Board Thread:News and Announcements/@comment-26411013-20190203210751/@comment-24539665-20190214222523

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Deiaa2002 wrote:
Bakuraswrath wrote:
Does anybody know if there are any vids explaining how to use the personal CSS or JS thing so I can turn it back to normal?
I couldn't find decent videos so far, so sorry about that. You have to follow the steps included in the linked help page. Just an important thing to note, there are some things that are impossible to change in a way visible just for you as far as I am aware. These include the header and footer colour, link colours, and the main body colour. Those can only be changed in the site-wide theme designer.

Are you sure you want to put up with these not being changeable? It is impossible to change them outside the theme designer as far as I know, but I'm looking for a way to allow this. If I find one, I'll be sure to let you know.

If you wish, you may move this topic to either your or my message wall to make it easier to find and keep track of the messages. I'll do my best to help you establish a personalized view of the wiki and revert the theme.


- Deiaa (Wall)

Ah ok, it's cool. Thank you very much anyway! ^^