Bản mẫu:SanityMult

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This template is used to display sanity aura for specific character (Normal, Webber, Wendy, Wortox, Walani, Wolfgang, Willow)
Use the following code as reference when using this template. Note that one does not need all of these parameters in order to use this template.
  • All sanity aura are per minute.
  • Webber is only present when Webber is given.
  • WendyDST overwrites Wendy value if dlc=DST, otherwise it adds another line for Wendy in DST.
  • Walani is hidden if dlc is DST. Wortox and Willow are hidden if dlc is Hamlet or SW.
  • {{SanityMult|+100}} gives
(+90/phút Walani Portrait.png)
(+110/phút Willow DST-Sanity.png)

  • {{SanityMult|-100}} gives
(-50/phút Wortox Portrait.png)
(-75/phút Wendy Portrait.png)
(-90/phút Walani Portrait.png)
(-110/phút Wolfgang Portrait.pngWillow DST-Sanity.png)

  • {{SanityMult|-100|Webber=0|WendyDST=0|note=(when fighting)}} gives
-100/phút (when fighting)
(0/phút Webber Portrait.png)
(-50/phút Wortox Portrait.png)
(-75/phút Wendy Portrait.png)
(0/phút Wendy Portrait.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png)
(-90/phút Walani Portrait.png)
(-110/phút Wolfgang Portrait.pngWillow DST-Sanity.png)

  • {{SanityMult|-100|WendyDST=0|dlc=DST}} gives
(-50/phút Wortox Portrait.png)
(0/phút Wendy Portrait.png)
(-110/phút Wolfgang Portrait.pngWillow DST-Sanity.png)