Suspicious Moonrock
–Wilson, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Willow, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wolfgang, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wendy, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–WX-78, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Woodie, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Maxwell, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wigfrid, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Webber, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Warly, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wormwood, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Winona, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wortox, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wurt, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Walter, when examining a Petrified Werepig.
–Wilson, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Willow, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wolfgang, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wendy, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–WX-78, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Woodie, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Maxwell, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wigfrid, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Webber, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Warly, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wormwood, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Winona, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wortox, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Wurt, when examining a Petrified Hound.
–Walter, when examining a Petrified Hound.
Suspicious MoonrockはDon't Starve TogetherにおけるA New Reignの新要素として追加されたオブジェクトです。これらはMoon Rockで出来ており、Werepig(ウェアピッグ)やHound(猟犬)をかたどっています。Moon Stoneの周りにぽつぽつと置いてあり、つるはしで壊すことによって1個Moon Rockを手に入れることができます。
満月の夜にStar Caller's StaffをMoon Stoneに設置すると、何匹かのウェアピッグと猟犬がスポーンし、杖を攻撃しようとします。杖が壊れてしまうと、襲ってきたモンスターたちは再びSuspicious Moonrockに戻ります。またイベントを発生させて後にこの像を壊していないとこれらも復活して、杖を壊そうとしてきます。
これらの像には種類がありウェアピッグには"攻撃ポーズ"、”死ぬ時のポーズ”、”遠吠えのポーズ”の3種類、猟犬には"攻撃ポーズ" ”死ぬ時のポーズ”の2種類があります。
- One might want to mine down all Suspicious Moonrocks before attempting to use the Moon Stone again, as it will keep spawning more enemies along with the ones from previous attempts.