–Wilson, examining a Grave
–Willow, examining a Grave
–Wolfgang, examining a Grave
–Wendy, examining a Grave
–WX-78, examining a Grave
–Wickerbottom, examining a Grave
–Woodie, examining a Grave
–Maxwell, examining a Grave
–Wigfrid, examining a Grave
–Webber, examining a Grave
–Walani, examining a Grave
–Warly, examining a Grave
–Woodlegs, examining a Grave
–Wilson, digging a Grave
–Willow, digging a Grave
–Wolfgang, digging a Grave
–Wendy, digging a Grave
–WX-78, digging a Grave
–Wickerbottom, digging a Grave
–Woodie, digging a Grave
–Maxwell, digging a Grave
–Wigfrid, digging a Grave
–Webber, digging a Grave
–Walani, digging a Grave
–Warly, digging a Grave
–Woodlegs, digging a Grave
10%の確率でゴースト(Ghost)が出現します。それ以外は、50%の確率でランダムなTrinket(ガラクタ)(1つのガラクタにつき4.17%の確率)が、15.38%の確率でブルージェム(Blue Gem)かレッドジェム(Red Gem)が、3.07%の確率で命のアミュレット(Life Giving Amulet)かギア(Gears)か悪夢の燃料(Nightmare Fuel)が手に入ります。
掘り起こすのに、ショベルの耐久値を4%消費します。金ショベルであれば、 1%の耐久値消費です。
- "Here lies some guy. Blah blah blah."
- "This headstone is blank"
- "It says: 'Milk. Eggs. Bacon.'"
- "Hey that's my name!"
- Developer names (Set Piece)
- "Not sick, just coffin."
- It says "Catch you later."
- "Five more minutes."
- "And don't come back."
- "This world could not hold me."
- It reads "Right behind you..." and "Made you look!"
- "Quoth the tall bird, Evermore."
- Theres just a big "W" etched in it.
- It says "Come on in."
- It says "I guess this is my life now."
- It says "Right where I belong."
- An engravement of their last words: "Hey, watch this."
- "Its not as bad as it looks."
- It says "See you on the other side."
- It says "These are just the pieces we could find."
- It reads "You're standing on my face." Oops.
- It says "Don't make fun. You'll be here too one day."
- It reads "I can dig it." Oh.
- It reads "Care to join me?"
- It says "On to the next adventure."
- It says "Finally, some peace and quiet."
- An engravement of their last words: "Thats enough of that."
- "Whoops."
- "I've better places to be."
- An engravement of their last words: "This is fine."
- The inscription reads "Always watching" Odd.
- It says "Mind your own business."
- Its covered in a peaceful moss.
- "Just needed a rest."
- "Here lies some guy."
- "Here lies some gal."
- "Here lies some person."
- "Age makes fools of us all."
- It says "Help! get me out!" and "Nah, just kidding" beneath.
- It says "I hope I turned the oven off."
Reign of Giants
Reign of Giants DLCでは掘り起こし済みの墓穴にWebber's Skullを埋めることで新しいキャラクターのWebberをアンロックすることができます。埋め終わることでWebberが現れ、周りには大量のクモも出現しますがこれを倒す必要はありません。また埋め終わった墓穴は再度掘り起こす事ができます。
- Grave 2.png
Another type of grave that can spawn.