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December 23, 2015

Rev. 161368


  • Character customization and gifting system is live. The cavesbeta Steam beta branch is no longer required to get items gifted to you.
  • Beefalo riding and taming has been added.
  • Tail o’ Three Cats has now been added as a weapon to the Fight recipe section.
  • Unicode Chat Support is in!
    • Changing your system’s keyboard language will now work in all text fields
    • Localization Mods:
      • There may be some conflict with this change and mods that were emulating this on their own. Those mods will need updating (sorry).
    • Notes for Modders:
      • If you were doing any utf8/unicode processing in your mod to support localized keyboard input, you should be able to remove it. This is supported by the engine now.
      • The calls to TextEdit:SetCharacterFilter() have been removed from most screens, except in places where we require very specific input. Note: The current usage of the filter does not work well with utf8.
  • All previous updates to the cavesbeta branch are now rolled into the live default branch.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rare crash when a server loses connection to Steam
  • Fixed crash when killing Fire Hounds with an Ice Staff equipped and using a controller

December 7, 2015

Rev. 159281


  • World saves and snapshots are now synchronized across all servers in a cluster
  • In-game rollbacks (using c_rollback) are now synchronized across all servers in a cluster
  • Carrots are now hauntable! (Doesn’t do anything though…)
  • Added support for displaying Unicode strings in UTF-8 format

Known Issues

  • Some Unicode server names may show up as blank text
  • Chatting with Unicode characters is not supported yet

November 30, 2015

Rev. 158520


  • Wolfgang’s morphing is no longer suspended while sleeping in a Bedroll

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where Buzzard spawners and shadows were blocking placement
  • Fixed bug where Boomerangs do not return if target flies away
  • Fixed crash sometimes when Abigail protects Wendy from a Slurper attack
  • Fixed rare crash when Bearger destroys certain entities
  • Fixed MacTusk’s poor aim

November 27, 2015

Rev. 158272


  • Players will now get hurt by their own Boomerangs if they fail to catch them even on non-PvP servers
  • Abigail and Extra-Adorable Lavae will now spawn next to the player when migrating to and from Caves
  • Updated the localization file strings.pot (This can also be done locally by following the instructions near the end of \data\scripts\createstringspo.lua)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where Boomerangs would sometimes fail to damage their target on contact
  • Fixed crash when a player disconnects during a Dragonfly fight
  • Fixed crash when a player dies while being teleported
  • Fixed crash sometimes when a player disconnects while being attacked by a Splumonkey

November 26, 2015

Rev. 158063


  • Flying creatures will no longer trigger Bee Mines and Tooth Traps
  • Relics will now turn into Broken Relics when they are being smashed, which can be repaired by players

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash when a player disconnects while being harassed by a Splumonkey
  • Fixed crash when a player disconnects while travelling through a Wormhole
  • Fixed crash when a player disconnects while repairing Broken clockworks
  • Fixed bug where players sometimes slide along the ground when picking Tumbleweeds

November 25, 2015

Rev. 157800

  • Fix crash when nightmare monkeys load
  • Earthquake debris will now be removed if they fall outside the map
  • Fixed bug where Tumbleweeds may no longer spawn if too many fall into the ocean
  • Creatures that morph when haunted will no longer become homeless
  • Chat logs will now record properly on dedicated servers even when one of the shards is empty
  • Nightvision will now end properly when you drop your Moggles upon death
  • Muffled sounds will now end properly when you drop your Slurper upon death
  • Controller ground targeting will now end properly when you drop your equipment upon death
  • Fixed bug where “Herd” entities (invisible to the player) were blocking placement
  • Fixed sound effects when smashing Relics found in the Ruins
  • Fixed crash when smashing Relics with certain weapons
  • Fixed crash when smashing Relics near Abigail’s Flower
  • Fixed rare crash when a Splumonkey tries to steal your items

November 23, 2015

Rev. 157447

  • Fixed bug where Tumbleweeds may no longer spawn if they were burnt
  • Fixed bug where Ghosts may no longer spawn from Graves at all after a while
  • Splumonkeys will now properly save Nightmare states
  • c_listplayers() will now work correctly in dedicated server console windows even when there are no players on that shard.
  • Server browser should show correct world settings again. (Only applies to up-to-date servers.)
  • "frogs" world customization didn't do anything, renamed it "ponds" and now it controls ponds.
  • "spiders" and "ponds" world customization have been split into "spiders"/"cave_spiders" and "ponds"/"cave_ponds" to prevent the wrong prefabs from spawning in the wrong places.
  • Fixed crash from preset spinner after making custom preset.
  • Bythewaypigkingalwaysspawnsnowkthxbye.

November 20, 2015

Rev. 157286


  • Mushtrees will now burn down and drop loot instead of disappearing when loaded from a burning state
  • Can now control worldgenoverrides for caves creatures and objects.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash when digging up “Totally Normal Tree” stumps
  • Fixed a bug in saving Tumbleweeds


  • Fixed crash when viewing world for other servers.

November 19, 2015

Rev. 157132


  • Added an official Steam Controller configuration
    • - To access this, open Steam in Big Picture Mode with a steam controller attached. Select Don’t Starve Together -> Configure Controller -> Browse Configs. Then select the official configuration in the Recommended section. Enjoy.
    • - The configuration maps the Steam Controller to the same layout as the XBox controller, plus using the paddle buttons as mouse wheel up and down.
    • - If you would like to change the layout of the controller, it is recommend to use the official configuration and use the Don’t Starve Together options menu.
  • Improved mod caching functionality. Mods are now cached during the updating as well as when temporarily downloading them on joining servers.
  • The mod version_compatible specified in the mods modinfo.lua, will now allow clients to run the latest mod from the Workshop and the server be on an older version if the modder has setup the mod to be compatible between the two versions. This can be used to reduce the need for hosts/servers to be restarted with the latest version of the mod.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in saving combat components
  • Fixed a bug in saving Moose nesting grounds


  • Fixed crash when digging up Spiky Trees and Bushes
  • Fixed crash when exiting caves from a different portal than the one you entered from
  • Fixed crash when picking up a depleted Trap

November 18, 2015 - Integration of Caves Beta

Rev. 157080

DST Caves Live.png


  • Now, you can have worlds consisting of more than one layer! One of those layers is the Caves preset, full of spelunking goodness.
  • Caves look a little different than in Don't Starve. The layout is different, mushroom forests abound, and the sinkholes have gotten much larger.
  • As well, the ruins have found their way up to the same level as the caves. So be warned as you are wandering around in the dark! You might just find yourself in a nightmare…
  • Many items and objects in the game have undergone some tweaks and changes, especially things found in the caves. So pay attention!
  • As well, dozens of existing bugs have been fixed! Yay! But we probably added lots of new ones too. That's how it goes!

Some other things to be aware of

  • Now when you make a server you pick an "intention" for it. This is to help players joining your server for the first time understand what kind of gameplay you're expecting on your server.
  • If a direct connection can't be established to a server, the game can use NAT Traversal. This means it's easier to set up a server, with no need to mess with router settings.
  • Official Steam Controller support is in, and several small tweaks and improvements to controllers have been made.
  • There is now a dedicated server for OSX. This is especially important so that Mac users can run their own caves.

Caves Beta (since September 17, 2015)

November 18, 2015

Rev. 156875


  • You can now dress your character when using a controller (in all places where you can dress your character). The controller also works for navigating your inventory on the collection screen.
  • Glow Berry effects will now save and load properly for both players and creatures
  • Player ghosts and WX-78 overcharge will now cancel Glow Berry effects

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs with player and ghost state transitions when targeted by a Telelocator Staff
  • Fixed binding the left joystick
  • Corrected canceling controller changes

November 16, 2015

Rev. 156634


  • Telestaff now moves the world closer to rain, instead of immediately causing rain.
  • Reduced network data for various light emitting entities
  • Pressing in on the left thumb stick with controllers (L3) will now bring up the chat screen.
    • This can be changed in the controller settings screen
    • If you are using Steam Big Picture, you can bring up Steam’s virtual keyboard to enter text.
  • Controller buttons can now be unbound in the options screen
  • Can no longer convert an "online" save to an "offline" save from the server creation screen. This will prevent your character progress from getting lost if you happen to have steam connectivity problems.

Bug Fixes

  • Inventory shows item name when using controller on client
  • Slurper lighting and sound effects can now be seen and heard by all clients when attached to a player’s head

November 13, 2015

Rev. 156466


  • Added a mod info flag for backwards compatibility. If you specify version_compatible in modinfo.lua, you can update the mod to a new version, but versions of your mod as old as the value specified in version_compatible will be able to join the server without downloading the latest version.
  • Moving will automatically take you out of hiding in Snurtle Shell Armour
  • Talking will no longer take you out of hiding in Snurtle Shell Armour
  • Reduced network data for Cave Lights
  • Added an "any" playstyle option when browsing servers, plus icons next to server names so you can tell the style in a mixed list.

Bug Fixes

  • Crash when haunting a spider hole
  • Crash when haunting a cave worm
  • Fixed crash on clients sometimes when encountering a Birchnut Tree Monster
  • Unequipping the Bush Hat right after activating it no longer makes you invisible
  • Moggles will now trigger night vision properly when equipped/unequipped directly on the inventory slot
  • Fixed bug where the damage overlay sometimes does not go away
  • No more rooks in the broken altar set pieces (snuck out last release!)
  • Spores no longer refill their freshness on load (snuck out last release!)
  • Steam profile will not pop up while chatting in the in the lobby screen
  • Clicking to edit text boxes on OSX and Linux works again

November 10, 2015

Rev. 155954


  • Added a new “server intention” filter to server listings.
  • World regeneration is now synchronized across all servers in a cluster.
  • Players are now returned to the master server’s lobby if they despawn in Wilderness mode or via console commands.
  • Players are now returned to the master server’s lobby after a world is regenerated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash when haunting spider hole.
  • Fixed bug where Woodie loading in Werebeaver mode would be invisible.
  • Fixed a bug where some servers would not show when friends were playing on them.
  • Season and Game mode filters will now work properly for LAN server listings.

November 6, 2015

Rev. 155462


  • The rest of the stuff in the caves is hauntable.
  • More collection items have been added.

Bug Fixes

  • Survival mode sanity drain will now check for ghosts on all shards
  • Occasional crash when moving inventory items around.

November 2, 2015

Rev. 154987


  • Some creatures will panic if their homes are on fire.

Bug Fixes

  • Nightmaremonkeys now attack properly.
  • Creatures -- including bees -- should no longer re-enter their homes when they are on fire.
  • Fixed some connectivity issues with offline dedicated servers.
  • Player joined announcements will now show up for players connecting directly into caves from a previous session.
  • Kick and ban commands will now work properly across shards.

Rev. 155135

  • Thanks to the illuminating power of literacy, Applied Horticulture no longer grows withered plants in the dark.
  • Cave lights will no longer block placement.
  • Skin announcements will now show up for players on all shards.
  • Fixed crash when regenerating a caves world.

October 30, 2015

Rev. 154908


  • “-lan” has been replaced with “-offline”
  • The player listing screen will now include players across all shards.
  • Chat can now be heard by players on all shards.
  • Announcements for joining and leaving now happen when players connect and disconnect from a server cluster, and not during migrations between the overworld and caves.
  • Flowers leave a withered flower if they die due to lack of natural light
  • Farms wither if they don't get enough natural light
  • Starcaller star counts as a natural source of light, and is significantly improved.
  • Updated Message of the Day URL.
  • Added mod function GetModRPCHandler to access mod RPC handlers after they've been set.

Bug Fixes

  • Gunpowder and other explosions play sound correctly on clients
  • Miner hats once again offer some rain protection
  • Fixed crash when monkeys are flinging poop
  • Pigs once again leave their houses at dawn
  • Moles once again desire to eat nummy rocks
  • Fixed crash in worldgen in a caves boon
  • Fixed bug where mod RPC name could conflict with prefab name causing mod characters to spawn as Wilson. Note: mod character names should be all lower case.

October 22, 2015

Rev. 153890


  • Beeboxes only make honey if there is a flower nearby. (Better cave behaviour!)
  • Beeboxes and bees beehave properly underground.
  • One more try at making pigmen behave properly at dusk and underground.
  • Pighouses work underground.
  • Moles have better underground behaviour.
  • Flowers can not be planted on rocky grounds
  • There is now a controller button for opening an item gift. Also, when choosing “wear now”, the confirm/reset/cancel buttons work with the controller. (The same applies to the wardrobe, although choosing an outfit still doesn’t work with the controller.)
  • Updated gifting debug logs to reduce misinterpretation.

Bug Fixes

  • Crash when rain was set to "Lots"/"always"
  • MISSING_NAME objects in the ruins
  • Colour tinting issues when using molehat in the ruins.
  • Fix several typos in character speech.
  • Slurtles weren't emerging after a quake.

October 21, 2015

Rev. 153581


  • Portals automatically relink on world connect by default
  • Self inspect button now has character specific portraits
  • New tags on fancy backpacks show up if you have received the item since the last time you made a backpack
  • New artwork for new tags on items in wardrobe and crafting menu
  • Players will be disconnected from online servers after a long period of inactivity so AFK ghosts will no longer hold server slots.

Bug Fixes

  • Automatic token renewal should prevent token errors
  • Ensure a multiplayer portal is always added by worldgen
  • Fixed crash on character select screen
  • Self inspection screen scales properly when HUD size is changed
  • Fixed a bug where Steam’s NAT traversal was being used in some situations where it was not necessary.

October 16, 2015

Rev. 153322


  • Did "multiplayer health tuning" for caves creatures -- and also ROG creatures!
  • Updated message of the day ui to support images.
  • Dedicated servers should now be reachable via Steam’s NAT traversal system without needing to manually open ports.

Bug Fixes

  • Gunpowder now correctly causes earthquakes.
  • Pigs behave more naturally at dusk.
  • Fixed several crashes related to the server creation screen and worldgen.
  • Fixed a bug causing hash string lookup to run out of space.

October 15, 2015

Rev. 153171


  • NAT Traversal for dedicated servers.
  • If you click "wear now" in the gift popup, the new item is selected by default.
  • The wardrobe defaults to the clothes on your character, rather than those from your profile.

Bug Fixes

  • Monkeys don't trigger tooth traps.
  • Monkeys can steal a trap even if they get hit by it.
  • Monkeys not changing into nightmaremonkeys.
  • Construction amulet gets used up twice as fast as it should.
  • Tweaks to collection screen and gift popup art.
  • Removed gifting debug data from dedicated servers.
  • Fixed crash writing on blank signs

October 8, 2015

Rev. 152904


  • All daylight-loving creatures should sleep appropriately while underground: They have a normal cycle, but only if they're in the light, otherwise the fall asleep.
  • First set of clothing drops added to the caves beta for testing.

Bug Fixes

  • Slaves were not pausing if they couldn't connect to the master, even if pause_when_empty was set.
  • OSX dedicated server actually available from steam on the cavesbeta branch (including anonymous login through steamcmd).

Known Issues

  • On clients, you may receive a clothing drop, but not get the "gift" tab in-game. Next time you log in to the game you will be presented with the item, though...
  • If you happen to be peeking at the logs, you'll see lots of messages about getting items, this message is misleading and these don't actually mean you're getting items.

October 6, 2015

Rev. 152232


  • Sharded servers add "caves" tag to their server listing tags, for easier searching.
  • Caves preset no longer available from front-end.
  • Cave entrances no longer spawn in worlds generated from front-end.

Bug Fixes

  • Splumonkeys can no longer throw poop while sleeping.
  • Koalefants wake correctly for clients.
  • Hide mod warning popup while migrating.

October 2, 2015

Rev. 151919


  • Caves contain boons and touchstones
  • Mushtrees and lightplants have been added to world regrowth, and will repopulate over time.
  • OSX DEDICATED SERVER. If you or someone you know can help test this out, please give it a go and let us know if you find any issues!
  • Clockwork followers won't attack other players unless their leader attacks that player. (PVP rules for clockworks, basically.)

Bug Fixes

  • Worlds and caves spawning without 10 entrances/exits. (If you still go through an exit in a newly generated world and end up at the portal, let me know)
  • Miner hat stuck at 1% durability

September 30, 2015

Rev. 151626

Bug Fixes

  • Crash when repairing the broken altar
  • Crash when you get near a bat cave
  • Missing tentacle pillar strings
  • Nightmare creatures sometimes untargetable
  • Blue spores get way too dense and cause lag

September 29, 2015 - Addition of Ruins

Rev. 151472

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed server listing player count for offline servers
  • Master server will now refuse connection from slaves with mismatching online mode
  • LAN only master servers will now only accept slave connections on the same LAN
  • LAN only setting on master server will now work properly across the entire cluster

Rev. 151549

  • No objects appearing in the maze
  • Boons missing from overworld worldgen

September 23, 2015

Rev. 150730

Bug Fixes

  • Various speech errors
  • The "have save on server" icon doesn't work correctly with shards
  • No earthquake sounds on client
  • Can pick up spores without using a bugnet
  • Glow berry effect lags behind the player
  • Worms attacks too difficult/unfair
  • Bunnymen sanity auras are messed up
  • Crash if you release a butterfly in the caves
  • Cave entrances plugged when you come out of them
  • Require extra slots to successfully migrate to master server
  • Ghosts can no longer use wormholes
  • Various inconsistencies caused by having different game modes on slave/master: Now they must be on the same game mode.

September 18, 2015

Rev. 150506

Bug Fixes

  • Can shovel a mushtree stump twice
  • Mushtrees spawn spores after they've been chopped
  • Chopped mushtrees accidentally regrowing
  • Minimaps not saving correctly on migrate
  • Items disappearing from inventory during earthquake
  • Crash in pottedfern
  • Master paused when empty when shards are not empty
  • Dozap crash in overworld when lighting strikes

September 1, 2015

Rev. 148470

  • Fixed bug where LAN only servers were not accepting connections on Unix systems (Mac OSX and Linux)
  • Fixed bug where whispered messages were showing up in Lobby chat
  • Fixed bug where controllers could not plant butterflies
  • Fixed bug where client’s inventory may not behave correctly when the host is using a controller
  • Fixed bug where Moon Phase sometimes did not save correctly

August 24, 2015

Rev. 147734

  • Fixed bug where mod config option hover text was blocking mod configurations from being changed.
  • Fixed Windows XP crash on boot.
  • Fixed dedicated servers from failing to download mods.

August 21, 2015

Rev. 147566


  • Temporarily disabled mod config option hover text as it was currently breaking mod configurations from being changed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where dedicated servers were sending the incorrect temp mod configurations to clients.
  • Fixed bug where offline servers could not be discovered via LAN
  • Fixed some connection issues when joining an online server discovered on your LAN

August 20, 2015

Rev. 147468

  • Fixed bug with crash logging
  • Added back an empty Health:RecalculatePenalty() function so existing mods do not crash. (This call has been deprecated with our new health penalty system.)

Rev. 147356


  • Made enemy-vs-player stunlocking more configurable. Wasps and bees now occasionally cause the player to react to a hit
  • Client connection quality is now displayed graphically in the Player Listing Screen in game. (c_netstats() is still available for a more detailed snapshot)
  • Added a new [network] setting, steam_group_admins, which automatically gives admin status to officers on servers associated with their Steam Group ID
  • Health/Sanity/Hunger costs for items are now displayed in the crafting menu
  • General re-work of resurrection:
  • Players receive a sanity bonus when using a Telltale Heart to revive other players
  • Meat Effigy now requires attunement, but can teleport you across the map if you die. Cost for attunement (or switching to another Meat Effigy) is the same as the health cost for crafting it. You are automatically attuned when you place a crafted Meat Effigy, without needing to pay the health cost again.
  • Health costs for crafting items are more explicit and standardized
  • Dedicated servers set to pause when empty will no longer pause while world reset is counting down in Survival mode
  • Removed most negative effects from haunting, such as destroying structures and lighting things on fire. This is to deal with immediate problems from ghost griefing and unintentional ghost accidents.
  • 8-way walls! Finally, your walls will line up when the camera angle is straight on them!

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed missing name when inspecting Magma Rocks
  • Fixed bug where sanity was still draining while sleeping
  • Fixed crash in Host Game screen when user’s save index is corrupted
  • Fixed bug where player slots were being reserved even after all whitelisted players are connected
  • Fixed the muffled winter and summer audio
  • Fixed bug where puddles show on the ground even when the world is not actually wet
  • Creatures should no longer float downwards after they die
  • Ice Hound nose colour is now consistent at all angles
  • Inventory and Container UI will now refresh when toggling controller settings in game
  • OSX: Fixed crash on startup under OSX 10.11 El Capitan (beta)

August 5, 2015

Rev. 145705


  • World regrowth will now avoid spawning on top of carpets and other flooring

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for "Version Out of Date" game warning appearing when your connection was slow
  • Fixed several MiniMap exploits

July 30, 2015

Rev. 145211


  • World regrowth will now avoid spawning on top of roads

Bug Fixes

  • Crash fix for very old save index files that had no empty slots
  • Crash fix in SetModHUDFocus when mods called with no player hud existed
  • Better WorldGen logging to help track down bugs
  • Fixed bug where status displays sometimes blink incorrectly
  • Fixed bug where Top Mods are not displayed when you have no mods installed

July 27, 2015

Rev. 144821


  • Slight tweak to the order of operations in Level:GetTasksForLevel with regard to LevelPreInit and LevelPreInitAny functions. They now occur before tasks are enqueued.

Bug Fixes

  • Adjusted the muffled winter audio
  • Fixed rendering bug with Webber’s beard
  • Fixed bug where clients cannot reconnect to a server if they disconnected while the world was regenerating
  • Fixed Luxury Fan making you freezing cold. Now it's correct behaviour has been restored and it only cools you down.

July 24, 2015

Rev. 144673


  • Removed the "no mods" pop-up warning from server hosting screen
  • Mod functions LevelPreInit and LevelPreInitAny are now called after Level tasks, and are setup in GetTasksForLevel

Bug Fixes

  • Endothermic fires will no longer hatch eggs that need to be warmed
  • Lavae Eggs will no longer drop out of your inventory on their own
  • Fixed bug where the friends filter was not working properly on MAC and LINUX clients
  • Mob tab construction fixed when the user is not subscribed to any mods

July 23, 2015

Rev. 144487


  • Added new front end UI & menu music
  • Added dance emote for Werebeaver
  • Added more variety of trinkets

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where status meters sometimes blink red incorrectly when eating certain foods
  • Fixed bug where Beefalo in heat did not attack players
  • Fixed bug with night vision sometimes not deactivating properly on clients
  • Fixed bug where The Lazy Forager sometimes picks up objects that normally couldn’t be picked up
  • Fixed crash when a Meat Effigy or Life Giving Amulet is destroyed during resurrection
  • Fixed bug where burning a Pig House spawns a Pig Man even if it was not occupied
  • Trees should no longer appear randomly in bases. (Unless there is a large "natural" area within the base.)
  • Added missing player skeleton inspect strings for Woodie
  • Added missing ghost sounds for Wolfgang, Woodie, Webber, and Wigfrid
  • Blueprints will no longer be dropped for items that cannot be crafted, such as Pig Heads and Merm Heads
  • Burnt Bee Boxes will save properly now
  • Controller placers for Farms are now rotated properly
  • Fixed issue where steam_group_only servers were not allowing players to connect

July 9, 2015

Rev. 142627

  • Fixed crash sometimes when haunting Pig Heads and Merm Heads
  • Fixed crash sometimes when chopping with Woodie
  • Fixed rare crash in desolationspawner
  • Fixed bug with impact sound effects in the rain

Rev. 142578


  • Woodie has been added back to the game with several notable changes:
    • Transforms into a Werebeaver when his beaver meter drops below 25
    • Transforms back into Woodie when his beaver meter fills up
    • Chopping trees drains his beaver meter, while eating wood replenishes it
    • As a Werebeaver, gnawing on workable objects also replenishes his beaver meter
    • Sanity drains faster in Werebeaver mode
    • Woodie gains a sanity bonus from planting trees
    • When transforming into a Werebeaver, any equipped items except backpacks are dropped (backpack and inventory are not dropped but cannot be accessed)
    • If Lucy is lost or abandoned, she will take over a new axe the next time Woodie performs a chopping action
    • Woodie’s beard provides insulation, but cannot be shaved
  • Improved visibility of ghost facial features when bloom setting is enabled
  • To prevent accidents with button mashing, there is now a one second delay before controllers will target your own followers for combat
  • Server browser: changed "friend-hosted" to "friends playing" so you can see more of your friends online from this screen. These games automatically sort to the top.
  • Servers: Added ability to associate or restrict your server to a specific Steam group. Clients will have servers for their Steam groups sorted to the top and can filter on them. More information for admins HERE.
  • Several kinds of objects in the world will slowly regrow or replenish over time. For this initial pass, that includes carrots, flowers, trees, and rabbit holes. Note that this will partially work on existing save games, but the world must be regenerated from scratch for full effect.
  • Slightly increased overall brightness during dusk. It just doesn't need to be that dark

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where certain actions can be performed while player is busy
  • Fixed bug where cursor disappears when text field is empty
  • Fixed bug where controllers are unable to plant items from the backpack
  • Fixed bug where controllers continue to scroll crafting tabs after the crafting menu is closed
  • Fixed bug where science and alchemy machine prototyping sounds sometimes do not stop
  • Fixed crash after Wes receives three resurrection penalties
  • Plant meat can be cooked once again
  • Rotten eggs no longer disappear in Ice Boxes
  • Added an extra layer to player characters to properly support larger back items like the One Man Band.
  • Fixed some window resizing issues: Clicking the top bar will not resize the window to a default size, aspect ratio is correctly maintained when resizing and going back and forth to fullscreen.
  • Button hitboxes are no longer offset after coming back from fullscreen
  • Feather fan no longer warms you up if you're freezing.

June 17, 2015

Rev. 140191


  • Chat messages sent by Wes players will no longer appear above his head

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a memory leak when a player disconnects from a server after being resurrected

Rev. 139928


  • Added a new Whirly Fan item
  • Added a proper dance emote
  • Wes has been added back to the game.
    • Balloons are globally capped at 100.
    • Pile o’ Balloons now decays after 3 game days
    • Pile o’ Balloons can be crafted.
    • Wes can no longer create balloons if he does not have the required sanity.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue while joining a server via Steam friend list
  • Fix for mod characters inspecting moles without the required speech text.

June 8, 2015

Rev. 138964

  • Wilderness and Endless mode servers will no longer be overrun with Berry Bushes (NOTE: Bushes that were previously spawned will remain until manually removed or world is regenerated)
  • Fur Tufts will now properly blow away even when they are off screen
  • Fixed crash sometimes when initializing sanity component during login
  • Fixed bug where Spider Warriors were affecting Webber’s sanity

June 5, 2015

Rev. 138844


  • Players will have a better chance of finding Berry Bushes when spawning into long running Wilderness servers
  • Added new mod api function AddRecipeTab(string_title, sort_key, atlas, texture) that returns the tab that can be passed into AddRecipe.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash sometimes when catching Mosquitos
  • Fixed crash sometimes when Birchnutters lose their combat target
  • Cook action no longer shows up for targets that you should not currently be able to cook

June 4, 2015

Rev. 138664


  • Spider Queens will stop chasing players after a certain distance
  • Butterflies can be fed while in Chester
  • Butterflies no longer are victims of wildfire
  • Birds will now fly away if they take damage from a nearby fire
  • Creatures will now wake up from sleep if they take damage from a nearby fire
  • Fire damage is now capped at 120 per second

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash sometimes after Birchnut Tree monster transforms back into a tree
  • Fixed crash sometimes when Dragonfly flees after having spawned Lavae minions
  • Fixed Dragonfly’s normal and enraged hit ranges that were previously reversed
  • Seasonal beefalo "mood" now works as intended
  • Players will now properly show the feeding action animation on clients
  • Birds properly play the distress animation while burning

June 3, 2015

Rev. 138494


  • Updated Willow’s description in the character select screen

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rare crash that occurs sometimes after a player dies
  • Fixed a crash due to the cook action being used on Birchnut Saplings

Rev. 138375

Changes Some changes have been made to Willow. In addition to her previous traits:

  • Willow has learned to cook using her lighter
  • Willow finally found Bernie, her childhood teddy bear
  • Insanity alters Willow’s perception of the world, making the temperature feel chillier than it actually is
  • Willow is slow to burn (Immune to fire damage for the first 3 seconds)
  • Willow got better at making her lighter and now uses fewer materials

Bug Fixes

  • Correct animation plays when hitting a Sign from different angles

June 1, 2015

Rev. 138091


  • Compass can be properly used as a weapon, but gets damaged easily

Bug Fixes

  • Improved feedback when the compass wears out
  • Backward compatibility to fix crash with mods that have not been updated to support directional placement
  • Fixed bug where debug render will sometimes be toggled when typing backspace in a text edit widget

Rev. 138060


  • The Compass is now a craftable item. There is a North!
  • Farm placement is now directional, and is based on player's current camera heading
  • Added craftable Directional Signs
  • Players can now write on Signs and Directional Signs. Once a message has been written, it will be permanently etched in. (NOTE: Controller text input is not supported yet, however a random string generator is included.)
  • Revised art for Scaled Tiles
  • Adjusted the recipe for Scaled Tiles
  • Increased the number Scaled Tiles produced per craft from 4 to 6

Bug Fixes

  • Scaled Tiles now show up on the Minimap
  • Fixed a bug where rain could affect smoldering entities incorrectly
  • RandomNode is now a functional node for brains that can be used for mods

May 25, 2015

Rev. 137410


  • Added a new recipe for Scaled Tiles
  • The Dragonfly can now drop a Lavae Egg
  • The Weather Pain’s tornado is less destructive. It now does 2 “work” per tick instead of destroying the object outright.
  • Shadow creatures will now only emit a sanity aura to nearby players that are valid targets.
  • Birds in Bird Cages now signal their distress when they’re getting hungry.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash during worldgen on retry
  • Players should no longer see their previously equipped hat for a couple frames while reviving.
  • Wigfrid’s “Refuse Eat” animation can now be canceled.
  • Webber’s spider hiring will ignore spiders that already have a leader.
  • Heads on a stick now drop the proper amount of loot when they are burnt.
  • Removed the “It’s full” message when putting a bird into a birdcage.
  • Smallbirds raised in the wild by Tallbirds will no longer starve to death.

May 20, 2015

Rev. 136911


  • Bearger now yawns if disturbed during hibernation. Beware, it’s contagious!
  • Invalid modindex save files are now handled gracefully, and dump their contents to log.txt.
  • Abandoned Smallbirds will now seek a new parent

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash sometimes during worldgen with custom world settings

May 19, 2015

Rev. 136732


  • Adding a whitelist system for servers. The option whitelist_slots allows server admin to reserve some slots for whitelisted players. The whitelist.txt file in the save subfolder is the list of whitelisted user Id (KU_Userid).

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed crash sometimes when haunting Birchnut Tree Stumps
  • Seeds no longer render behind Bird Traps.
  • Fixed crash when viewing some custom presets on other servers.
  • Fixed bug where Ash would sometimes not blow away
  • Fixed a rare crash when Bearger tries to steal certain items
  • Item deployment range checks should now be compatible with existing mods

May 15, 2015

Rev. 136564


  • Reduced network data for fire propagation

Bug Fixes

  • Ewecus snot attack damages things it hits, so you can't hide forever behind walls or other players.
  • Precipitation mode "None" actually does no rain now
  • Fixed bug where players sometimes do not get burnt when extinguishing fires with their hands

May 14, 2015

Rev. 136393


  • Glommer’s Flower is now unique and cannot be taken out of the world, similar to Chester’s Eye Bone
  • Added “ms_playerdisconnected” event on the server. The event data structure may be extended with disconnect reasons and other useful information in the future.
  • Modders can override JoinServerFilter(user_id) function to allow or deny a player from joining the server.

Bug Fixes

  • Lava Ponds sync properly to clients now
  • Eye Plants are able to catch small animals and birds again
  • Beardlings are now supported in inventory and containers when viewed by an insane player, and produce the appropriate loot when murdered or cooked
  • Beardlings will properly drop Beardling loot even when your followers deal the killing blow
  • Server tags are now properly supported on dedicated servers
  • Player ghosts can no longer be attacked by players with low sanity on PVP servers
  • Fixed a rare crash when returning to the main menu and then quickly exiting the game

May 11, 2015

Rev. 136033


  • Added OSX client support for Twitch Plays Together mod.
  • Increased Buzzard regen period from 20 seconds to 1440 seconds.
  • Increased Hound Mound’s regen period from 120 seconds to 180 seconds.
  • Lavae now leash to the Dragonfly, changing targets if they get too far away from their mother. If the Dragonfly dies or otherwise leaves, Lavae will despawn.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where Birchnut Tree Stumps can become unburnable
  • Scorch marks sync properly to clients now
  • Burn marks properly save their size and orientation
  • Burn marks properly fade out and remove themselves over time
  • Meteors no longer destroy irreplaceable items such as Chester’s Eye Bone
  • Fixed a crash when resetting the sim while holding a lighter, torch, or certain other items

May 7, 2015

Rev. 135751


  • Wildfires can only start during the day
  • All inventory items can be sent through Worm Holes
  • Items sent through Worm Holes will now be tossed out to the side so that they can be picked up with a mouse
  • Ice Flingomatic now operates even when it is off screen
  • AddComponent now does a case-insensitive comparison for existing components.

Bug Fixes

  • Wildfire world settings now work properly
  • Wildfire and frograin settings can be customised and persist post-worldgen
  • Fixed crash sometimes when a Clockwork Rook charges into objects
  • Fixed rare crash when harvesting crops
  • Frogs finish their hop animations
  • Pigmen (and others) no longer pop animations if you feed them while sleeping/frozen/etc.
  • Fix for empty mod icon strings breaking on OSX.
  • Fix for XFS file systems on Linux causing mods to not appear in the Mods screen.

May 6, 2015

Rev. 135563


  • Traps will no longer capture dead animals
  • Rain will now stop and prevent smoldering
  • Improved Ice Flingomatic Emergency Mode fire detection
  • Improved Ice Flingomatic launch speed so that it can reach targets at its max range

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when haunting a Campfire just as it is depleted
  • Fixed a crash sometimes when picking up a Bee Mine that has just been triggered
  • Fixed a crash in Houndius Shootius sometimes when seeking targets
  • Fixed a rare crash in Bearger spawner
  • Dragonfly can now recover from a failed attempt to reset
  • Hound mounds excluded from "No Giants Here" preset

May 5, 2015

Rev. 135380


  • Ice Flingomatic emergency mode now has a sound effect during its warning phase

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where extinguished Hound Fires reappear after reloading
  • Fixed crash caused by Baby Beefalo's animation

May 4, 2015

Rev. 135365

  • Sleeping in a tent will now properly dry players off
  • Mining Lanterns saved while turned on will resume properly when reloading
  • Fixed crash when haunting Burrows
  • Fixed crash when Willow’s Lighter runs out of fuel

Rev. 135325


  • Added new animations for Wickerbottom getting knocked out
  • Windows only: now using latest CURL version. (New supported protocols)
  • Reduced network data for item moisture
  • Deerclops is now more likely to aggro and attack nearby players

Bug Fixes

  • Health badge warning pulses are now consistent while players are below one third health
  • Eating food affects player body temperature properly now
  • Clients now properly display descriptions for wet objects
  • Fixed bug where Rabbits and Moles were sometimes spawning at incorrect intervals
  • Fixed bug where players could attack Moles while they are underground
  • Fixed bug where examining Moles sometimes displays the incorrect string
  • Fixed bug where Bearger could spawn again after players killed him if player has saved and reloaded

April 29, 2015

Rev. 135000


  • Players can now travel through wormholes as a ghost

Bug Fixes

  • Cooking will properly show up as a secondary action when a crock pot is open and filled
  • Fixed bug where Birchnutters could not be attacked by players
  • Fixed bug where ghosts would sometimes use their human speech strings for certain announcements
  • Bearger no longer sees players pick up his food if he’s asleep
  • Blueprints for mod items no longer crash the server when the mod is disabled. (They will show up as “Unknown Blueprint”, and cannot be learnt until the mod is re-enabled.)
  • Crock Pot recipes added by mods now have correct images.

April 27, 2015

Rev. 134801


  • Ghosts are slightly more visible in the dark now
  • Fireflies are easier to catch at night now
  • Heavier rain during summer means it won't rain for as long during summer.
  • Deerclops doesn't spawn until the second half of the first winter.

Bug Fixes

  • Users no longer have to restart a server twice to have new mods download and be enabled. Fixed for dedicated servers failing to enable mods via modoverrides.lua when they were newly downloaded from dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua.
  • Fix for temporary disabled mods being re-enabled after the server’s world is regenerated.
  • Buzzardspawners now spawn exactly the right amount of shadows
  • Buzzards will return to a piece of meat after abandoning it
  • Abigail no longer wanders off when Wendy dies
  • Being near a fire propagator will correctly unfreeze you quickly rather than keeping you frozen forever
  • Can no longer pick up burning items if you clicked them before they started burning.
  • Correct animation plays when Buzzards extinguish.
  • Moosegoose should now spawn correctly in spring.
  • Tweaked Bearger's combat slightly if user wakes it up while Bearger is hibernating.

April 24, 2015

Rev. 134666


  • Catcoon dens will regenerate over time
  • Pan Flute and Sleepytime Stories will put players to sleep on PVP servers only

Bug Fixes

  • Ewecus will only target players when using its snot attack since it has no effect on other creatures
  • Players will now properly unfreeze when electrocuted
  • Bearger now spawns correctly
  • Firestaff, sleep darts & fire darts will no longer force the target into the hit state.

April 23, 2015

Rev. 134482


  • Dragonfly now respawns much faster after despawning due to leashing. (Down from 16 minutes to 15 seconds)
  • Extinguish will now show up as a secondary command when you have a tool equipped

Bug Fixes

  • Twitch Plays button will now properly attempt to recover after a disconnection from your channel, without having to shut down and relaunch the entire game. (The Twitch action bar disappears when connection is lost for any reason. Previously, clicking the button again will show the bar again without reconnecting to your channel first.)
  • Fix a crash sometimes when a Catcoon is killed
  • Smoldering effects will no longer appear randomly after reloading a world (requires loading, saving, and reloading the world once more to fix this)
  • Dragonfly customization options now actually do something
  • Dragonfly no longer collides with obstacles
  • 'worldgenoverride.lua' triggers at the correct spot in the regen process, so now 'view world' correctly displays settings for dedicated servers

April 21, 2015 - Integration of Reign of Giants Beta

Rev. 134480

DST RoG Addition.png


  • Wigfrid is a playable character who is a stage actress. She went a bit too deep into method acting for her latest role, an ancient Valkyrie. She only eats meat and excels in battle.
  • Webber is a playable character who is a young boy. Specifically, he’s a young boy who lives inside of the spider who tried to eat him long ago. He’s a monster who has learned some tricks from his arachnid encasement.
  • Spring is a new season that brings heavy rains. With the rain comes more active flora and more aggressive fauna.
  • Summer is a new season that brings a blistering heat wave. Plants will shrivel and you will too if you don’t keep cool. Oh, and the season previously known as Summer will be henceforth known as Autumn.
  • Two new biomes: the Desert and the Deciduous Forest. Both are filled with new creatures, plants and gatherables. As with most things in Don’t Starve Together, they’ll help you survive. Or maybe kill you.
  • Giants for every season! Deerclops isn’t the only big bad lurking out there, now.
  • Rabbits and other small creatures that can go in your inventory need food too! You can feed them to keep them alive, but if you lock a rabbit in a box and leave it there for days, it’ll starve and turn into meat. And then rot. Yuck.
  • Food left on crockpots and on drying racks will start spoiling before you collect it. They would previously last forever until harvested.
  • If you don’t have any gear that protects you from the rain (there’s some new things for that!), the rain will make your character wet. If they get wet enough, they’ll start cooling down and losing sanity. Previously, the rain would directly make you lose sanity.
  • Structures with wood in them can burn. You can hammer down the burnt husk to get some resources back.
  • Fire propagation has been reworked. It’s still a menace, but it spreads more slowly, so you’ll have some chance to fight fires. There’s even water balloons to help with this!.
  • The Ice Flingomatic has an emergency mode instead of being turned completely off. If it detects a few things burning down in quick succession, it’ll activate and try to save what it can.
  • Giants are generally more present in the world, rather than jerks who come down from the proverbial hills to harass one unlucky player per season.
  • The color of a Thermal Stone is now based on its temperature relative to the ambient temperature of the world, rather than having fixed temperatures at which its visuals change.
  • It should also be a bit more effective at heating and cooling.

April 1, 2015

Rev. 132237


  • Lightning no longer interrupts the evening fade-to-black

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where dedicated servers that ran for long periods of time could become unjoinable
  • Fixed a rare crash transitioning from gameplay to front end
  • Fixed a rare crash when entering the settings screen

March 25, 2015

Rev. 131517


  • Improved consistency of auto-attack behaviour between keyboard/mouse and controllers
  • Updated groggy animations for players

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a problem finding files on certain Linux filesystems
  • Fixed a crash checking an invalid display when going into the settings screen
  • Fixed a rare crash transitioning from gameplay to front end
  • Fixed a crash when running out of memory during a physics update
  • Fixed a bug where clients sometimes attack air when prediction is disabled

March 20, 2015

Rev. 130891


  • Added "skip_workshop_update" to the [MISC] section of settings.ini, which when set to true will bypass the Steam Workshop update
  • When running out of memory write an error to the log and exit rather than crashing randomly. Windows builds will also display a message box before exiting.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash when getting disconnected from server while crafting a placeable item

Reign of Giants Beta (since March 17, 2015)

April 13, 2015

Rev. 133483

  • Fixed a bug preventing Thermal Stones from cooling inside and Ice Box
  • Updated Flingomatic animations
  • Reduced network data cost of world wetness during rain

April 10, 2015

Rev. 133344

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when some Berry Bushes are rejuvenated
  • Fixed a crash when hammering a burnt Tent
  • Fixed a crash sometimes when harvesting from a Drying Rack
  • Reduced network data cost of dryable meats

April 9, 2015

Rev. 133282

Bug Fixes

  • Lightning strikes no longer set players on fire
  • Flingomatic will now protect plants and crops from withering
  • Added a small light to the Flingomatic for better feedback on Emergency mode status
  • Fixed a bug preventing chester from morphing even when all conditions are met
  • Fixed a bug where multiple players could sleep in a tent at once
  • Fixed a bug where players did not wake up when a tent was hit
  • Fixed a bug with precision error for some mod items with custom walk speed multipliers
  • Reduced network data cost of burnable and witherable plants

April 6, 2015

Rev. 132802

Bug Fixes

  • Farmplots are now rotated correctly on clients
  • Farmplots extinguished by Flingomatic will no longer become unusuable
  • Fixed a bug where crops that were extinguished may become duplicated after reloading a world. (Harvesting a duplicated crop results in a crash, and starting a new world is recommended in this case.)
  • Fixed a bug with saving and loading files on certain non-Windows machines

April 2, 2015

Rev. 132481

Bug Fixes

  • Moisture indicator displays properly for hosts and clients now
  • Improved consistency of arrows displayed for clients on the sanity indicator
  • Increased Deerclops's attack cooldown
  • Added animations for Ice Flingomatic emergency mode
  • Player spawn light now provides a world temperature safe zone rather than a stackable heat source

March 31, 2015

Rev. 132233

Bug Fixes

  • Player spawn light will now provide heat in winter and cooling in summer
  • Reduced network data size for waterproof entities and entities with heat
  • Fixed an issue where dedicated servers may become unjoinable after running for long periods

March 30, 2015

Rev. 132089

Bug Fixes

  • Waterballoon animations fixed
  • Controller support for waterballoons and fixed.
  • Disabled all attacks for ghosts
  • Flingomatic wasn't extinguishing farms correctly.
  • Fixed Teenbird tuning values.
  • Lightning no longer interrupts the evening fade-to-black.
  • Spacebar no longer tries to pick withered grass.

March 27, 2015

Rev. 131925

Bug Fixes

  • Text input behaving erratically on server creation screen
  • Client crashing in race conditions when using an inventory item
  • Crash when removing a previously cooked meal from the crockpot
  • Crash on dedicated servers from beeboxes
  • Seeds instantly wither upon planting
  • Cleaned up behaviour around sleeping and burning tents.
  • Duplicate symbols appearing on world customisation screen.
  • "I can't do that" when fertilizing
  • Spacebar haunts farmplots instead of crops

March 25, 2015

Rev. 131581

Bug Fixes

  • Butterflies should no longer spawn in winter.
  • Telestaff lightning should only sometimes strike the player (as much as normal lightning, so 100% for WX)
  • Fixed "invalid key to next" crash.
  • Can now put ice cubes in the icebox
  • Added a widget to the main menu to let you know if your game requires updating.
  • Fixed crash when spawning Glommer
  • Fixed crash when loading a game with an in-progress crockpot
  • Fertilize action should display more consistently and accurately.
  • Planted seeds should no longer instantly wither (giving the Flingo a chance to protect them).
  • Deerclops spawning cleaned up, should only attack in winter and when there is snow on the ground.

March 23, 2015

Rev. 131309

Bug Fixes

  • Ice flingomatic now only protects plants if the global temperature is hot enough to make plants wither.
  • Fixed crash in playercontroller that would happen during combat.
  • Moles and Molehills are now hauntable
  • Fixed several crashes when taking food from Meat Racks or Crock Pots, as well as having more accurate spoilage on food that's been sitting there a while.
  • Fixed being unable to harvest visible jerky.
  • Fixed crash when a mole eats gunpowder.
  • Fix for when firestaffs are used to attack inanimate objects.

March 20, 2015

Rev. 131117

Bug Fixes

  • Rain sounds doubling up
  • Range of flingomatic not correctly represented
  • Invisible deciduous turf
  • Crockpot items rotting prematurely
  • Wigfrid's "reject food" animation is strange
  • Invisible catcoon houses
  • Crash when feeding birds in cages
  • Moles have finally poked their heads up!
  • Tumbleweeds crashing when they drop moles
  • Crash when examining repairable items
  • Rapidly procreating lureplants
  • Fertilizing with rot made bushes unusable
  • Crash in amulet spawn
  • Crash in deerclops combat
  • Crash when feeding butterflies
  • Crash when spiderdens change stages
  • Crash in deciduous tree schedule

March 19, 2015

Rev. 130927

Bug Fixes

  • Hopefully fixed the issue with grass and twigs becoming picked after rain storms.
  • Fixed the exceedingly strange behaviour of smallbirds.
  • Reduced the number of lureplants that spawn in the world.
  • Fixed a number of crashes (approaching coontails, hammering a burnt farm, the bee hat in rain, AND MORE)
  • Fires can now be extinguished by clients.
  • Glommer can now be attacked with Ctrl+F if you haven't yet picked the flower.
  • Correctly use the last used save slot on the server creation screen, instead of the first unused one.

March 18, 2015

Rev. 130707

Bug Fixes

  • Wickerbottom spoiled food penalty
  • Crash when picking up a burning backpack
  • Lighting things on fire with the fire staff
  • Starving butterflies and their feeding
  • Many many invisible entities, including Icebergs and Catcoons
  • Crash when deciduous trees try transforming
  • Crash when spawning krampus sack
  • Abrupt end of winter
  • Crash when the food in a crockpot spoils
  • Crash when certain items drop from tumbleweed
  • Crash when trying to sleep in bedroll
  • Crash when client gets struck by lightning on dedicated server
  • Crash when haunting birchnuts
  • Buzzards not fighting over meat
  • Glommer's flower not despawning
  • Withered objects refreshing themselves in autumn
  • Missing animation in tree_leaf
  • Crash when killed by a birchnutter
  • Lighter doesn't lose durability
  • Webber moves slow on web
  • Crash when using Furry Bedroll
  • Crash in basehassler on starting some dedicated servers
  • Flingomatics stop functioning if they reach zero fuel
  • Non-wilson characters have proper examines for skeletons
  • Farms crash when burnt and hammered
  • Catcoon tail crashes on clients

March 16, 2015

Rev. 1302444


  • Added temporary logging when leaving a game to try to track down a crash
  • Added logging to Steam startup to try to track down Mac Steam initialization issue

Bug Fixes

  • c_rollback() now properly reloads the world after rolling back the snapshot files
  • Fixed a rare crash when a Pig Torch runs out of fuel

March 12, 2015

Rev. 129926


  • Improved server snapshot system no longer has any additional performance impact over auto-saving
  • Fully supported snapshot rollbacks through the server admin screen, as well as in-game console command (c_rollback())
  • c_reset() debug command no longer has slot deleting functionality. Instead it takes an optional parameter for if we should save the slot before restarting the sim.
  • Added c_regenerateworld() debug command for generating a new world in the active slot. The current world will be deleted.
  • Added useful warning message for Dedicated Servers with misconfigured Steam ports

Prevent hdd sleep and system idle sleep while game or dedicated server are running (Windows and OSX)

  • Added "-skip_update_server_mods" and "-only_update_server_mods" command line parameters for dedicated server. This controls if we want to update the mods in dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua, and if we want to quit once the downloads are finished. This is meant to be used by hosts that are running several dedicated servers on a single machine.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed rare crash when exiting the game
  • Resuming an auto-saved game will now restore the session to prevent losing or duplicating items
  • Fixed rare server crash when a player who has timed out is simultaneously kicked
  • Fixed rare crash caused when activating a steam join link while connecting to a server
  • Fixed a crash that was a result of being disconnected while auto-downloading server mods
  • Fixed rare crash when unzipping mod data

March 6, 2015

Rev. 129286

  • Fixed a bug causing a player’s hit recovery to be too long while auto-attacking and too short while spamming attacks
  • Fixed a crash when shutting down via the console while a player was talking

March 5, 2015

Rev. 129194

  • Fixed bug where abandoned Abigail flowers did not always decay properly
  • Fixed bug where players could cancel out of some busy states by spamming controls

March 4, 2015

Rev. 129059


  • Added support for mouse wheel scrolling of lists on OSX and Linux

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with games not appearing in the LAN server browser
  • Fixed a crash when shutting down a dedicated server via remote console
  • Fixed a rare crash when shutting down a client hosted server via the console
  • Fixed issue where browsing servers caused a large amount of Steam API warning spam.

March 3, 2015

Rev. 128953


  • Dedicated servers now check to see if their mods are out of date, and announce it to the server when they are out of date.
  • Top mods is now displayed on the Mods screen.
  • Added MOD API call: SetModHUDFocus(focusid, hasfocus) for mod widgets to block player input the same way as other HUD widgets do
  • Updated icon art
  • Wendy changes:
    • Abigail flowers will automatically disappear after being abandoned for 3 days
    • Abigail flower can now be crafted
  • Players will have a better chance of finding basic resources when spawning into long running Wilderness servers
  • Modified threaded renderer, threaded physics and alternate gc experimental options so they can be set from settings.ini (use_threaded_physics and use_alternate_gc under [MISC] and use_threaded_renderer under [graphics]
  • Implemented Steam friends join on Dedicated Servers.
  • Added “-backup_logs” command line option. Saves up to 99 backup copies of log.txt and chat_log.txt. After you reach the limit you will need to clear the backup directory to continue to receive backups.
  • Steam backend for dedicated servers. Steam authentication port defaults to: 8766, Steam master server updater port: 27016.
  • Ports can be configured through command line by adding:
    • -steam_authentication_port 123456 -steam_master_server_port 123457
    • or through settings.ini, under the [network] heading
    • steam_authentication_port = 123456
    • steam_master_server_port = 123457

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where controller crafting could access all character specific recipes
  • Fixed some client crashes when using controllers
  • Dedicated server console input now accepts spaces
  • Krampus won’t hiss if world gen was set to not use Krampus
  • Fixed fullscreen switching and resolution changing with threaded renderer.
  • Fixed issue in lua command c_connect( ip, port, password ) preventing it from working when not logged in, or when an unexpected password was required.
  • Fixed search filter “character” to show all results.

February 26, 2015

Rev. 128375


  • Remove the oldest player skeleton only when the total count exceeds 100 (instead of automatically decaying after 10 days)
  • Disable a player’s indicator when they are in the dark or disguised as a bush
  • Disable controller prompts and action targeting on entities in the dark
  • Some minor Lua optimizations to mitigate performance spikes related to brains and entity queries
  • Improved logging of crashes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed shutdown crash when using threaded renderer
  • Fixed a crash when haunting blueprints
  • Fixed an issue where servers on which you had already played didn’t display your character in the server browser (OSX and Linux)
  • Fix for pond bushes failing to remove properly from the pond when being burned.
  • Fixed trying to add a component action from a mod to an existing component that already has an action component of another type.
  • Fixed a bug where entities could not be muted on a dedicated server

February 23, 2015

Rev. 127906


  • Sleep-inducing items now make players groggy before they get knocked out (and stay groggy for a bit after they wake up).
  • Added experimental alternate garbage collector to prevent running out of memory during worldgen. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-alternate_gc’.
  • Added experimental threaded physics. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-threaded_physics”.
  • Added multithreaded renderer. Disabled by default; and enabled with command line option ‘-threaded_render’.
  • Mods can now use AddModRPCHandler and SendModRPCToServer for client-to-server communication.
  • Mods can now use their own replicable components with AddReplicableComponent
  • Added support for Steam Controllers
  • Willow changes:
    - Willow’s fire damage reduction is now 50% (down from 100%)
    - Willow’s lighter now lasts for 20 clock segments (down from forever)
    - Willow’s lighter can now be crafted
    - Willow no longer lights fires when her sanity is low
    - Willow now takes 10% increased effects from sanity auras
  • Added “Account Info” page, which allows you to easily see your KU and generate server tokens. Found under, Play, Host Game / Account Info.
  • Characters can now be hidden from the player indicator by adding the tag "noplayerindicator".

Bug Fixes

  • Beefalo herds should manage their size better and no longer take over servers.
  • Fixed a bug where controllers could not use items in their inventory to repair or refuel
  • Fixed a bug where client ghosts disappear when force inspecting during movement
  • Fixed a bug where insane players were not able to attack shadow creatures
  • Fixed a bug where mouseover text sometimes becomes offset below the cursor
  • Fixed Lua assert when a treasure chest was placed in the world without any other chests present.

February 18, 2015

Rev. 127317


  • Player skeletons will now decay after 10 days
  • Added profiler improvements to better analyze server degradation
  • We now log more information to analyze startup crashes that some users experience
  • Steam “played with” now works on Dedicated Servers.
  • DualShock4 controller icons on all platforms. Xbox360 controller icons on OSX and Linux.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash in the mods screen when accepting “Clean All” with a controller
  • Inventory bar no longer processes controller input while hidden

February 16, 2015

Rev. 127060


  • Dedicated LAN servers can now use any port in the range of [10998,11018]
  • Player status screen can now be toggled on with controllers - right thumb click by default
  • Show “LAN” in server list title when showing LAN/local servers (or in offline mode).
  • Improved controller combat targeting with ranged weapons
  • Improved controller targeting for catching projectiles (e.g. Boomerang)
  • Added “-nooverlay” command line option, prevents websites from opening in the Steam overlay

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed controller bug with targeting invalid entities for actions
  • Fixed controller crash for clients with prediction disabled
  • Fixed for mod issue where certain content was missing.
  • Fixed controls screen help text bug.
  • Fixed duplicate binds for controller input on the mods screen.
  • Fixed bug where boomerang sometimes remains spinning in the air indefinitely

February 12, 2015 - Mac / Linux and Controller support

Rev. 126778


  • Official OSX support added
  • Official Linux support added
  • Added controller support. Note: menus and UI screens are still being worked on. Controllers will work on some menus but not others.
  • /kiss emote added, Happy Valentine's Day! <3 MarkL
  • Modified profiler for more accurate stats
  • Adding warning when mod component actions get into a bad state.
  • Adding basic SimPause functionality.
  • Added metrics for enabled mods.
  • Add mouse wheel scrolling for scroll lists. Known issue: some lists don’t recognize this input when the mouse is hovered over certain parts of the list.
  • Event Announcer made more moddable and queue full functionality changed to push out the oldest items first.
  • Add display of how many servers are shown out of the total servers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed assert related to FightStat_TrapSprung
  • Fixed read issue for adminlist.txt, blocklist.txt and server_token.txt on some machines
  • Fixed ice staff not working on enemies.
  • Bug fix for world gen override when no custom_options are present.

February 10, 2015

Rev. 126333

  • Fixed bug with client RPC encoding
  • Write log.txt to the correct folder when -conf_dir and -persistent_storage_root are used.
  • Dedicated Servers no longer load ping_cache.
  • Fixed intermittent hard crash when a user joins a server.

February 6, 2015

Rev. 126042


  • You can now join locally-hosted online dedicated servers through the LAN browser.
  • Added chat_log.txt for logging announcement and chat messages.
  • Added dedicated server world gen overrides. Settings are read out of worldgenoverride.lua in the Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether folder. An example of this is:
  • modoverride.lua files renamed/merged in to modoverrides.lua and moved to the configuration directory to allow multiple servers to run from the same installation with different mod setups.
  • Mods are now allowed to be specified by the Steam Workshop ID in modoverrides.lua and modsettings.lua.
  • Renamed servermods.lua to dedicated_server_mods_setup.lua.
  • Added “-console” command line argument for dedicated servers, allows users to input lua commands directly from the application window.
  • Added “-persistent_storage_root <AltPersistentStorageRoot>” command line argument for setting the root directory of persistent storage.
  • adminlist.txt and blocklist.txt now also functions in offline mode.
  • Enabled in game profiler to gain better insight in performance under load.
  • Early/Late season in server details threshold is now 5 days (was 3).
  • Set default tick rate to 15 on all platforms.
  • Added disconnect dialog for the case where a server is running a hidden mod and the user is unable to download it.

Bug Fixes

  • Player numbering on scoreboard now counts from 0 on dedicated servers.
  • World day on the scoreboard now updates while the screen is open.
  • Beefalo herds stop growing after a certain density has been reached.
  • Added < and > into the list of valid console characters.
  • Unnamed sounds can now be re-mapped via TheSim:RemapSoundEvent.
  • Fixed scroll lists from getting stuck on an empty page when the list shrinks to less than the viewable size.
  • Fixed server listing details deserialization bug.
  • Dedicated servers now disable all mods on boot so that previously enabled mods don't linger and stay enabled.
  • Fixed bug in adminlist.txt, blocklist.txt and server_token.txt where the last entry was not processed correctly.

January 28, 2015

Rev. 125063


  • Mod version now has whitespace trimmed from the start and end of the string to correct the version difficulties with the Steam Workshop.
  • User can now specify -conf_dir or -config_dir on the cmd line for dedicated servers.
  • Follow camera code cleanup.
  • Added fps counter - activated via backspace key

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for DirectoryListing crash when directory doesn't exist.
  • Fixed a bug where players could emote while sleeping.
  • Fix bug serializing addcolor and multcolor.

January 27, 2015

Rev. 124828


  • Make fire damage done via PvP scale the same as other PvP damage.
  • Reduce player’s burn time (and therefore damage from fire overall).
  • Mods downloaded for dedicated servers via servermods.lua are only downloaded when new versions are uploaded.
  • The mods screen no longer downloads mods if the local version is up to date.
  • Clean All button added to Mods screen. This button deletes all subscribed workshop mods and re-downloads them, it also disables all mods, deletes all of your mod configs and clears the temp mod download cache.
  • Mods can now access the mod config data of the local machine in addition to the temp config data they receive from the server they are playing on.
  • modoverride.lua is no longer deleted when updating to a new version of a mod.
  • Tallbirds and Tentacles may now switch targets depending on their latest attackers
  • Print version number to the log file on startup
  • Added additional dedicated server command line configuration options
    -players [1...64] sets the maximum players in a dedicated server
    -tick [15...60] sets the tickrate of the server
    -port [1024…65535] sets the port of the server
  • Added settings.ini for Dedicated Servers that pauses the game when no players are connected (defaults to false)
  • Fix various equipment items not being clickable on all parts of their visuals.
  • Boolean logic fixed in mod config data.
  • Second column mod config data saves correctly now.
  • No longer get erroneous freezing overlay while sleeping.
  • Characters will now wake up if they start starving while sleeping.
  • Fix crash on digging last grave in the dev graveyard setpiece.
  • Fix trees not correctly going to their burnt state when they go to sleep while on fire.
  • Disable firebug component (insanity fires) while Willow is sleeping.
  • Fixed a ‘black screen’ hang when joining a server during a Steam outage.
  • Dedicated servers no longer generate an unjoinable world when authentication fails
  • LAN mod listing screen no longer reports a version mismatch.

January 21, 2015

Rev. 124146


  • Players can now vote to kick others off of dedicated servers with no admin present. Votes require a minimum or three players, last for 5 minutes and must be unanimous - 1 to pass. If the vote passes the player is kicked from the server. Should the player return and get voted off again they will be temporarily banned for increasing intervals of 30 minutes (ex. second kick = 30 minute ban, 3rd kick = 60 minute ban, etc.). Bans are reset when a new world is generated.
  • Dedicated servers can now install mods and mod collections through a lua file in the mods directory named servermods.lua. Calls to ServerModSetup and ServerModCollectionSetup in this file, with the mod/collection id string as the parameter, will download and install the mods when a dedicated server boots.
  • TheNet:GenerateServerToken() now generates server_token.txt which is used for dedicated server authentication.
  • Display more information when failing to start a server or join a game

Bug Fixes

  • Fix crash when attacked by weaponless creatures (like Tentacle)
  • Fixed bug with player ghost action picker
  • Fix tree artwork for Totally Normal Tree and Spiky Tree
  • Fixed a bug where beemines could still be picked up right after they are triggered
  • Fix crash in vote kick when the player being voted leaves the server before the vote ends

January 20, 2015

Rev. 124021


  • Clients download the host’s mod configs now.
  • Client error messages are more clear now when they can’t join a server due to lacking the required mods.
  • Servers now get announce messages when their mods are out of date and stopping players from joining.
  • Dedicated servers can now enable mods and set mod configurations via a file in the mod’s folder named “modoverride.lua” (\mods\your_mod\modoverride.lua).
  • In Survival mode, if a world reset countdown is triggered due to a client losing connection, the countdown may now be cancelled if the client reconnects in time
  • Toggling the map screen no longer pauses audio
  • Display message when games are delisted due to a terms of service violation
  • Display UserID in the debug printout (backspace)
  • Override dedicated server save slot in settings.ini with:
    server_save_slot = #

Bug Fixes

  • Examining skeletons will now properly show the player killer’s name
  • Fixed a bug where players could still craft while frozen
  • Fixed a bug where Crock Pots can sometimes remain opened while cooking
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior when using sleeping bags with a full inventory
  • Fixed a crash when taking an item from a Meat Bulb (Lureplant) that you already have a stack of
  • Windows dedicated servers now share the CPU
  • Added unique messages for client and server initialization failures
  • No longer loads MainScreen on dedicated servers
  • Fixed crash when a player joins during world generation

January 16, 2015

Rev. 123591


  • Default behavior for giving items to other players is now the entire stack. Hold Control to give one at a time
  • You will no longer trade items directly into another player’s active cursor, and the trade will cancel rather than dropping on the ground if their inventory is full
  • Players can now right click to start cooking with a Crock Pot when it is closed and ready with ingredients
  • When Steam goes offline, users who have played recently will be able to continue to log in, join and create online worlds during the outage
  • Snapshots can now be enabled/disabled globally in the Settings screen. They can also be disabled per server in the Manage Server screen by setting the interval to OFF (0). If you had previously disabled snapshots through settings.ini this change will be preserved.
  • Added [network] secure_listings = true/false as a settings.ini option. This is useful in some rare situations where unsecured requests are being redirected by an ISP/3rd party.

Bug Fixes

  • Pressing [Enter] to chat no longer picks up the item under your mouse cursor
  • Fixed a bug where the camera may end up zooming indefinitely
  • Muted players’ chat will no longer show up over their heads
  • Non-player entities, such as the Meat Bulb (Lureplant), will now drop inventory on death as expected
  • Fixed a bug where Pig men were unable to find light sources at night
  • Fixed some threading related connection issues.
  • LAN servers ignore server_port override. This override broke LAN discoverability.
  • Fixed server side only mods from being left enabled when clients join a server without the mod.
  • Fix a rare crash when saving snapshots
  • Force LAN servers to use the default port, LAN servers on the non-default port can not be discovered through the server browser.

January 14, 2015

Rev. 123177

  • Fix reversed character description strings
  • Fix client and server seeing different game modes on the scoreboard
  • Fix beefalo heat set to none in world gen options not working correctly
  • Fixed forcibly disconnected users not being cleaned up properly
  • Fixed bug where sometimes fire effects are not cleaned up properly

January 13, 2015

Rev. 123045


  • New player colors for player names and portrait borders have been added
  • Shadow creature volume now scales according to visibility
  • Added “-conf_dir <AlternativeConfigurationDirectory>” command line argument

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a generic disconnect message would be shown instead of the detailed message explaining the reason.
  • Fixed an issue where joining Steam friends would fail from the main menu and Steam launcher
  • Fix willow's ghost starting insanity fires
  • Fix typos in bishop, rook and knight that could cause a crash in retargeting
  • Move "Remote:" to the left of the console input widget
  • Unlock DST characters even when going into offline mode
  • Fix typo in Willow's inspect for grass
  • Fix typo in WX's inspect for treeguards
  • Use strings table instead of hardcoded backup value for invalid name in chatqueue
  • Fix SetFocus crash in ScrollableList
  • Fixed long stall in Mods screen when Steam is in Offline mode.
  • Abigail now despawns properly when Wendy despawns in Wilderness mode
  • Fixed a bug where entities sometimes do not go home when they should
  • Fixed crashes when a player disconnects while sleeping
  • Fixed some cases where items can be lost when a player disconnects
  • Combining blowdart stacks on the ground no longer equips it

January 9, 2015

Rev. 122690


  • Dynamic music is now enabled
  • Added net_event network variable type (see netvars.lua)
  • Added [network] settings.ini option to override dns settings
    e.g. override_dns =,

Bug Fixes

  • Learning a recipe will now trigger a sound only for the player using the blueprint
  • Fixed a rare crash when food spoils in your inventory
  • Fixed a rare crash when a Pig Torch is destroyed before it’s Guard Pig is killed
  • Fixed a bug where users would sometimes fail to authenticate when joining friends games through Steam.
  • Fixed several situations where games would be unjoinable due to network timing issues

January 7, 2015

Rev. 122454


  • Server listings now show if you have an existing character on that server
  • You can now filter server listings by servers you already have a character on
  • Server listing details now show what season and what day the world is on.
  • Server listing details now have a button to view the world generation settings used for that world.

Bug Fixes

  • Players joining a server where all players are dead now have a correct message on the world reset timer.
  • Fix pressing ESC on world gen customization screen erroneously prompting you to discard changes when in view mode.
  • Fix preset string never having "(Custom)" suffix when in view mode of world gen customization screen.
  • Fixed broken custom mod left click actions.
  • Shadow hands will appear properly for clients now.
  • Fixed a memory leak in sound emitters.
  • Fixed a bug where sounds are sometimes dropped on clients for newly spawned entities (e.g. spiders coming out to investigate).
  • Restored Chester’s ability to morph.
  • Fix crash that could happen when changing world gen options in a preset.