shall gift thee with a warrior's name! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Kit Collar
“ We always wanted a pet! ”
–Webber , when examining a Kit Collar
“ What shall I call you, mes petits chats? ”
–Warly , when examining a Kit Collar
“ For furry friends to wear ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Kit Collar
“ Name tags can be pretty handy in the workplace. ”
–Winona , when examining a Kit Collar
“ To help identify who's theirs and who's mine. ”
–Wortox , when examining a Kit Collar
“ Fish necklace for little kitties. ”
–Wurt , when examining a Kit Collar
“ It looks almost like yours, Woby! ”
–Walter , when examining a Kit Collar
“ This will make it easier to remember who's who at least. ”
–Wanda , when examining a Kit Collar
Kit Collar(キットクーンの首輪) はキットクーンに使用すると名前を付けることができるアイテムです。使い方はビーファローのベル に似ており、首輪を左クリックし選択した状態でカーソルをキットクーンに重ねると「Name(名前を付ける)」コマンドが出てきます。このときもう一度左クリックすると名前を付けるウィンドウが出てくるので、自分で名前を入力するか、「Random(名前の自動生成)」ボタンをクリックして名前を付けることができます。名前が決まったら「Assign(決定)」ボタンを押せば確定となり、以降「Kitcoon」という名前が首輪に着けた名前に置き換わります。
Wind-up Mouse Toy
Wind-up Mouse Toy
"Starts a game of cat and mouse."
“ Mice with wheels, what will science think up next? ”
–Wilson , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ I don't think I've ever actually seen a normal mouse around here. ”
–Willow , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ Eep! Oh, is not real. ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ The wheel is come full circle. ”
–Wendy , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
–WX-78 , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ A simple mechanism behind an entertaining toy for felines. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ It's pretty convincing. ”
–Woodie , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ The classic game of catcoon and mechnical mouse. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ T'would make for excellent target practice! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ Run little mouse, run! ”
–Webber , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ I'm afraid I don't have any clockwork cheese. ”
–Warly , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ Squeak squeak ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ I think it's got a squeaky wheel. ”
–Winona , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ Wind the bobbin up, pull, pull! ”
–Wortox , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ It so fast! ”
–Wurt , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ Sorry Woby, that's for the kits to play with. ”
–Walter , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
“ What a clever little clockwork contraption! ”
–Wanda , when examining a Wind-up Mouse Toy
Wind-up Mouse Toy は、地面に置いて使うキットクーンのおもちゃです。キットクーンやキャットクーンは時折このおもちゃに近づいてじゃれつきます。じゃれつくとおもちゃが起動し2秒間ランダムに動き回り、キットクーンはそれに付いて行こうとします(キャットクーンは無反応)。じゃれつく様子を楽しむためのアイテムであり、特にその他の効果はありません。
Gobbler Wobbler
Gobbler Wobbler Kit
"Feathered fun for feline friends."
Gobbler Wobbler
Can be activated by Kitcoons.
“ It's not a real bird, but the kits don't know that. ”
–Wilson , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ I wanna kick it! ”
–Willow , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Wolfgang will punch teasing bird! ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ This is not real poultry. ”
–Wendy , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
–WX-78 , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Its movement appears to be hypnotic to the kittens. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ I'm fully on-board with teachin' the kits to attack birds on sight. ”
–Woodie , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Those creatures are so feeble of mind they can't tell a real bird from a wooden one. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ A sparring partner for the wee beasties. ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ We hope the kitcoons like it! ”
–Webber , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ A plaything for les petits chats. ”
–Warly , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Tweeter likes to dance ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Not the most productive use of their time... but it sure is cute. ”
–Winona , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Let it spin and wobble if it doesn't squabble. ”
–Wortox , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ Ha ha, it fun to hit! ”
–Wurt , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ I wonder if the kits think it's a real bird? ”
–Walter , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
“ I don't have time to watch these kits play all day. ”
–Wanda , when examining a Gobbler Wobbler
Gobbler Wobbler は、地面に置いて使うキットクーンのおもちゃです。キットクーンやキャットクーンは時折このおもちゃに近づいてじゃれつきます。じゃれつくとおもちゃが少し揺れます。じゃれつく様子を楽しむためのアイテムであり、特にその他の効果はありません。
Kit Teaser
Kit Teaser Kit
"A delightful exercise in futility."
Kit Teaser
Can be activated by Kitcoons.
“ Those kits are so easily distracted. Now what was I doing again? ”
–Wilson , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ Go on, get the fishy! ”
–Willow , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ Wait... is not real fish? ”
–Wolfgang , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ It tricks them with the promise of sustenance. ”
–Wendy , when examining a Kit Teaser
–WX-78 , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ I used to have one of those back home. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ The kits will have fun with that. ”
–Woodie , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ At least it should keep them occupied. ”
–Maxwell , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ The beasties must learn to hunt! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ We like watching the kitcoons play with it! ”
–Webber , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ They must work up quite an appetite playing all day. ”
–Warly , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ Glub glub is stuck ”
–Wormwood , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ The kits sure seem to like it. ”
–Winona , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ This fish will be no dish, hyuyu. ”
–Wortox , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ It have little fishy on it! ”
–Wurt , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ It's fishing for kits! ”
–Walter , when examining a Kit Teaser
“ I can't keep getting distracted by those adorable antics! ”
–Wanda , when examining a Kit Teaser
Kit Teaser は、地面に置いて使うキットクーンのおもちゃです。キットクーンやキャットクーンは時折このおもちゃに近づいてじゃれつきます。じゃれつくとおもちゃの重りが回転します。じゃれつく様子を楽しむためのアイテムであり、特にその他の効果はありません。
Figure Sketches
“ A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it. ”
“ Trading diagrams is for dorks. ”
“ Picture will help Wolfgang carve nice rocks! ”
“ I think we could make what's drawn here... ”
“ Some plans for a fancy stone carving. ”
“ I'll need somewhere to sculpt it. ”
“ The muses' knöwledge, inscribed upön an ancient scröll! ”
“ We need somewhere to make it! ”
“ Oh! I could sculpt something based off this. ”
“ What a nice drawing. ”
“ Would you look at that! ”
“ I think I could sculpt this! I'm pretty good at arts and crafts. ”
“ An art project? Do I really have time for that? ”
Kitcoon Figure Sketche(キットクーンの彫像スケッチ) 、Catcoon Figure Sketche(キャットクーンの彫像スケッチ) はキャットクーンの社にて幸運の金塊を8個奉納することで交換してもらえます。このスケッチをろくろ に与えることで彫刻を作成できるようになります。
Kitcoon Figure
"One's true wealth is measured by their friends."
""chesspiece_kitcoon_marble" ""chesspiece_kitcoon_stone" ""chesspiece_kitcoon_moonglass"
Catcoon Figure
"A curious statue for a curious creature."
""chesspiece_catcoon_marble" ""chesspiece_catcoon_stone" ""chesspiece_catcoon_moonglass"
“ These ones are much easier to find. ”
–Wilson , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ I wanna push it over. ”
–Willow , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Wolfgang can lift twice as many! ”
–Wolfgang , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Hubris, undoubtedly. ”
–Wendy , examining a Kitcoon Figure
–WX-78 , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ I should warn the children not to play too close to it. ”
–Wickerbottom , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Usually somethin' like this would be carved outta wood. ”
–Woodie , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ This is a rather precarious design. ”
–Maxwell , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ A mighty pillar för a mighty family! ”
–Wigfrid , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Whoah! I hope they don't fall over... ”
–Webber , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ I think Mme. Wickerbottom is particularly fond of this one. ”
–Warly , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Not hiding? ”
–Wormwood , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ I can't tell if this a great feat of engineering or a very stupid one. Either way, it sure is cute. ”
–Winona , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ They'll reach the sky on high! ”
–Wortox , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Aww, they having a nap. ”
–Wurt , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ They're pretty cute, but not as cute as you Woby. ”
–Walter , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ Oh, a precariously tall statue, what could go wrong? ”
–Wanda , examining a Kitcoon Figure
“ It would probably make a great scratching post. ”
–Wilson , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ Heh. I like this one. ”
–Willow , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ Ha! Is easy to find this one. ”
–Wolfgang , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ A reminder of brighter days. ”
–Wendy , examining a Catcoon Figure
–WX-78 , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ The resemblance to the Felis lybica is incredible. ”
–Wickerbottom , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ Real nice detailing on the fur there. ”
–Woodie , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ This animal commands respect through violence. ”
–Maxwell , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ Yöu have my respect, fellöw hunter. ”
–Wigfrid , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ We respect the butterfly hunter. ”
–Webber , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ At least this one won't try to sneak off with my lunch. ”
–Warly , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ No tail swish swoosh ”
–Wormwood , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ Aw, whatcha got there? ...Oh. ”
–Winona , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ This little guy and I don't see eye to eye, hyuyu. ”
–Wortox , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ It pretty good statue, has dead butterfly! ”
–Wurt , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ It's not quite as exciting as a monster statue, is it? ”
–Walter , examining a Catcoon Figure
“ I guess I did have time to play with you after all. ”
–Wanda , examining a Catcoon Figure
Trade Inn Kitcoon Minigame
メイン記事:Trade Inn#Collar Me Impressed
本イベント中にTrade Inn にてキットクーンを育てるミニゲームが追加されました。
Kitcoonは放棄されるかKitcoon Nurseryに連れ帰られるまでプレイヤーに追従します。 ペット のように戦闘に巻き込まれませんし、Crittersと併せて追従させる事もできます。
All Types of Kitcoons in Their Biomes
All Kitcoons with Some Event Items
Kittykit (Left) and Kitcoon (right)
Altar Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Kitcoons Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Final Kitcoons Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Red Firecrackers Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Kitcoon Nursery Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Toys Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Figure Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Figure Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Main menu Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Main menu Concept Art from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Kitcoons animation test from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Altar animation test from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Hiding Kitcoons animation test from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Hiding Kitcoons animation test from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Walking Kitcoons animation test from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Size Kitcoons from Rhymes With Play Dev Cast - Year of the Catcoon
Don't Starve Togetheアップデート履歴
イベント コンテンツ
Celestial Update