Talk:Guides/Character guide - Wolfgang, The Strongman/@comment-

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Wow thanks for all the good info. Just to quickly reply to your feedback:

1. Yeah, I see your argument about killings mobs quicker and thus not being affected by sanity drain as much. I tend to favor combat/light equipment rather than sanity ones like shanter which is why I didn't really consider that, but I'll give it a shot and let you know how it goes. 

2. Since I like to hunt Koalafents, Tallbirds etc. that give meat, it's actually easier to fill the dry racks with meat rather than morsels. Also, I didn't bother creating a bee farm for taffies, since it didn't seem to fit Wolfgang's style (more for Wendy, Wickerbottom in my opinion). But I do see your point and will incorporate your suggestions appropriately. Feel free to add things yourself!

3. Marble Suit? I do agree that a fully fed Wolfgang is a good tank but I prefer not to get hit if I can help it, which is why it was never an option. Especially in ruins and caves where mobs can all of a sudden gang up on you, you have to kite otherwise you'll just get stun-locked and die. I will give it a try and let you know how it goes.

4. Yes, I'll fix up the damage multiplier problem soon.

5. Awesome point about healing in wimpy mode. I guess it does have its uses after all, huh?

Still a lot of work to be done here so please check up on it periodically, and more feedback would be awesome. Thanks mate.